National Engineering Laboratory for Video Technology – Shenzhen Division

Internet video coding (IVC)

IVC encoder

Source code and binary code of ivc encoder can be downloaded Attachments 1 .

You can use command “lencod –f encoder.cfg” to encode a YUV(4:2:0) file, where encoder.cfg is configuration file. Width, height and other coding parameters can be set in this configuration file.

IVC decoder (xivc)

Xivc is an open source IVC decoder. You can retrieve the source code through Git by using the command:

git clone https://code.csdn.net/ivc_group/xivc.git xivc.

You can use command “ldecod decoder.cfg” to decode an ivc stream, where decoder.cfg is configuration file. The first line in file decoder.cfg is the path and filename of the ivc stream, the second line is output decoded file, and the third line is the reconstructed file created by encoder.

Binary code of xivc can be downloaded  Attachments 2 .

Test streams can be downloaded Attachments 3 .