莱斯大学László Kürti教授到访我院
2018年7月11日,莱斯大学László Kürti教授应黄湧教授邀请到访我院,于E-104为我院师生带来了题为“Transition Metal-Free Heteroatom-transfer reactions”的主题讲座。
Professor László Kürti in Rice University come to visit our collage due to the invitation of Professor Yong Huang, in July 11th 2018.
首先,Kürti 教授介绍了有机化学研究领域的现状和一些个人看法,比如:对于有机反应中添加剂的使用,他认为要弄清楚每一种添加剂的作用,同时要秉承绿色化学的观念,即整个有机化学领域向环境友好型的过渡。随后,Kürti教授介绍了近年来他们课题组在Heteroatom-Transfer Reactions 领域的相关工作.
Firstly, Professor Kürti introduces their own work on the topic of "Transition Metal-Free Heteroatom-Transfer Reactions" and then he shares his view of the Organic Chemistry's future, which is less additive, environmental-friendly chemistry, in a word, a green chemistry.
After the lecture, Professor Kürti and students have lunch together, he shares his experience on research and encourages students to keep fighting on scientific research. For us, this means a lot.