
李挥教授科研团队发明获2022年度日内瓦国际发明展银奖 The invention of Professor Li Hui’s research team won the Silver Award at the 2022 International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva


         Recently, at the 49th Geneva International Invention Exhibition in 2022, a large-scale high-performance blockchain technology project led and developed by the team of Professor Li Hui from Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School and Foshan Saisichan Technology Co., Ltd"A patent family solved the CAP trilemma of consensus technology for consortium blockchains" won the silver award.


         It is reported that this research project is a solution to the consortium chain CAP trilemma (meaning that a distributed system cannot satisfy consistency, availability and partition tolerance at the same time) with the Parallel Proof of Voting (PPoV) consensus algorithm as the core. Among them, 90% of the team members are graduate students. For the first time, the project proposes a multi-level tree structure, which consists of hundreds or thousands of sub-chains to form a unified alliance single chain, which can support the throughput of 100 million TPS and fully meet the retail application requirements of digital currency. The team is also committed to broadening the boundaries of the integration of PPoV and other leading technologies. At present, it has authorized 8 related US invention patents and 5 Chinese invention patents, covering future networks, network security, distributed storage and other fields.
         This award is an important attempt by Professor Li Hui's team to actively promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements and expand technology transfer channels.