Lab of Computational Chemistry and Drug Design

Fang-Fang Qiao


Fang-Ffang (Blair) Qiao


Ph.D. Candidate (2014~)


E-mail: 1401213676@pku.edu.cn


TEL: 0755-26037293


Hometown: Luoyang City, P. R. China




2010-2014 B.S. in Northwest A&F University, P.R. China


2014-2015 Ph.D. in Chemistry, College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering (CCME),


Peking University (PKU), P.R. China


2015-now Ph.D. in Chemistry, Shenzhen Graduate School, Peking University (PKU), P.R. China


Supervisors: Prof. Wu Yundong & Dr. Li Dongyang


Research Interests: Molecular biology study of WD40 proteins


Hobbies: Jogging, Badminton, Singing