Shenzhen Engineering Laboratory for Eco-efficient Recycled Materials




办 公 室:北京大学深圳研究生院E栋321A室




2016.04-2019.03,日本国立岐阜大学 土木环境工程专业 工学博士

2016.04-2019.03,日本国立岐阜大学 流域水环境精英项目 (BWEL)(日本文部科学省)

2015.10-2016.03,日本国立岐阜大学 流域圈科学研究中心 博士预科

2012.09-2015.06,兰州交通大学 环境与市政工程学院 环境工程专业 硕士

2007.09-2011.06,新疆大学 化学化工学院 环境工程专业 学士



2022.11~至今,北京大学深圳研究生院 博士后

2020.11~至今,中国城市环境卫生协会 村镇垃圾治理专业委员会 秘书(兼)

2019.07~2022.07,同济大学环境科学与工程学院 博士后

2019.04~2019.07,日本国立岐阜大学流域圈科学研究中心 助理研究员


获 奖

2019年度 日本国立岐阜大学 优秀博士毕业生

2021年 同济大学教学成果奖 “垃圾分类知与行—新国策下的固体废物教学体系构建和创新实践”二等奖

2021年《环境卫生工程》期刊 优秀审稿人









1.Shao, M., Zhang, C., Cui, G., Bai, X., Wang, N., Chen, Q., and Xu, Q.*. Inhibition insights of hydrothermal liquid digestate in anaerobic digestion: impact on organics conversion and inhibitor degradation. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2023, 459: 132221.

2.Cui, G., Lü, F., Zhang, H., Shao, L., He, P*.Feasibility of housefly larvae-mediated vermicomposting for recycling food waste added digestate as additive. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2023. 128:150-160.

3.崔广宇,吕凡, 章骅, 邵立明, 何品晶*. 村镇垃圾治理典型案例及问题分析. 农业资源与环境学报. 392(2):337-345.

4.崔广宇,吕凡, 章骅, 邵立明, 何品晶*. 高校两网融合推进特点、工作路径及实施建议: 以上海市代表性高校为例. 高校后勤研究. 1:6-9.

5.曲青,张宁,胡甜,崔广宇*.餐厨垃圾机器成肥产物的农林业应用潜力及二次污染物的评价. 环境卫生工程. 30(2):31-36.

6.Cui,G. Lü, F., Hu, T., Zhang, H., Shao, L., He, P*. Vermicomposting leads to more abundant microplastics in the municipal excess sludge. Chemosphere, 2022. 307:136042

7.Cui, G.*, X. Fu, Bhat S., Tian, W., Lei, X., Wei, Y., Li, Temperature impacts fate of antibiotic resistance genes during vermicomposting of domestic excess activated sludge. Environmental Research. 2022. 207: 112654.

8.Cui, G.*,Bhat, S. A., Li, W., Ishiguro, Y., Wei, Y., & Li, F*. H2S, MeSH, and NH3 emissions from activated sludge: An insight towards sludge characteristics and microbial mechanisms. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2022. 166, 105331.

9.Cui, G., Lü, F., Zhang, H., Shao, L., He, P*. Critical insight into the fate of antibiotic resistance genes during biological treatment of typical biowastes. Bioresource Technology, 2020. 317: 123974.

10.Cui, G., Bhat S. A., Li, W., Wei, Y., Huang, K., Fu. X., Gui, H., Wei, C., Li, F.* Gut digestion of earthworms significantly attenuates cell-free and -associated antibiotic resistance genes in excess activated sludge by affecting bacterial profiles. Science of the Total Environment, 691, 644-653.

11.Cui, G., Li, F. *, Li, S., Bhat, S.A., Ishiguro, Y., Wei, Y., Yamada, T., Fu, X., Huang, K. Changes of quinolone resistance genes and their relations with microbial profiles during vermicomposting of municipal excess sludge. Science of the Total Environment, 2018. 644, 494-502.

12.石黒泰, 崔广宇, 藤澤智成, 安福克人, 奥村信哉, 玉川貴文, Joni Aldilla FAJRI, 李富生. 合併処理浄化槽における微粒子および細菌の変動と処理水槽内水中の残存有機物.土木学会論文集 G (環境), 2018. 74(7),III_415-III_422.



1.《固体废弃物处理与资源化技术实验教材》,高等教育出版社, (实验六 固体废物破碎和筛分,pp:35-39)

2.《重大疫情期间固体废物应急管理手册》,同济大学出版社,2 ISBN 978-7-5608-9462-1.(第四章 疫情期间固体废物管理案例,4.2代表性国家——日本,pp:109-114)

3.Cui, G., Bhat S. A., Li, W. Li, F. 2020. Vermicomposting: A sustainable approach for recycling of excess sludge. In Contaminants and Clean Technologies. CRC Press. Boca Raton. (Chapter)

4.HuangKui, Bhat, S. A., Cui, G. Fate of biological contaminants during recycling of organic wastes. Elsevier., Netherlands, 2 ISBN: 9780323959988. (Book)

5.Cui, G., Bhat S.A. 2022. Solidwaste management during the COVID-19 pandemi Elsevier, Netherlands. (Chapter)



1.崔广宇.中国の農村における下水処理の状況. 第8回環境教育実施NPO等市民団体活動報告会 ぎふ・水環境ネットワーク総会.2017年3月, 岐阜, 日本

2.崔广宇.垃圾分类. “第五届上海生态环境青年创新高峰论坛”第五分论坛 科研领军人、科普先行者. 2019年12月28日,上海,中国

3.Guangyu Cui.Occurrence and fate of microplastics during treatment of solid waste. 2021 Webinar Series on River Basin Environmental Issues, 26, 2021, online, Gifu University, Japan.

4.GuangyuCui. Equipment of intelligent bioconversion of perishable waste via housefly larvae and valorization technologies. 3RINCs2022 Decentralized MSW treatment, March 16, 2022, online, Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management.