Home > 通知公告 > 恭喜黄秋月同学的论文在一区期刊npj Flexible Electronics上发表

近期,本课题组张敏老师和黄秋月同学分别以通讯作者和第一作者在柔性电子国际知名期刊npj Flexible Electronics(SCI一区,2022年IF=12.019)上发表了题为“Intrinsically flexible all-carbon-nanotube electronics enabled by a hybrid organic–inorganic gate dielectric”的研究成果。


该工作提出了一种聚酰亚胺和氧化铝混合介电材料,并实现了本征柔性透明全碳晶体管及电路模块。该介电材料通过由分子层沉积(MLD)和原子层沉积(ALD)组成的可扩展气相沉积技术(MLD/ALD)制备而成,可以在纳米尺度实现聚合物和氧化物的均匀混合生长,具有本征柔性和高介电常数等特性。基于此,该工作制备了高性能本征柔性全碳晶体管及反相器、环形振荡器、逻辑门等基础电路模块。晶体管以金属性碳纳米管(MCNTs)为栅和源漏电极,半导体性碳纳米管(SCNTs)为沟道,具有高达 3.62×104的开关比,低至0.17Vdec-1的亚阈摆幅,并且具有良好的电应力稳定性和热稳定性。该工作制备的反相器具有高柔性高增益的特点,可承受应变3.1%的弯曲程度,最高增益可达342.5,最低工作电压可达50mV,在目前已报道的CNT柔性反相器中都创造了新纪录。7级环形振荡器、与非门、或非门、异或门等电路模块的实现,表明晶体管具有电路级别的高良率和高均匀性。此外,该工作还展示了电路模块对小信号(如心电信号)高达100倍的放大能力,表明了该本征柔性透明全碳电路在物联网领域的应用前景,如实时健康监测和可穿戴式运动传感等。

The advancement of Internet of Things has stimulated huge demands on low-voltage flexible electronics. Carbon-nanotube (CNT)-based electronics are of great promise to this end for their intrinsic flexibility, high carrier mobility, and capability to synthesize as semiconducting or metallic to serve as the channels, electrodes, and interconnects of circuits. However, the gate dielectric often has to adopt brittle oxides, which can seriously limit the device flexibility. Herein, we show that a hybrid polyimide-Al2O3 material can serve as a good gate dielectric to realize truly intrinsic flexibility of transistors and circuits based on CNTs. With this hybrid dielectric, high-performance all-CNT transistors and integrated circuits of inverters, ring oscillators, and logic gates are demonstrated. Particularly, the inverters exhibit a remarkably high gain of 342.5 and can be used as an analog amplifier for millivolt small signals. Ultralow voltage (50 mV) operation is also feasible, which highlights the great promise for low-power applications.


Intrinsically flexible all-carbon-nanotube electronics enabled by a hybrid organic–inorganic gate dielectric | npj Flexible Electronics (nature.com)