

发布时间:2017-01-19 ,标签:

1.Theman to whom we handed the forms pointed out that they had not been ________filled in.

A)properly B) regularly C) thoroughly D) consequently

2.Noneof the servants were ________ when Mr. Smith wanted to send a message.

A)allowable B) approachable C) available D) applicable

3.Mysister’s professor had her ________ her paper manytimes before allowing her to present it to the committee.

A)rewrite B) to rewrite C) rewritten D) rewriting

4.Aftera long and exhausting journey they arrived ________.

A)till the last B) by the end C) at the end of D) at last

1.原文译文:我们把表交给了这个人,他指出表格没有添完整。 解析:properly适当地, 完全地,regularly有规律地, 有规则地, 整齐地, 匀称地, thoroughly 十分地, 彻底地,consequently从而, 因此。所以正确答案应该选择C。
2.原文译文:史密斯先生想送信时没有一个仆人在身边。 解析:allowable允许的, 正当的, 可承认的,approachable可接近的, 平易近人的, 亲切的,available可用到的, 可利用的, applicable可适用的, 可应用的。所以正确答案应该选择C。
3.原文译文:我妹妹的老师让她把论文写了好几次才让她交给委员会。 解析:have/let/make sb do sth让某人做某事。所以正确答案应该选择A。

4.原文译文:长途跋涉之后,他们最后终于到了。 解析:till the last一直到底,by the end of到...为止,at the end of在...末端(到...尽头), at last终于.所以正确答案应该选择D。
