Superctitical Materials and Electronics Laboratory

Congratulations to Liu Kai for publishing a paper in the well-known journal ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces


Congratulations to Liu Kai for publishing a journal paper entitled "Supercritical Ammoniation-Enabled Interfacial Polarization for Function-Mode Transformation and Overall Optimization of Thin-Film Transistors" in the international journal ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.


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Introduction to the article:

Thin-film transistors (TFTs) are widely used in increasingly complex displays. Although the process for fabricating enhancement-mode TFTs is mature, the lack of an easy way to realize depletion-mode TFTs limits the implementation of complementary-mode circuits, resulting in relatively high power. Here, the introduction of supercritical fluid technology to carefully design and tune the interface provides opportunities for functional mode switching of TFTs. By utilizing the supercritical-assisted ammoniation (SCA) process, the interfacial polarization induces a negative shift of the threshold voltage (from 0.2 to −9.8 V), which allows the TFT to maintain a normal on-state without complex capacitor integrated circuits. This convenient technique does not require an additional fabrication process for functional mode conversion, so full-mode TFTs can be fabricated under the same process. In addition, the overall optimization of mobility (increased from 2.08 to 17.12 cm2 V-1 s-1), leakage current (decreased from 1.33 × 10-11 to 2.22 × 10-12 A), hysteresis (decreased from 11.2 to 0.2 V) , while achieving an on/off current ratio (increased from 9.65 × 104 to 7.98 × 106). Based on the combined analysis of electrical and material characterization, a reaction model was established to gain a clearer understanding of the interfacial polarization process. Overall, this low-temperature SCA process provides an environmentally friendly strategy to tune the functional modes of electronic devices and simultaneously optimize device performance through interface engineering, showing promise in facilitating the implementation of complementary, low-power circuits.