Shenzhen Engineering Laboratory for Eco-efficient Recycled Materials

王宁,男,博士毕业于北京大学环境工程专业,现在北京大学从事博士后研究工作,主要致力于餐厨垃圾等易腐垃圾的资源化处置、机器学习预测好氧/厌氧发酵过程的研究,先后参与科技部重点研发项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目、深圳市自由探索项目等。在环境领域知名期刊《Journal of Hazardous Materials》、《Bioresource Technology》、《Science of the Total Environment》、《Environmental Research》等以第一作者身份发表8篇SCI论文,包括1篇高被引论文,参与发表论文近20篇,以第一发明人授权国家发明专利1项。研究成果被《Water Research》、《Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews》、《Chemical Engineering Journal》等60多种期刊引用逾百次。担任《Waste Management》、《Journal of Cleaner Production》、《Science of the Total Environment》、《环境卫生工程》等环境领域知名期刊的专业审稿人。






1.Wang, N., Huang, D., Shao, M., Sun, R., Xu, Q*. 2022. Use of activated carbon to reduce ammonia emissions and accelerate humification in composting digestate from food waste. Bioresource Technology. 347, 126701. (JCR Q1). (ESI Highly Cited Paper).

2.Wang, N., Yang, W., Wang, B., Bai, X., Wang, X., Xu, Q*. 2024. Predicting maturity and identifying key factors in organic waste composting using machine learning models. Bioresource Technology. 400, 130663. (JCR Q1).

3.Wang, N., Bai, X., Huang, D., Chen, Q., Shao, M., Xu, Q*. 2023. Impacts of digestate-based compost on soil property and nutrient availability. Environmental Research. 234, 116551. (JCR Q1).

4.Wang, N., Bai, X., Huang, D., Shao, M., Chen, Q., Xu, Q*. 2023. Insights into the influence of digestate-derived biochar upon the microbial community succession during the composting of digestate from food waste. Chemosphere. 316, 137786. (JCR Q1).

5.Wang, N., Huang, D., Bai, X., Lin, Y., Miao, Q., Shao, M., Xu, Q*. 2022. Mechanism of digestate-derived biochar on odorous gas emissions and humification in composting of digestate from food waste. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 434, 128878. (JCR Q1).

6.Wang, N., Chen, Q., Zhang, C., Dong, Z., Xu, Q*. 2022. Improvement in the physicochemical characteristics of biochar derived from solid digestate of food waste with different moisture contents. Science of the Total Environment. 819, 153100. (JCR Q1).

7.Wang, N., Huang, D., Zhang, C., Shao, M., Chen, Q., Liu, J., Deng, Z., Xu, Q*. 2021. Long-term characterization and resource potential evaluation of the digestate from food waste anaerobic digestion plants. Science of the Total Environment. 794, 148785. (JCR Q1).

8.Wang, N., Yuan, T., Ko, J.H., Shi, X., Xu, Q*. 2020. Enhanced syntrophic metabolism of propionate and butyrate via nickel-containing activated carbon during anaerobic digestion. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management. 22, 1529-1538. (JCR Q3).

9.Huang, D., Wang, N., Bai, X., Chen, Y., Xu, Q*. 2022. The influencing mechanism of O2, H2O, and CO2 on the H2S removal of food waste digestate-derived biochar with abundant minerals. Biochar. 4,71. (JCR Q1).

10.Ko, J.H., Wang, N., Yuan, T., Lü, F., He, P., Xu, Q*. 2018. Effect of nickel-containing activated carbon on food waste anaerobic digestion. Bioresource Technology. 266, 516-523. (JCR Q1).

11.Chen, Q., Wang, N., Huang, D., Yuan, T., Wu, H., Xu, Q*. 2021. Enhancement of methane production from anaerobic digestion using different manganese species. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery. 13, 9783–9793. (JCR Q2).

12.Huang, D., Liang, M., Wang, N., Xu, Q*. The efficiency and mechanism of humidity in alleviating CO2 inhibition on H2S adsorption to straw biochars. Environmental Research. 210, 113008. (JCR Q1).

13.Shao, M., Zhang, C., Wang, X., Wang, N., Chen, Q., Cui, G., Xu, Q*. 2023. Co-anaerobic digestion of food waste and hydrothermal treated liquid digestate: promotion of methane production by self-generated hydrochars. Environmental Science and Ecotechnology. 15, 100239. (JCR Q1).

14.Zhang, C., Shao, M., Wu, H., Wang, N., Chen, Q., Xu, Q*. 2021. Management and valorization of digestate from food waste via hydrothermal. Resources, Conservation & Recycling. 171, 105639. (JCR Q1).

15.Zhang, C., Shao, M., Wu, H., Wang, N., Wang, X., Wang, Q., Xu, Q*. 2021. Mechanism insights into hydrothermal dewatering of food waste digestate for products valorization. Science of the Total Environment. 804, 150145. (JCR Q1).

16.Dong, Z., Zhou, Y., Chen, Q., Zhang, C., Wang, N., and Xu, Q.*. Product distribution and conversion mechanism of fossil based biodegradable plastics during rapid pyrolysis. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2024, 491: 152099.

17.Chen, Q., Yue, Y., Zhang, C., Dong, Z., Wang, N., Yuan, T., Xu, Q*., 2024. Iron powder in-situ catalytic pyrolysis on coated wooden board: Kinetic, products, and recovery. Applied Energy. 358, 122620. (JCR Q1).

18.Shao, M., Zhang, C., Cui, G., Bai, X., Wang, N., Wang, X., Chen, Q., Xu, Q*. 2023. Inhibition insights of hydrothermal liquid digestate in anaerobic digestion: Impact on organics conversion and inhibitor degradation. Journal of Hazardous materials. 459, 132221. (JCR Q1).

19.Bai, X., Huang, D., Chen, Y., Shao, M., Wang, N., Wang, Q., Xu, Q. 2023. Enhanced methane oxidation efficiency by digestate biochar in landfill cover soil: Microbial shifts and carbon metabolites insights. Chemosphere. (JCR Q1).

20.Shao, M., Zhang, C., Chen, Q., Wu, H., Dong, Z., Bai, X., Wang, N., and Xu, Q.*. Hydrothermal-enhanced pyrolysis for efficient NOX reduction and biochar valorization from food waste digestate. Waste Management. 2024, 183: 112-122.

21.Huang, D., Chen, Y., Bai, X., Zhang, R., Chen, Q., Wang, N., and Xu, Q*. 2024. Methane removal efficiencies of biochar-mediated landfill soil cover with reduced depth. Journal of Environmental Management. 355: 120487. (JCR Q1).

22.Bai, X., Huang, D., Chen, Y., Wang, Q., Chen, Q., Wang, N., Xu, Q*. 2023. Exploration of Fe speciation preference for aerobic methane oxidation by using isotopic Fe-modified zeolites. Chemical Engineering Journal. 455, 140844. (JCR Q1).

23.Wang, Q., Duan, H., Miao, Q., Li, H., Liu, J., Wang, N., Xu, Q*. 2023. Environmental and economic impact assessment of synergistic organic-waste treatment strategies in eco-industrial parks: A pilot-scale case study in Shenzhen, China. Environmental Impact Assessment Review. 103, 107250. (JCR Q1).

24.Zhang, C., Wang, X., Shao, M., Li, H., Chen, Q., Wang, N., Xu, Q*. 2022. In situ synthesis of nitrogen-enriched biochar via co-hydrothermal reaction of liquid digestate and corn stalk. Science of the Total Environment. 836, 155572. (JCR Q1).

25.Zhang, C., Bao, Q., Chen, Q., Wu, H., Shao, M., Wang, N., Xu, Q*. 2022. Membrane fouling behaviors and evolution during food waste digestate Treatment. Journal of Membrane Science. 804, 150145. (JCR Q1).

26.Zhang, R., Xu, Q., Song, Z., Wu, J., Chen, H., Bai, X., Wang, N., Chen, Y., Huang, D*. 2024. Manipulating soil microbial community assembly by the cooperation of exogenous bacteria and biochar for establishing an efficient and healthy CH4 biofiltration system. Chemosphere. 352, 141319. (JCR Q1).

27.石笑羽, 王宁, 陈钦冬, 吴华南, 徐期勇*. 2018. 生物炭加速餐厨垃圾厌氧消化的机理. 环境工程学报. 12(11), 3204-3212.

28.赵畅, 王宁, 王文昭*, 徐期勇. 2017. 基于Lux型群体感应系统干预的生物被膜调控在污水处理中的研究进展与前景. 生物工程学报. 33(9), 1596-1610.

29.邵明帅, 张超, 吴华南, 王宁, 陈钦冬, 徐期勇*. 2022. 水热耦合厌氧消化技术处理餐厨垃圾沼渣沼液及工艺能耗分析. 化工进展. 41(5), 2733-2742.


1.王宁, 吴华南, 徐期勇. 沼渣基生物炭材料及其制备方法和用途. ZL 202011453512.5 (授权).

2.王文昭, 赵畅, 徐期勇, 王宁.一种利用群体感应淬灭固定化菌株控制膜污染的方法. 中国, ZL 201710173911.8. (授权).

3.徐期勇, 王宁, 陈钦冬, 邵明帅, 董子航, 白新月. 餐厨垃圾沼渣堆肥-热解协同处置方法. CN202310253236.5 (实审).


1.Zhang, C., Wang, N., and Xu, Q*. Chapter 4 (Food waste management practices in Shenzhen, China) and Chapter 11 (Treatment and Resource Recovery from Anaerobic Digestate of Food Waste), IN: Food Waste Valorisation: Food, Feed, Fertilizer, Fuel and Value-Added Products. Edited by Wong, M. H., Purchase, D., and Dickinson, N. World Scientific. 2023. ISBN: 978-1-80061-288-4.


1.国家自然科学基金面上项目:填埋场渗滤液导排系统多相耦合结垢机理及淤堵演化特征 (科研骨干).

2.国家重点专项:基于分类的深圳市生化垃圾集约化处置全链条技术集成与综合示范:有机垃圾与再生资源利用园区循环化改造研究与示范 (2018YFC1902903) (科研骨干).

3.深圳市科技项目:基于污泥/木屑共气化焦的污水重金属脱除及对厌氧消化的促进作用研究 (JCYJ2017081808590807) (科研骨干).


1.2024年环境污染控制前沿论坛暨第四届固体废物污染控制化学研讨会. 海口. 2024.3.22-2024.3.24. (口头报告).

2.2023年第三届全国循环经济与减污降碳学术大会暨新能源绿色发展高峰论坛. 常州. 2023.12.8-2023.12.10.

3.2023年环境卫生工程高峰论坛. 天津. 2023.12.3-2023.12.5.

4.2020年全国有机固废处理与资源化利用高峰论坛. 长沙. 2020.11.10-2020.11.12. (口头报告).

5.固体废物循环利用与污染控制第一届学术研讨会暨固废资源化技术创新高峰论坛. 北京. 2019.11.16-2019.11.17.

6.2019年全国有机固废处理与资源化利用研讨会. 合肥. 2019.5.9-2019.5.10. (口头报告).

7.2nd International Conference on Bioresources, Energy, Environment, and Materials Technology. Republic of Korea. 2018.6.10-2018.6.13. (poster).














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