Home > Research Progress > Li group published article on Chemical Communications about a study of a proline-derived transannular N-cap for nucleation of short α-helical peptides

Li group published article on Chemical Communications about a study of a proline-derived transannular N-cap for nucleation of short α-helical peptides

Graphical abstract: A proline-derived transannular N-cap for nucleation of short α-helical peptides

We report herein a proline-derived transannular N-cap as a helix nucleating template in diverse bio-related peptide sequences via macrolactamization on resin. This approach takes advantage of synergistic stabilization effects of both N-capping properties of proline and substitution of a main chain hydrogen bond with a covalent bond.

This article was published in the “Chemical Communications” (Yuan Tian,‡ Dongyuan Wang,‡ Jingxu Li, Chuan Shi, Hui Zhao, Xiaogang Niu and Zigang Li*  A proline-derived transannular N-cap for  nucleation of short a-helical peptides) Chem. Commun., 2016, Advance Article DOI: 10.1039/C6CC04672J

Linking: http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlepdf/2016/cc/c6cc04672j