- 李挥,杨昕;《Co-governed Sovereignty Network: Legal Basis and Its Prototype & Applications with MIN Architecture》,Springer Publisher,2021-07
- 李挥,杨盺,綦九华;《主权网法理依据与架构体系及原型系统导论》,清华大学出版社, 2020-08-01
- 李挥,王菡;《区块链共识算法原理及应用》,科学出版社,2020-01-01
- 沈昌祥,张鹏,李挥,刘敦伟,赵林欣,刘京;《信息系统安全等级化保护原理与实践》,人民邮电出版社, 2017-05-01
- 李挥,候韩旭;《分布式存储编码与系统》,科学出版社,2016-08-01
- 李挥,陈曦;《SystemC电子系统级设计》,科学出版社,2010-01-01
- 安辉耀,王新安,李挥;《移动自主网中的先进路由算法与路由协议》,科学出版社,2009-10-01
- 倪继利,陈曦,李挥;《CPU源代码分析与芯片设计及Linux移植》,电子工业出版社,2007-04-01
- Hui Li, Kai Pan, and Shuo-Yen Robert Li Chapter 4 《Toward a Loss-Free Packet Transmission via Network Coding》in book <<Network Coding at Different Layers In Wireless Networks>>, Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016
- 李挥,林良敏,黄佳庆,“融合网络编码理论的组播交换结构”,《网络编码理论与技术》,国防工业出版社2009年8月, pp36-59
- 黄佳庆,李挥,“网络编码理论研究进展”,《网络编码理论与技术》,国防工业出版社2009年8月,pp10-35
- -Y. R. Li,Hui Li, "Layout complexity of bit-permuting exchange in multi-stage interconnection networks,” "Switching Networks: Recent Advances" Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, pp.259-276, 2001.
- Hanxu Hou, Yunghsiang S. Han, Patrick P. C. Lee, Yuchong Hu, Hui Li:”A New Design of Binary MDS Array Codes with Asymptotically Weak-Optimal Repair”, IEEE TIT accept;
- Hui LI, Jiangxing WU, Xin YANG, HAN WANG, KE XU, YUNYONG ZHANG,SHISHENG CHEN, FUSHENG ZHU, YIQIN LU, AND WAI HO MOW, “MIN: Co-Governing Multi-Identifier Network Architecture and Its Prototype on Operator’s Network”, IEEE Access,2020,023.
- 杨盺,李挥,伊鹏,邬江兴;“融合广义随机Petri网的二维拟态安全评估模型”,中国科学:信息科学,2020,录用.
- Wenjun LI,Tong YANG, ,Hui LI; ‘Tuple Space Assisted Packet Classification with High Performances on Both Search and Update’, 2020,Mar,02 Accepted by the fifth issue of the IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications – Special Issue on Network Softwarization & Enablers.
- Kejiao Li, Hui Li, Jiangxing Wu, Huiyao An, Han Wang, Ping Lu, Peng Yi, Fusheng Zhu;“PoV: An Efficient Voting-Based Consensus Algorithm for Consortium Blockchains”,Frontiers in Blockchain, section Blockchain Technologies. Accept 2019.076.
- Bing Zhu, Kenneth W. Shum, Hui Li, “Fractional Repetition Codes With Optimal Reconstruction Degree”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory;IEEE T.on Information Theory, Vol.66, Isuue2,page983-994, Feb.2020;7.
- Kejiao Li, Hui Li*, Han Wang, Huiyao An, Ping Lu, Peng Yi and Fusheng Zhu; “PoV: An Efficient Voting-Based Consensus Algorithm for Consortium Blockchains”, Frontiers in Blockchain-Blockchain Technologies;2020.03.18.8.
- Sai Lv, Hui Li, Han Wang, and Xiangui Wang;” CoT: A Secure Consensus of Trust with Delegation Mechanism in Blockchains”, p104-120;BlockChain Technology and App. Communications in Computer and Information Science Vol1176, Springer.
- 李挥,邬江兴,伊鹏,陈世胜,梁伟,魏进武,李卫,朱伏生,田开颜,朱江,陆以勤,徐恪,宋佳兴,刘怡俊,董永吉,韩永祥,侯韩旭,马军锋,徐睿,阙建明,杨伟豪,缪伟豪,郑泽峰,刘吉,孙涛,李更新.多边共管的多模态网络标识域名生成管理解析原型系统[J].中国科学:信息科学,2019,10(1360) 1186-1204.
- Wenjun Li, Tong Yang, Yeim-Kuan Chang, Tao Li and Hui Li, “TabTree: A TSS-assisted Bit-selecting Tree Scheme for Packet Classification with Balanced Rule Mapping” In ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems (ANCS), 2019. (CCF C, Oral).
- Jiuhua Qi, Wenjun Li, Tong Yang, Dagang Li and Hui Li, “Cuckoo Counter: A Novel Framework for Accurate Per-Flow Frequency Estimation in Network Measurement,” In ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems (ANCS), 2019. (CCF C, Oral).
- Wenjun Li, Xinwei Liu, Wenxia Le, Hui Li and Huayu Zhang, “A Practical Range Encoding Scheme for TCAMs,” In ACM annual conference of the Special Interest Group on Data Communication (SIGCOMM), Posters and Demos, 2019. (CCF A, Poster).
- Hui Li, Ting Huang, Tong Yang, Wenjun Liand Gong Zhang, “A fast flow table engine for Open vSwitch with high performance on both lookups and updates,” In ACM annual conference of the Special Interest Group on Data Communication (SIGCOMM), Posters and Demos, 2019. (CCF A, Poster).
- Wenjun Li, Dagang Li, Xinwei Liu, Ting Huang, Xianfeng Li, Wenxia Le and Hui Li, “A Power-saving Pre-classifier for TCAM-based IP Lookup,” In Elsevier Computer Networks (ComNet), 2019. (CCF B, JCR Q1).
- Li Hui. Editorial: Special Topic onDomain Name and Identifier of Internet : Architecture & Systems[J]. ZTE Communications, 2020, 18(1): 5-6.
- XING Kaixuan, LI Hui, YIN Feng, MA Huajun, HOU Hanxu, XU Huanle, HAN Yunghsiang S., LIU Ji, SUN Tao. Prototype of Multi-Identifier SystemBased on Voting Consensus[J]. ZTE Communications, 2020, 18(1): 7-17.
- Wenjun Li, Dagang Li, Yongjie Bai, Wenxia Le and Hui Li, “Memory-efficient Recursive Scheme for Multi-field Packet Classification,” In IET Communications, 2019. (CCF C, JCR Q3).
- Chonghui Ning, Wenjun Li, Xinwei Liu, Ting Huang, Wenxia Le and Hui Li, “EcoCAM: A Power-saving and Memory Efficient Packet Classification Scheme in TCAMs,” in Workshop on ERDN, IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), 2018. (CCF A, Workshop).
- Hui LI, Ting Huang, WJ LI, Tong Yang, GongZhang; “A fast flowtable engine for Open vSwitch with high performance on both lookups and updates”, SIGCOMM, Aug. 2019,Beijing.
- Fang T, Lu W, Cui K, et al. Distribution, bioaccumulation and trophic transfer of trace metals in the food web of Chaohu Lake, Anhui, China[J]. Chemosphere, 2019, 218: 1122-1130.
- Li H, Wu J, Xing K, et al. The Prototype of Decentralized Multilateral Co-Governing Post-IP Internet Architecture and Its Testing on Operator Networks[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.06901, 2019.
- Hu J, Huang T, Li H. Fast and Scalable Name Prefix Lookup with Hash Table[C]//Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2019 Conference Posters and Demos. 2019: 131-133.
- LI H, WU J, XING K, et al. Prototype and testing report of a multi-identifier system for reconfigurable network architecture under co-governing[J]. SCIENTIA SINICA Informationis, 2019, 49(9): 1186-1204.
- Fang, T., Yang, K., Lu, W. et al.An overview of heavy metal pollution in Chaohu Lake, China: enrichment, distribution, speciation, and associated risk under natural and anthropogenic changes. Environ Sci Pollut Res 26, 29585–29596 (2019).
- NI Dong, LI Hui, JI Yuefeng, LI Hongbiao, ZHU Yinan. A Service-Based Intelligent Time-Domain and Spectral-Domain Flow Aggregation in IP-over-EON Based on SDON[J]. ZTE Communications, 2019, 17(3): 56-62.
- Lv, Sai, Hui Li, Jiangxing Wu, He Bai, Xi Chen, Yufei Shen, Jun Zheng, Rui Ding, Huajun Ma, and Wenjun Li. “Routing Strategy of Integrated Satellite-Terrestrial Network Based on Hyperbolic Geometry.” IEEE Access8 (2020): 113003-113010.
- WANG Yunmin, LI Hui, XING Kaixuan, HOU Hanxu, HAN Yunghsiang S., LIU Ji, SUN Tao. Identifier Management of IndustrialInternet Based on Multi-Identifier Network Architecture[J]. ZTE Communications, 2020, 18(1): 36-43.
- Wenjun Li, Xianfeng Li, Hui Li and Gaogang Xie, “CutSplit: A Decision-Tree Combining Cutting and Splitting for Scalable Packet Classification,” IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), 2018,May, Honolulu,USA.
- Jiawei Hu, Hui Li, A Composite Structure for Fast Name Prefix Lookup,Frontiers in ICT,Specialty Section:Big Data Networks.
- Bing Zhu, Kenneth W. Shum, Hui Li, and Weiping Wang, “On the Optimal Reconstruction Degree of Fractional Repetition Codes,” IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Paris, France, Jul. 2019.31.
- Xianfeng Li, Jie Chen, Fan Deng, Hui Li,Profit-driven Adaptive Moving Targets Search with UAV Swarms;https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sensors,2019.3.31 JCR Q232.
- Bing Zhu, Kenneth W. Shum, and Hui Li, “On the Duality and File Size Hierarchy of Fractional Repetition Codes,” Accepted for publication in The Computer Journal, Aug. 2018. (SCI, CCF 推荐 B 类学术期刊)
- HanHou,Yunghsiang S. Han, Kenneth W. Shum , and Hui Li,“A Unified Form of EVENODD and RDP Codes and Their Efficient Decoding”,IEEE Trans.on Communications, 2018.Nov.
- Chonghui Ning, Wenjun Li, Xinwei Liu, Ting Huang, Wenxia Le and Hui Li, “EcoCAM: A Power-saving and Memory Efficient Packet Classification Scheme in TCAMs”, ERDN Workshop in 39th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2018), Nashville, Tennessee, USA, December 11-14, 2018.
- Jiansen Huang, Hui Li, Jiyang Zhang “Blockchain Based Log System” IEEE Conference on Distributed Storage Systems and Coding for Big Data, 2018.Dec36. 李挥,侯韩旭,朱兵,“阵列码:存储计算两相宜”,IEEE Spectrume 中文版 《科技纵缆》Vol.1, Issue5, p72-73,2019.1.(国际顶级电子科普期刊,邀稿)
- Beini Zhou, Hui Li and Li Xu; An Authentication Scheme Using Identity-based Encryption & Blockchain,2018 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC)
- Xin Yang,Hui Li,Han Wang,“NPM: An Anti-attacking Analysis Model of the MTD System Based on Martingale Theory”,IEEE symposium on Computers and Communications( ISCC 2018),June 25-28, Natal, Brazil (CCF C类)
- Hui Li, Yibo Cheng, Yinghui Li, Xiaochang Ma, Delong Li. “Health Assessment System Based on Big Data Analysis of Meridian Electrical Potential”. 2018 3rd International Conference on Biomedical Signal and Image Processing. Seoul, South Korea.
- Wenjun Li, Xianfeng Li and Hui Li, “MEET-IP: Memory and Energy Efficient TCAM-based IP Lookup,” In International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN), 2017.
- Huanyu Zhang,Hui Li, Y. Robert Li,Repair Tree: Fast Repair for Single Failure in Erasure-coded Distributed Storage Systems;IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, VOL. 28, NO. 6, pp 1728—1739, June 2017, (SCI,国际顶级通信期刊)
- Fuxing Chen, Hui Li, Xuesong Tan, Shuo-yen R. Li , “Multicast Switching Fabric Based on Network Coding and Algebraic Switching Theory”, IEEE Transactions on Communications, VOL. 64, NO. 7, JULY 2016, p2999-2011. (SCI,国际顶级通信期刊)
- Hanxu Hou ,Kenneth W. Shum,Minghua Chen,Huili,“BASIC Codes Low-Complexity Regenerating Codes for Distributed Storage Systems,IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 62, NO. 6, JUNE 2016, pp3053-3069 (SCI,国际顶级信息论期刊)
- Huanyu Zhang,Hui Li,Bing Zhu, Xin Yang, S.Y. Robert Li,Minimum Storage Regenerating Codes for Scalable Distributed Storage,IEEE ACCESS,issue1,vol.5, pp.7149-7155, May 2017 (SCI,二区)
- Bing Zhu, Hui Li, and S.-Y. Robert Li, “General Fractional Repetition Codes from Combinatorial Designs,” IEEE Access, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 26251-26256, Dec. 2017. (SCI: 0004188 81100016, IF: 3.244)
- Bing Zhu and Hui Li, “Exploring Node Repair Locality in Fractional Repetition Codes,” IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 20, no. 12, pp. 2350-2353, Dec. 2016. (SCI: 000391282800004, IF: 1.988)
- Bing Zhu and Hui Li, “Adaptive Fractional Repetition Codes for Dynamic Storage Systems,” IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 19, no. 12, pp. 2078-2081, Dec. 2015. (SCI: 000366613300 007, IF: 1.291)
- Bing Zhu, Hui Li, Kenneth W. Shum, and S.-Y. Robert Li, “HFR Code: A Flexible Replication Scheme for Cloud Storage Systems,” IET Communications, vol. 9, no. 17, pp. 2095-2100, Nov. 2015. (SCI: 000364974200005, IF: 0.624)
- Kejiao Li, Hui Li, Hanxu Hou, Kedan Li and Yongle Chen, “Proof of Vote: A High-performance Consensus Protocol Based on Vote Mechanism & Consortium Blockchain”, The 19th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC 2017), December 18-20, 2017.(CCF C类)
- Xiangui Wang, Kedan Li, Hui li,“ConsortiumDNS: A Distributed Domain Name Service Based on Consortium Chain. The 19th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC 2017), December 18-20, 2017.(CCF C类)
- Rui Xu, Hui Li, Huayu Zhang; “Reliable Content Delivery in Lossy Named Data Networks Based on Network Coding” 18th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP),2018.(regular paper, CCF C, 已接收).
- Zhang H, Li H, Shum K W, et al. Concurrent regenerating codes[J]. IET Communications, 2017, 11(3): 362-369. (SCI,IF=0.742, CCF C类期刊)
- Li Xu, Hui Li, Jiawei Hu, Huayu Zhang and Yunmin Wang, An Autonomous System based Security Mechanism For Network Coding Applications In CCN, Proc. MSPN’2017, June28, 2017, Paris, France;
- Taiji Chen, Hui Li, ”The Improved Multi-Attribute Caching: An Efficient Cache strategy in CCN,”ICCSN, 2017 , Vol. 2, pp.1007-1011 ;(已接收)
- Jinchen An, Hui Li, Taiji Chen,”A Service Path Construction Algorithm in Service-Oriented Network Based on Improved Ant Colony Optimization,” ICCSN, 2017 , Vol. 1, pp. 622-628;(已接收)
- Yongle Chen,Hui Li, Kejiao Li, “An improved P2P File System Scheme based on IPFS and Blockchain” , The 5th International Workshop on Distributed Storage Systems and Coding for Big Data.
- HaoPeng Li, Hui Li “A Scheduling Strategy Based On Multh-Queues of Cassandra” 5th International Workshop on Distributed Storage Systems and Coding for Big Data 2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData 2017, Dec, Boston. USA),2017:2664-2669.
- Li, H. Li, Z. Huang, B. Zhu, and J. Cai, “EStore: An Effective Optimized Data Placement Structure for Hive,” IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData 2016), 4th International Workshop on Distributed Storage Systems and Coding for Big Data, Washington D.C., USA, 5-8 Dec, 2016. pp. 2996-3001.
- Huang, H. Li, X. Li, W. He, “SS-Dedup: A High Throughput Stateful Data Routing Algorithm for Cluster Deduplicarion System”, IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData 2016), 4th International Workshop on Distributed Storage Systems and Coding for Big Data, Washington D.C., USA, 5-8 Dec, 2016. pp. 2991-2995.
- Bing Zhu, Xin Li, Hui Li, and Kenneth W. Shum, “Replicated Convolutional Codes: A Design Framework for Repair-Efficient Distributed Storage Codes,” 54th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton’16), Monticello, IL, USA, Sep. 2016. (EI: 20171203454136)
- Hanxu Hou ,Kenneth W. Shum,Hui Li; “On the MDS Condition of Blaum-Bruck-Vardy Codes with Large Number Parity Columns”, IEEE Communications Letters, vol.20, no.4, p644-647,april 2016; (SCI,国际顶级通信期刊) ;
- 李挥,侯韩旭,朱兵,“阵列码:存储计算两相宜”,IEEE Spectrume 中文版 《科技纵缆》Vol.1, Issue5, p72-73,2019.1;(国际顶级电子科普期刊,邀稿)
- 李挥,朱兵;“FRC 码:存储修复两相宜”, IEEE Spectrume 中文版 《科技纵缆》Vol.6, Issue4, 2018.4;(国际顶级电子科普期刊,邀稿)
- 李挥,候韩旭,祁小玉,“RGC码:流量容量两相宜”,IEEE Spectrume 中文版 《科技纵缆》Vol.5, Issue10, 2017.10;(国际顶级电子科普期刊,邀稿)
- 李挥,候韩旭,祁小玉, “RS码:繁简两相宜”,IEEE Spectrume 中文版 《科技纵缆》Vol.4, Issue5, P.64-65,2016.5;(国际顶级电子科普期刊,邀稿)
- Sun J, Li H, Xu L, et al. Content Consistency Strategy for data storage in Content-Centric Networking[C]// Computers and Communication. IEEE, 2016:69-73.
- Sun J, Li H, An J, et al. An efficient transmission scheme for data aggregation in wireless sensor networks[C]//Computers and Communication (ISCC). IEEE, 2016:64-68.
- Xu L, Li H, Sun J, et al. QoS Oriented Embedding for Network Virtualization[C]//Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, 14th Intl Conf on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, 2nd Intl Conf on Big Data Intelligence and Computing and Cyber Science and Technology Congress. IEEE, 2016:660-665.
- Xiaoyu Qi, Hui Li, Hanxu Hou. Thrive code: An MDS Coding Scheme with Better Performance [C]//ICCC, 2016 IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communications. IEEE, 2016:2762-2766.
- 朱兵,李挥,基于可分组设计的部分重复码研究,《通信学报》,2月
- Bing Zhu, Kenneth K. Shum, Hui Li ,Heterogeneity-Aware Codes with Uncoded Repair for Distributed Storage Systems,IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 19, No6,P901-904,June, (SCI,国际顶级通信期刊)
- Bing Zhu, Kenneth K. Shum, Hui Li and Hanxu Hou, “General Fractional Repetition Codes for Distributed Storage Systems,” IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 660-663, Apr. 2014. (SCI,国际顶级通信期刊)
- Fuxing Chen; Hui Li;Weiyang Liu;;Shuo-yen Li;“LB-MSNC: A Load- balanced Multicast Switching Fabric with Network Coding”,IEEE ICC 2015 8-12,June,Landon; (国际顶级通信会议)
- Pan, W. Liu, H. Li and S.-Y. R. Li, “Towards Minimizing the Within-Packet Redundancy in Wireless Network Coding,” Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2015.
- Hanxu Hou,Kenneth W. Shum, M.Chen and Hui Li,“ New MDS Array Code Correcting Multiple Disk Failures”, IEEE GlobeCom 2014, Dec.8-12. (国际顶级通信会议)
- Kenneth W. Shum,Hanxu Hou,M.Chen and Hui Li, Regenerating Codes over a Binary Cyclic Code, IEEE ISIT 2014, June.29-July 4. (国际顶级信息论会议)
- X. Chen, W.Y. Liu,Hui LI, DongCheng WU, “The Wire-speed Multicast Switch Fabric Based on Distributive Lattice”, IEICE Transactions on Communication.,(SCI).
- Y. Liu, H. Li, F. X. Chen and K. Pan.Optimization-based Atomic Capability Routing Model for Flexiatiosble Architecture of Reconfigurable Infrastructure. EAI Tridentcom 2014.
- Zhan, H. Li, L. Ma and S. J. Lv.Research of Switching Mechanism and Module for Wide Sense Circuit Based on Algebraic Theory of Routing. EAI Tridentcom 2014.
- X. Chen, W. Y. Liu, H. Li et al. Semi-Centralized Name Routing Mechanism for Reconfigurable Network. EAI Tridentcom 2014.
- Pan, H. Li, W. Y. Liu et al. Prologue: Unified Polymorphic Routing towards Flexible Architecture of Reconfigurable Infrastructure. EAI Tridentcom 2014.
- Wei Wang, Peng XU, Hui LI, A Secure Synchronized Reading System over Time-Critical Online Contests, IEEE ICC 2014; 10-14 June 2014, Sydney (国际顶级通信会议)
- Bing Zhu,Hui LI etc., Replication-based Distributed Storage Systems with Variable Repetition Degrees,National Conference on Communications 2014.
- Pan, H. Li, W. Liu, Z. Zhu and B. Zhu, “On the Optimal Routing for Reconfigurable Network Architecture,” in Proceedings of EAI International Conference on Communications and Networking in China ( Chinacom), Maoming, China, Aug. 14-16 2014.
- Pan, W. Liu and H. Li, “On the Knapsack-Based Resource Allocation for Reconfigurable Network Architecture,” in Proceedings of EAI International Conference on Communications and Networking in China ( Chinacom), Maoming, China, Aug. 14-16 2014.
- Tai Zhou, Hui Li, Bing Zhu, Yumeng Zhang, Hanxu Hou, and Jun Chen, “STORE: Data Recovery with Approximate Minimum Network Bandwidth and Disk I/O in Distributed Storage Systems”, the Second Workshop on Distributed Storage Systems and Coding for Big Data, IEEE BigData’14, Washington DC, USA, Oct. 27-30, 2014. (国际顶级大数据会议)
- 尘福兴, 李挥, 崔凯等. “基于布尔集线器的线速多播自路由交换结构.” 通信学报7 (2014): 129-139.
- Bing Zhu, Hui Li, Jun Chen, Hanxu Hou and Tai Zhou, “Research on Fractional Repetition Codes Based on Group Divisible Designs” (in Chinese), accepted for publication in Journal on Communications.
- Bing Zhu, Kenneth W. Shum, Hui Li and S.-Y. Robert Li, “On Low Repair Complexity Storage Codes via Group Divisible Designs,” IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC’14), Madeira, Portugal, Jun. 2014.
- Huayu Zhang, Hui Li, Bing Zhu and Jun Chen, “Fast Repair for Single Failure in Erasure coded Distributed Storage Systems” (Short paper), IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS’14), Nara, Japan, Oct. 2014.
- Weiyang Liu, Yandong Wen, Hui Li and Bing Zhu, “Dictionary Construction for Sparse Representation Classification: A Novel Cluster-based Approach,” 19th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC’14), Madeira, Portugal, Jun. 2014.
- Jun Chen, Hui Li, Hanxu Hou, Bing Zhu, Tai Zhou, Lijia Lu, and Yumeng Zhang, “A New Zigzag MDS Code with Optimal Encoding and Efficient Decoding,” the Second Workshop on Distributed Storage Systems and Coding for Big Data, IEEE BigData’14, Washington DC, USA, Oct. 2014.
- Bing Zhu, Hui Li, and Kenneth W. Shum, “Repair Efficient Storage Codes via Combinatorial Configurations,” IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData’14), Washington DC, USA, Oct. 2014.
- Hanxu Hou, Kenneth W. Shum and Hui Li, Construction of exact-BASIC codes for distributed storage systems at the MSR point, Workshop on distributed storage system and coding for BigData, IEEE Conf. on BigData, Silicon Valley, Oct, 2013.
- Xianxia Huang, Hui Li, Tai Zhou, Yumeng Zhang, Han Guo, Hanxu Hou, Huayu Zhang, Kai Lei and Kai Pan, Minimum Storage BASIC Codes: A System Perspective, Workshop on distributed storage system and coding for BigData, IEEE Conf. on BigData, Silicon Valley, Oct, 2013.
- 黄显霞,李挥,张宇蒙,侯韩旭,周泰,郭涵,“基于二元再生码的大数据存储系统研究”,第一届CCF大数据学术会议(CCF BigData 2013) ,Beijing, Dec, 2013.
- 侯韩旭,李挥,张华宇,朱兵,“应用于大数据存储的二元再生码的构造”,第一届CCF大数据学术会议(CCF BigData 2013) ,Beijing, Dec, 2013.
- 袁虎声,奉华,李挥,钟智斌,潘凯,“基于可重构网络体系的虚拟化校园网架构;《通信学报》,2013年10月.
- Hanxu HouYu, Kenneth W. Shum, Minghua Chen and Hui Li ,“BASIC Regenerating Code: Binary Addition and Shift for Exact Repair”,IEEE ISIT 2013;(国际顶级信息论会议)
- L. Tan, H. Li, Z. P. Zhu et al..LMTM: Multi-Tree Multicast With Inter-Layer Network Coding for Layered Multimedia Streaming.IEEE Chinacom 2013.
- Hanxu Hou, Hui Li, Kenneth W Shum, ‘General Self-repairing Codes for Distributed Storage Systems’, IEEE ICC 2013; (国际顶级通信会议)
- 李挥, 张明龙, 尘福兴, 侯韩旭, 潘凯, 王蔚, 袁虎声, 孙涛, “基于硬件逻辑的网络编码编解码算法,” 《通信学报》,2012年7月,pp1-8.
- S. Shen, X. F. Li, H. Li ;”A Hybrid TCAM + SRAM Scheme for Multi-match Packet Classification”, International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT){Spec. issue on The Journal of Supercomputing. }
- Sicong Song, huiLi, Kai Pan, Ji Liu, Shuo-Yen Robert Li; “Self-Adaptive TCP Protocol Combined with NetworkCoding Scheme”, ISCNC 2011, Barcelona, Oct.,23-29,2011
- Wei Wang, Li Yu,GuangxiZhu,HuiLi,“A Novel Framework of Online Network Coding forMulticast Switches with Constrained Buffers”,Journal of Electronics,
- Minglong Zhang,Hui Li, Fuxing Chen, Hanxu Hou, Huiyao An,“A GeneralCo/Decoderof Network Coding in HDL“,IEEE NetCod 2011,July,2011,Beijing;
- Minglong Zhang, Hui Li, Yining Li,-Y. R. Li, “Hardware prototyping of network coding in HDL”, Proc. of 6th International Conf. on Wireless Comm, Networking and Mobile Computing ( WiCOM2010), Chengdu, China, Sep.23-25,2010;
- Jiaqing Huang, Liang Wang,Tiyuan zhang, Hui LI’“Constructing Network coding in Cyclic networks with best linear independence”; 2009 4th Inter. Conf. on Computer Science and Convergence Information Technology.
- 李挥,林良敏,黄佳庆,王蔚,安辉耀,伊鹏,汪斌强, “具有最小缓存复杂度的负载均衡交换方法”《电子学报》37,No.11,2009年11月, pp2367-2372;(EI:20095312588391);
- 李挥,王秉睿,黄佳庆,安辉耀,雷凯,伊鹏,汪斌强“负载均衡自路由交换结构”,《通信学报》30 No..5, 2009年5月 pp.9-15;(EI 20092712164275);
- 张震; 张进; 汪斌强; 李挥;“基于流量负载自适应的时间分层分组抽样”,《系统仿真学报》. Vol.21,No.23,2009.12,p7421-7427;(EI)
- 伊鹏,汪斌强,陈庶樵,李挥,“一种交错编码的多重门限调度算法”,《软件学报》,20, No.8, 2009年8月, pp.2289-2297(EI20093912342560)
- Liang-Min Lin,Hui Li,Jia-Qing Huang,Hui-Yao AN,Peng Yi, Bin-Qiang Wang, “A Load Balancing Scheme for Two-Stage Switches with Minimum Buffers for Scalability”, IEEE ChinaCOM 2009;(EI20095112557581);
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- 扈红超、陈庶樵、郭云飞、李挥,一种支持单组播的MCICQ交换结构及其性能仿真. 系统仿真学报. Vol.21,No.13,2009.07,p4003-4008;(EI)
- Hui Wang, Xiao-Hui Lin, Kai-Yu Zhou, Nin Xie, and HuiLi;“On the Scalable Fairness and Efficient Active Queue Management of RED”, International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences, Feb.2009, Vol.2, No.1, p75-83(EI收录);
- 李挥,何伟,伊鹏,王秉睿,雷凯,安辉耀,汪斌强;“排序集线器多级互连交换结构的多路径自路由模型”, 《电子学报》36,No.1, 2008年1期,(EI收录);
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- Yingqian Zhang, Jiuqiu Feng and Hui Li , Application of Neural Network in the Prediction of China Stock Market, Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Intelligent Data Engineering and Learning: Perspectives on Financial Engineering and Data Ming, HongKong (IDEAL’98)} p.179–185 Springer, editor: {Xu, L. and Chang, Louis W. and King, I. and Fu, W. C.}, Verlag New York, ISBN:9814021237.
- Hui Li, Wei HE, Shuo-yen Robert Li, “A Load-Balancing Structure for Packet Switches and Its Constructing Method”,授权号:8902887B2 授权日期:12.02; 申请日:2010.04.23(一种基于二进制最小存储再生码的编码、数据重构及修复方法);
- Hui Li,SiCong Song,“A self-adaptive network control transmission method and system based on TCP”,No. 13/514,641,申请日:2012.6.8,授权 2016.10.26(一种基于TCP协议的自适应网络控制传输方法和系统);
- Hui Li,Hanxu Hou,Bing Zhu,Method for encoding MSR (minimum-storage regenerating) codes and repairing storage nodes;(US) 13/978,315;6.21,授权日:2017.May 9,US9647698 B2 。
- Hui Li,Jun Lu,Wensheng Chen,Fuxing Chen ;MULTI-DOMAIN CENTRALIZED CONTENT-CENTRIC NETWORKING,App No. 15/442626,Date: 02/25/2017;
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- 一种能修复多个节点失效的MDS纠删码,国际申请号:PCT/CN2015/071114 国际申请日: 1.20,李挥,候韩旭,等;
- 一种基于网络的扁平路由的实现方法,国际申请号:PCT/CN2014/093962 国际申请日: 12.16,李挥,朱鸷璞,于超琪,潘凯;
- 一种基于内容的路由方法和系统,国际申请号:PCT/CN2014/093966 国际申请日: 12.16,李挥,尘福兴,陈文生;
- 一种适用于广义模型的死锁检测方法,国际申请号:PCT/CN2014/093968 国际申请日: 12.16,李挥,陶智,汪允敏;
- 部分复制码的构建方法、装置及其数据修复的方法,申请号:PCT/CN2014/078539 国际申请日:李挥,朱兵,侯韩旭,05.27;
- 一种用于分布式存储系统的数据缓存方法及装置,国际申请号 PCT/CN2014/078656 李挥,郭涵,国际申请日:05.28;
- 一种基于UDP协议的网络编码及传输方法,PCT/CN2013/087789, 李挥,谭学磊,秦立都,于超琪,潘凯,申请日期:11.25;
- 一种基于二进制最小带宽再生码的编码、数据重构及修复方法,PCT/CN2013/073180,李挥,侯韩旭,朱兵,申请日期:3.26;
- 一种基于二进制最小存储再生码的编码、数据重构及修复方法, PCT/CN2013/071872, 李挥,侯韩旭,朱兵,申请日期:3.26;
- 一种基于通用射影自修复码的构造、数据重构及修复方法, PCT/CN2013/070001, 李挥,朱兵,侯韩旭,陈畅民,周敬邦,范曦东,申请日期:4.1;
- 基本自路由单元及其半清器、排序单元、网络集线器和组播交换网络构建方法,PCT/CN2012/085793,李挥,尘福兴,朱鸷璞,崔凯,申请日期:12.4;
- 一种射影自修复码的编码、数据重构及修复方法,PCT/CN2012/083174,申请日:2012.10.19,李挥,侯韩旭,叶顺鸿,聂文;
- 多信源动态网络编码的方法及装置,PCT/CN2012/081820申请日:2012.9.24,李挥,侯韩旭,韩元波;
- 一种可精确再生的分布式存储码的构建方法及装置,PCT/CN2012/078100,申请日:7.12;
- “网络存储中抗拜占庭失效的数据重构、失效数据恢复方法及装置“,李挥,缪伟豪,黄显霞,申请号:PCT/CN2012/076694申请日:6.11;
- “基于同态的自修复码的编码、解码和数据修复方法及其存储系统”,李挥,黄显霞,PCT/CN2012/074837, 2012.04.27;
- “一种IP组播数据分层分发的方法,系统”,李挥,李亦宁,PCT/CN2012/071482, 2.22;
- “分布式存储数据的污染恢复方法及装置”,李挥 黄显霞 侯韩旭 PCT/CN2012/072007, 3.6;
- “一种存储数据的方法、装置及分布式网络存储系统”,李挥 黄显霞 侯韩旭 周泰 朱兵陈畅民 周敬邦,PCT/CN2012/071177, 2.15;
- 一种基于TCP协议的自适应网络控制传输方法和系统,PCT/CN2011/077329李挥,宋思聪,潘凯,李硕彦,樊旭东,李锐源;(07.19);
- 编码方法及设备,解码方法及设备,编解码系统,PCT/CN2011/073922; (潘凯,李挥,侯韩旭,安辉耀,周艳,王爽, 赵书江);
- 一种负载均衡分组交换结构及其构建方法,PCT/CN2009/074739;
- 支持视频质量分级的路由器构造方法,PCT/CN2009/074738;
- 最小缓存复杂度的负载均衡分组交换结构及其构建方法PCT/CN2009/074737。
- 李挥,侯韩旭,朱兵,一种最小带宽再生码的编码和存储节点修复方法,1,申请日期:2014.1.13;
- 李挥,侯韩旭,朱兵,一种最小存储再生码的编码和存储节点修复方法, 3,申请日期:2014.01.13;
- 李挥,缪伟豪,黄显霞, “网络存储中抗拜占庭失效的数据重构、失效数据恢复方法及装置“,申请号:8; 2014.01.13;
- 李挥,黄显霞,“基于同态的自修复码的编码、解码和数据修复方法及其存储系统”,X,2014.1.13;
- “一种存储数据的方法、装置及分布式网络存储系统”,李挥 黄显霞 侯韩旭 周泰 朱兵 陈畅民 周敬邦, 201210011386.7, 2012.1.13;
- 基于TCP协议的自适应网络传输控制方法和系统, 201110258254X(09.02),李挥,潘凯,樊旭东,张华宇,陈畅民,周敬邦;
- 多信源动态网络编码的方法及装置,201280075605.6(PCT/CN2012/081820)申请日:2015.3.4,李挥,侯韩旭,韩元波;
- 一种网络编码包头的压缩方法,2011102582376(09.02),潘凯,李挥,刘吉,安辉耀,李大刚;
- 一种基于TCP协议的自适应网络控制传输方法和系统,2(2011.06.22),李挥,宋思聪,潘凯,李硕彦,樊旭东,李锐源;
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