Home > 通知公告 > 恭喜朱家豪同学的论文在一区期刊Advanced Functional Materials上发表

近期,本课题组张敏老师和朱家豪同学分别以通讯作者和第一作者在材料领域国际知名期刊Advanced Functional Materials(SCI一区,2022年IF=19.924)上发表了题为“Flexible Low-Voltage MXene Floating-Gate Synaptic Transistor for Neuromorphic Computing and Cognitive Learning”的研究成果。


Neuromorphic computing, inspired by the functionality of biological neural networks, has emerged as a promising paradigm for artificial intelligence applications, especially in the field of flexible electronics. Among the various artificial synaptic devices, floating-gate synaptic transistors exhibit long-term synaptic plasticity, but they face the challenge of achieving flexible compatibility. In this work, the first demonstration of a flexible MXene floating-gate synaptic transistor is reported, which uses multiple layers of MXene as floating gates and MXene nanosheets as charge state modulators. The device shows excellent mechanical flexibility and can operate at low voltages, which improves its suitability for wearable electronic devices. It can also emulate Pavlovian conditioned reflexes under external stress, suggesting its potential for cognitive learning. Moreover, the device is utilized for handwritten digit recognition by simulating a fully connected neural network, achieving a high recognition accuracy of 92.0%. This demonstrates its practical applicability in neuromorphic computing. Besides, this research achieves the patterning of MXene and its application in flexible floating-gate transistors. It provides a new solution for the integrated fabrication of flexible artificial synaptic devices.



Flexible Low‐Voltage MXene Floating‐Gate Synaptic Transistor for Neuromorphic Computing and Cognitive Learning – Zhu – Advanced Functional Materials – Wiley Online Library



