Home > 通知公告 > 恭喜刘德行同学和刘子一同学的论文在一区顶级期刊Advanced Materials上发表

近期,本课题组张敏老师和刘德行同学、刘子一同学分别以通讯作者和共同第一作者在材料科学和工程技术领域顶级期刊 Advanced Materials (Nature-index期刊,影响因子29.4)上发表题为“Hydrogen-Bonding Integrated Low-Dimensional Flexible Electronics beyond the Limitations of Van Der Waals Contacts”的文章,从理论计算和表面工程上证明了非共价氢键相互作用降低了接触电阻,展示了一种可扩展的解决方案,用于实现vdW触点以外的高性能和低功耗柔性电子产品。


Van der Waals (vdW) integration enables clean contacts for low-dimensional electronic devices. The limitation remains, however, that an additional tunneling contact resistance occurs, owing to the inherent vdW gap between the metal and the semiconductor. Here we demonstrate from theoretical calculations that stronger non-covalent hydrogen-bonding interactions facilitate electron tunneling and significantly reduce the contact resistance, thus promising to break the limitations of the vdW contact. π-Plane hydrogen-bonding contacts in surface-engineered MXene/carbon nanotube metal/semiconductor heterojunctions are realized, and an anomalous temperature-dependent tunneling resistance is observed. Low-dimensional flexible thin-film transistors integrated by hydrogen-bonding contacts exhibit both excellent flexibility and carrier mobility orders of magnitude higher than their counterparts with vdW contacts. Our strategy demonstrates a scalable solution for realizing high-performance and low-power flexible electronics beyond vdW contacts.


Hydrogen‐Bonding Integrated Low‐Dimensional Flexible Electronics beyond the Limitations of Van Der Waals Contacts – Liu – Advanced Materials – Wiley Online Library


