

发布时间:2017-01-16 ,

What produces a waterproof super glue,acts like a vacuum cleaner,and even teaches scientists about gene repair?The humble little shellfish known as the mussel(贻贝)!

Mussels are found worldwide. Some live in the sea. Others inhabit freshwater streams and lakes. When you try to move a mussel from a rock,you will discover what an incredibly firm grip it has—a necessity if the mussel is to resist the sharp grab of a hungry seabird or the pounding waves of the sea. How does it manage to cling so tight?When it choose a place to set up home,it pokes its tongue-shaped foot out of its shell and presses it against a solid surface. Special glands give off a fluid mixture of proteins into a channel that runs the length of the foot. The liquid quickly hardens into a fine,elastic thread about an inch long. Then a tiny pad-like structure at the end of this thread gives off some natural glue-like substance,the mussel lifts its foot,and anchor line number one is complete. These strategically placed threads form a bundle,which ties the mussel to its new home in much the same way that ropes hold down a tent. The whole procedure takes only three or four minutes.

Imagine having a very strong glue that is non-toxic and so flexible that it can penetrate the tiniest holes and corners,sticking to any surface,even under water. Shipbuilders would welcome it for repairing vessels without the expense of dry-docking them. Auto-body workers would like a really waterproof paint that keeps the rust out. Surgeons would value a safe glue to join broken bones and to close wounds... The list of possible uses appears endless.

However,scientists are not thinking of using the mussels themselves to produce this super glue. It would take some 10000 shellfish to make just one gram of glue. So collection enough mussels to supply the world’s demand for super glue would wipe out the mussel population,many species of which are already endangered. Instead,American researchers have isolated and cloned the genes for five mussel glue proteins,and they are about to mass-produce them in the laboratory. However,the mussel is still one jump ahead. Only the mussel instinctively knows the exact blend of proteins needed for each kind of surface. Molecular biologist Frank Roberto has asked admiringly:“How are you ever going to imitate that?”

56. A mussel grips a hard surface very firmly to ( ).

A. seal itself from being damaged by sea water

B. produce the waterproof super glue

C. protect itself from being blown away by strong wind

D. protect itself from being the food of other animals

57. The waterproof super glue originates in ( ).

A. the mussel’s tongue-shaped foot

B. some glands in the mussel’s body

C. the thread given off by the mussel

D. the channel of the mussel’s foot

58. To tie itself safely to a new home,a mussel must (  ).

A. produce a thread to anchor to the hard surface

B. draw air and water from its pad-like structure

C. hold down a tent as human beings do

D. place many anchor lines strategically

59. Scientists are not thinking of using mussels to produce the super glue mainly because of (  ).

A. the possible mass-production of the super glue

B. their concern about the cost of collecting mussels

C. their concern about the extinction of the species

D. the world’s limited demand for the super glue

60. The main idea of this passage is that (  ).

A. mussels can be used to produce super glue

B. mussels are much smarter than we think

C. it is important to protect mussels

D. mussels have an amazing power useful to man










A. 保护自己不被海水伤害                 

B. 产生可以防水的胶水

C. 保护自身不被大风吹走                 

D. 保护自身不要成为其他动物的食物

线索:文章的第2段提到“a necessity if the mussel is to resist the sharp grab of a hungry seabird or the pounding waves of the sea.”表明D为正确答案。B选项不正确,因为生产超级胶水是贻贝抓住坚硬表面的手段而不是目的。





A. 贻贝舌型的触角                       

B. 贻贝身体里的一些腺体

C. 贻贝分泌出去的线体                   

D. 贻贝触角的通道

线索:文章的第2段提到“Special glands give off a fluid mixture of proteins into a channel that runs the length of the foot. The liquid quickly hardens into a fine,elastic thread about an inch long.”表明B为正确答案。C选项在文章中也提到了,但是题干说的是最初来自哪里,所以B 是正确答案。





A. 产生一个线体稳固在坚硬的表面

B. 从它的类似吸盘的结构中吸入空气和水

C. 像人类一样支个帐篷

D. 战略性地放置许多如锚的线体

线索:文章的第1段提到“These strategically placed threads form a bundle,which ties the mussel to its new home in much the same way that ropes hold down a tent.”表明D为正确答案。选项C在原文中提到了,但原文中仅仅是一个比喻的例证,不是贻贝固定新家的具体方法。


59. 【正确答案】C



A. 可能大规模生产超级胶水

B. 他们对于收集贻贝成本的担心

C. 他们对于这种物种灭绝的担心

D. 全世界对于超级胶水的有限的需求

线索:文章的第4段提到“It would take some 10,000 shellfish to make just one gram of glue. So collection enough mussels to supply the world’s demand for super glue would wipe out the mussel population,many species of which are already endangered.”表明C为正确答案。





A. 贻贝能够被用于制作超级胶水           

B. 贻贝是要比我们认为的更聪明

C. 保护贻贝是非常重要的                 

D. 贻贝对于人类有一个惊人的力量

