信息工程学院 超快光学实验室
School of Electronic and Computer Engineering | Laboratory of Ultrafast Optics


发布时间:2020-10-12 ,

Invited Technical Review Paper in Nature:

  1. Y. Fu*, and Qian Li*, "Light arrays measure up on a chip the size of a fingertip," Nature, 603(7900), 232-233(2022). 受邀在《自然》(Nature)期刊撰写片上激光雷达系统技术评述

Book Chapters:

  1. Qian Li, Xuanyi Liu, Renlai Zhou, M S Aruna Gandhi, H. Y. Fu, “Recent advances and perspectives on pulsed fiber lasers,” In book: Optical Fiber Technology and Applications (IOP Publishing, Bristol, UK, 2021).
  2. Amjad Ali, Qian Li, Hongyan Fu and Syed Raza Mehdi, “Blue Laser Diode-Based Visible Light Communication and Solid-State Lighting,” in book: Antenna Systems (IntechOpen, London, United Kingdom, 2021).
  3. Senthilnathan, K. Nakkeeran, K. W. Chow, Qian Li, and P. K. A. Wai, “Chirped optical solitons,” in book: Advances in Nonlinear Waves and Symbolic Computation (Nova, 2009).

Invited Talks:

  1. Qian Li, “Epsilon-near-zero photonics and fiber laser with intra-cavity epsilon-near-zero effect,” OGC Optoelectronics Global Conference (OGC2022), 6-11 Dec 2022, Shenzhen, China.
  2. Qian Li, “Experimental and numerical study of all polarization-maintaining high repetition rate linear-cavity fiber lasers,” the 20th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN), 12-15 Aug 2022, Shenzhen, China.
  3. Qian Li, “Fiber and on-chip supercontinuum light sources,” 2022 IEEE 14th International Conference on Advanced Infocomm Technology (ICAIT), 8-11 July 2022, Chongqing, China.
  4. Qian Li, “Supercontinuum Generation in Fibers and Chip-scale Devices” 2022 Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium Online Program (PIERS), 25-26 April 2022, Hangzhou, China.
  5. Qian Li, “Unveiling Noise-like Pulse Dynamics and Ultrashort Pulse Generation in Mode-locked Fiber Lasers,” the 19th International Conference on Optical Communications & Networks (ICOCN 2021), 23-27 Aug 2021, Qufu, China.
  6. Qian Li, “Pulse compression techniques in fibers and chip-scale devices,” the 12th International Conference on Advanced Infocomm Technology (ICAIT 2020), 23-25 Nov 2020, Macau, China.
  7. Qian Li, “Supercontinuum generation in fibers and silicon waveguides,” Optoelectronics Global Conference (OGC2020), 7-11 Sep 2020, Shenzhen, China.
  8. Qian Li, Renlai Zhou, and H. Y. Fu, “Experiment and numerical study of Raman soliton at 2 μm in picosecond pumped super-continuum by a weak CW trigger,” the 18th International Conference on Optical Communications & Networks (ICOCN 2019), 5-8 Aug 2019, Huangshan, Anhui, China.
  9. Qian Li, “Ultrashort Soliton-like Pulse Generation in Nonlinear Optical Fibers,” the 10th International Conference on Advanced Infocomm Technology (ICAIT), A005-3, 12-15 Aug 2018, Stockholm, Sweden.
  10. Y. Fu, Qian Li, and Renlai Zhou, “Novel Devices Enabled 3D Sensing Technologies”, the 10th International Conference on Advanced Infocomm Technology (ICAIT), A003-3, 12-15 Aug 2018, Stockholm, Sweden.
  11. Y. Fu, Qian Li, and Renlai Zhou, “Fiber Supercontinuum Source for 3D Sensing”, the 12th International Nano-Optoelectronics Workshop (iNOW), 21-28 Jul 2018, Berkeley, CA, USA, Th3.
  12. Qian Li, “Pulse compression techniques in nonlinear optical fibers,” the 16th International Conference on Optical Communications & Networks (ICOCN 2017), 7-10 Aug 2017, Wuzhen, China.
  13. Qian Li, “Effects of a weak CW trigger on supercontinuum generation in highly nonlinear fibers,” the 7th International Multidisciplinary Conference on Optofluidics (Optofluidics 2017), 25-28 Jul 2017, Singapore.
  14. Qian Li, “Control of optical rogue waves in the supercontinuum generation,” the 15th International Conference on Optical Communications & Networks (ICOCN 2016), 24-27 Sep 2016, Hangzhou, China.
  15. Qian Li and P. K. A. Wai, “Pedestal-free pulse compression in nonlinear fibers and nonlinear fiber bragg gratings,” SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structure (NW10), Aug 16-19 2010, Philadelphia, USA.


  1.  Siwei Peng, Xuanyi Liu, H.Y. Fu, Qian Li*, "Generation of harmonic mode-locked pulses and noise-like pulses in an all-PM Tm-doped fiber laser via linear-cavity interferometric NPE," Optics & Laser Technology 181, 111848 (2025).
  2. Minghe Zhao, Xuanyi Liu, Feng Ye, H.Y. Fu, Qian Li*, "Bidirectional all-PM Er-doped fiber laser based on a self-stabilized interferometer mode-locker," Optics & Laser Technology 181, 111914 (2025).
  3. You Wu, Feng Ye, Qian Li*, “Tunable Dark-Pulse Frequency Combs by Beat-Frequency Pumps in Silicon Nitride Microring Resonators With Normal Dispersion,” Journal of Lightwave Technology 42, 7291-7297 (2024).
  4. Mingzhi Chi, Zian Cheak Tiu*, H.Y. Fu, Qian Li, Sulaiman Wadi Harun*, "Harmonic domain-wall dark pulse generation using unpumped thin-core thulium fiber as interferometer," Optics & Laser Technology 177, 111045 (2024).
  5. Weijie Sheng, Caoyang Liu, Jiawang Xiao, Lin Sun, Yi Cai, Y. Fu, Qian Li, Gordon Liu*, "Complex-valued recurrent neural network equalizer with low complexity for a 120-Gbps 50-km optical PAM-4 IM/DD system," Optics Express.32. 10.1364/OE.529318. (2024).
  6. Jiayao Huang, Feng Ye, Qian Li*, "Nearly Self-Similar Pulse Compression in Horizontally Slotted Waveguides at 2.0 μm," IEEE Photonics Journal. PP. 1-9. 3395625(2024).
  7. Houyu Chen, Yinghui Wang, Simei Mao, Lirong Cheng, Caiyue Zhao, Xuanyi Liu, Qian Li, Y. Fu*, "Integrating inverse design and partially etched platform: an ultra-compact polarization splitter and rotator as an example," Applied Optics. 63. 10.1364/AO.521930(2024).
  8. Zhi Li, Yaqi Han, Lican Wu, Zihan Zang, Maolin Dai, Sze Set, Shinji Yamashita,  Qian Li, Y. Fu*, "Towards ultrafast 3D imaging scanning LiDAR system: a review," Photonics Research. 12. 10.1364/PRJ.509710. (2024).
  9. Houyu Chen, Jin Li, Lirong Cheng, Caiyue Zhao, Xuanyi Liu, Qian Li, Y. Fu*, "Compact all-optical half adder based on topology optimization," Journal of the Optical Society of America B. 41. 10.1364/JOSAB.506173. (2024).
  10. Xuanyi Liu, Feng Ye, Yang Luo, Y. Fu*, Qian Li*, "Ultrafast Polarization‐Maintaining Fiber Lasers: Design, Fabrication, Performance, and Applications," Laser & Photonics Reviews 2400927 (2024).
  11. Qingyang Zhu, Yi Hao, Lican Wu, Yaqi Han, Qian Li, Y. Fu*, "4D Spectral-Scanning FMCW LiDAR System for 360-degree Detection," Journal of Lightwave Technology. PP. 1-8. 10.1109/JLT.2024.3456761. (2024).
  12. Jinhong Wu, Zimiao Wang, Ruifeng Chen, Qian Li*, "Efficient Physics-informed Neural Network for Ultrashort Pulse Dynamics in Optical Fibers," Journal of Lightwave Technology. PP. 1-9. 10.1109/JLT.2024.3477409. (2024).
  13. Jiaye Wu*, Marco Clementi, Chenxingyu Huang, Feng Ye, Hongyan Fu, Lei Lu, Shengdong Zhang, Qian Li* and Camille-Brès*, "Thermo-optic epsilon-near-zero effects," Nature Communications 15, 794 (2024).
  14. Houyu Chen, Jin Li, Lirong Cheng, Caiyue Zhao, Xuanyi Liu, Qian Li, and H. Y. Fu*, "Compact all-optical half adder based on topology optimization," Journal of the Optical Society of America B 41(2), A60-A66 (2024).
  15. Minghe Zhao, Ruoao Yang, Xingang Jin, Ziyang Chen, Aimin Wang, Zhigang Zhang, Qian Li*, "Attosecond Timing Jitter From an NALM Mode-Locked Er:Fiber Laser on Optical Cubes," Journal of Lightwave Technology 42, 1651-1658 (2024).
  16. Zeyad  H. Qasem, Amjad Ali, Bohua Deng, Qian Li* and H. Y. Fu*, "Spectral and Energy Efficient Pilot-Assisted PAPR Reduction Technique for Underwater Wireless Optical Communication Systems," Journal of Lightwave Technology, 42, 841-852 (2024).
  17. Ruifeng Chen, Feng Ye, Zimiao Wang, Jiayao Huang, and Qian Li*, “Modified genetic algorithm for inverse design of anti-resonant hollow core fiber with low confinement loss,” Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 40(12), 3165-3173 (2023).
  18. Jiayao Huang, Fu Deng, Feng Ye, H.Y. Fu, Shengdong Zhangand Qian Li*, “Strong plasmon - phonon coupling for graphene/hBN thermal emitter atomic system,” Carbon 213, 118210 (2023).
  19. Guangkuo Li, Yuhua Li, Feng Ye, Qian Li, Shao Hao Wang, Benjamin Wetzel,Roy Davidson, Brent E. Little, and Sai Tak Chu*,“Supercontinuum Generation in Dispersion Engineered Highly Doped Silica Glass Waveguides,” Laser & Photonics Reviews 17, 2200754 (2023).
  20. Minghe Zhao, Xuanyi Liu, H. Y. Fu and Qian Li*, “Machine-learning iterative optimization for all polarization-maintaining linear cavity Er:fiber laser,”Optics Letters 48, 4893-4896 (2023).
  21. Siwei Peng, Xuanyi Liu, Hongyan Fu and Qian Li*, “Intracavity Filtering Effect in Dual-Output Linear-Cavity All-PM Fiber Laser Mode-Locked by NPE,”Applied Optics, 62, 6323-6332. (2023).
  22. Chenxingyu Huang, Siwei Peng, Xuanyi Liu, Jiaye Wu, Hongyan Fu, Lei Lu, Shengdong Zhangand Qian Li*, “Manufacturing-Enabled Tunability of Linear and Nonlinear Epsilon-Near-Zero Properties in Indium Tin Oxide Nanofilms,” ACS Applied Materials & Interface 15, 35186-35195 (2023).
  23. Shugeng Yao, Xuanyi Liu, Feng Ye, H. Y. Fuand Qian Li*, “Harmonic Dissipative Soliton Resonance in a Large-Normal-Dispersion Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 35, 1047-1050 (2023).
  24. Denghui Pan, Xuanyi Liu, Feng Ye and Qian Li*, and Hongyan Fu, "Transient dynamics of dissipative solitons formation in a net-normal dispersion mode-locked fiber laser based on nonlinear polarization evolution,” Applied Optics 62, 5946-5953 (2023).
  25. Caiyue Zhao, Lirong Cheng, Houyu Chen, Simei Mao, Yinghui Wang, Qian Li, and H. Y. Fu*, “Compact dual-mode waveguide crossing based on adjoint shape optimization,”Optics Letter 48, 3873-3876 (2023).
  26. Zeyad A.H. Qasem, Amjad Ali, Bohua Deng, Qian Li* Fu*, “Index modulation-based efficient technique for underwater wireless optical communication,” Optics & Laser Technology 167, 109683 (2023).
  27. Simei Mao, Lirong Cheng, Caiyue Zhao, Yinghui Wang, Qian Liand H. Y. Fu*, “Compact hybrid five-mode multiplexer based on asymmetric directional couplers with constant bus waveguide width,” Optics Letters 48, 2607-2610 (2023).
  28. Ruoao Yang, Yifan Ma, Minghe Zhao, Wei Han, Qian Li, Zhangyuan Chen, Aimin Wang, Sze Yun Set, Shinji Yamashita and Zhigang Zhang*, “Flat Visible Spectrum by Genetic Algorithm Optimized Photonic Crystal Fiber in GHz Comb Spacing,” Optics Letters 48, 2829-2832 (2023).
  29. Feng Ye, Jiayao Huangand Qian Li*, “Optimization of mid-infrared dispersive wave generation at 3 μm in LiNbO3 waveguides,” Journal of the Optical Society of America B 40, 64-71 (2023).
  30. Bohua Deng, Jiwei Wang, Zhaoming Wang, Zeyad A. H. Qasem, Qian Li,Xinke Tang, Chen Chen* and H. Y. Fu*, “Polarization Multiplexing Based UOWC Systems Under Bubble Turbulence,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, 1-11 (2023).
  31. Zeyad A. H. Qasem, Amjad Ali, Bohua Deng, Qian Li*and H. Y. Fu*, “Unipolar X-Transform OFDM With Index Modulation for Underwater Optical Wireless Communications,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 35, 581-584 (2023).
  32. Zhenquan Zhao, Faisal Nadeem Khan,Zeyad AH Qasem,Bohua  Deng, Qian Li, Zhengyong Liu and Y. Fu*, “Convolutional-neural-network-based versus vision-transformer-based SNR estimation for visible light communication networks,” Optics Letters 48, 1419--1422 (2023).
  33. Xuanyi Liu, Feng Ye, Minghe Zhao, Boris A. Malomed, H. Y. Fu* and Qian Li*, “All-Polarization-Maintaining Linear Cavity Fiber Lasers Mode-Locked by Nonlinear Polarization Evolution in Stretched Pulse Regime,” Journal of Lightwave Technology 1-9 (2023).
  34. Xuanyi Liu, Maolin Dai, Denghui Pan, Kaibin Lin, Boris A. Malomed, Qian Li* and H. Y. Fu*, “Robust mode-locking in a hybrid ultrafast laser based on nonlinear multimodal interference,” Optics & Laser Technology 159, 108941 (2023).
  35. Jiaye Wu, Xuanyi Liu, Boris A. Malomed, Kuan-Chang Chang, Minghe Zhao, Kang Qi, Yanhua Sha, Ze Tao Xie, Marco Clementi, Camille-Sophie Brès, Shengdong Zhang, Hongyan Fu*, Qian Li*, “Observation of SQUID-Like Behavior in Fiber Laser with Intra-Cavity Epsilon-Near-Zero Effect,” Laser & Photonics Reviews 16, 2200487 (2022).
  36. Beibei Chen, Minghe Zhao, Xuanyi Liu, Feng Ye, H. Y. Fu, and Qian Li*, “Investigation of dissipative solitons in an Er-doped fiber laser through machine-learning online optimization based on the Gaussian process,” Journal of the Optical Society of America B 39, 2786-2793 (2022).
  37. Ruoao Yang, Minghe Zhao, Xingang Jin, Qian Li, Zhangyuan Chen, Aimin Wang, and Zhigang Zhang*, “Attosecond timing jitter from high repetition rate femtosecond ‘solid-state fiber lasers’,” Optica 9, 874-877 (2022).
  38. Ze Tao Xie, Yanhua Sha, Jiaye Wu, H. Y. Fu, and Qian Li*, “Ultrafast dynamic switching of optical response based on nonlinear hyperbolic metamaterial platform,” Optics Express 30, 21634-21648 (2022).
  39. Yanhua Sha, Ze Tao Xie, Jiaye Wu, H. Y. Fu and Qian Li*, “All-optical switching in epsilon-near-zero asymmetric directional coupler,” Scientific Reports 12, 17958 (2022).
  40. Yuanfang Zhao, Qian Li, and H. Y. Fu*, “Sensitivity investigation of cascaded abruptly tapered fiber based on the Vernier effect,” Applied Optics 61, 9603-9608 (2022).
  41. Simei Mao, Lirong Cheng, Houyu Chen, Xuanyi Liu, Zihan Geng, Qian Li and Hongyan Fu*, “Multi-task topology optimization of photonic devices in low-dimensional Fourier domain via deep learning,” Nanophotonics 0361(2022).
  42. Yibin Li, Zixian Wei, Zhaoming Wang, Amjad Ali, Qian Li, and H. Y. Fu*, “THO-OFDM scheme for visible light communication with noise suppression and dimming control,” Optics Letters 47, 5180-5183 (2022).
  43. Amjad Ali, Zeyad A. H. Qasem, Yibin Li, Qian Li*, and H. Y. Fu*, “All-inorganic liquid phase quantum dots and blue laser diode-based white-light source for simultaneous high-speed visible light communication and high-efficiency solid-state lighting,” Optics Express 30, 35112-35124 (2022).
  44. Kaibin Lin, and Qian Li*, “Enhanced supercontinuum generation and dispersive wave emission in a silicon nitride waveguide pumped at 1550 nm telecom wavelength,” Journal of the Optical Society of America B 39, 1792-1798 (2022).
  45. Renlai Zhou, Shijie Chen, Qian Li*, H.Y. Fu, K. Nakkeeran, “Supercontinuum comb generated by soliton molecule pulse laser injecting into a nonlinear amplifying loop mirror,” Optics & Laser Technology 150, 107884 (2022).
  46. S. Aruna Gandhi, Yuanfang Zhao, H. Y. Fu, and Qian Li*, “A Highly Versatile Porous Core Photonic Quasicrystal Fiber Based Refractive Index Terahertz Sensor,” Sensors 22, 3469 (2022).
  47. Ya Wang, Xiaoyun Lin, Renlai Zhou, Tong Chen, Qiang Lou, Qian Li, Hang Zhou*, “Dual Organic Spacer Cation Quasi-2D Sn–Pb Perovskite for Solar Cells and Near-Infrared Photodetectors Application,” Advanced Photonics Research 20220079 (2022).
  48. Zixian Wei, Zhaoming Wang, Jianan Zhang, Qian Li, Junping Zhang*, H.Y. Fu*, “Evolution of optical wireless communication for B5G/6G,” Progress in Quantum Electronics, 83, 100398 (2022).
  49. Yuanfang Zhao, M. S. Aruna Gandhi, Maolin Dai, Mingyue Guan, Yuan Zhang, Qian Li, Zhengyong Liu, and H. Y. Fu*, “Silicone Rubber Coated Non-Adiabatic Tapered Fiber Combined with Online Vernier Interferometer for Temperature Detection,” IEEE Sensors Journal 22, 8530-8536 (2022).
  50. Yang Luo, Xiao Xiao, Jun Chen, Qian Li, and Hongyan Fu*, “Machine-Learning-Assisted Recognition on Bioinspired Soft Sensor Arrays,” ACS Nano 16, 6734-6743 (2022).
  51. S. Aruna Gandhi, Yuanfang Zhao, Chenxingyu Huang, Yuan Zhang, H. Y. Fu, and Qian Li*, “Highly sensitive refractive index sensor based on plastic optical fiber balloon structure,” Optics Letters 47, 1697-1700 (2022).
  52. Renlai Zhou*, Hui Hu, Bo Guo, Qian Li, Hong Yan Fu, K. Nakkeeran, “Self-Starting Switchable Multifunctional Solitons Fiber Laser,” Advanced Photonics Research 3, 2100348 (2022).
  53. Jiayao Huang, Feng Ye and Qian Li*, “Simultaneous Pulse Combination and Nearly Self-Similar Pulse Compression in Tapered Silicon Waveguides at Around 2.0 μm,” IEEE Photonics Journal, 14, 3035607 (2022).
  54. Maolin Dai, Xuanyi Liu, Zhenmin Chen, Yuanfang Zhao, M. S. Aruna Gandhi, Qian Li, H. Y. Fu*, “Compact Mach-Zehnder Interferometer for Practical Vernier Effect Sensing System with High Extinction Ratio,” IEEE Photonics Journal 14, 7133306 (2022).
  55. Simei Mao, Lirong Cheng, Fasial Nadeem Khan, Zihan Geng, Qian Li and H. Y. Fu*, “Inverse Design of High-Dimensional Nanostructured 2×2 Optical Processors Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Networks,” Journal of Lightwave Technology 40, 2926-2932 (2022).
  56. Shijie Chen, Renlai Zhou, Xuanyi Liu, H.Y. Fu, Qian Li*, “Supercontinuum generation with interference fringes through two-soliton bound state,” Results in Physics 32, 105098 (2021).
  57. Zhenmin Chen, Xin Tu, Maolin Dai, Qian Li, and H. Y. Fu*, “Kerr Frequency Comb Generation in Microsphere Resonators with Normal Dispersion,” Journal of Lightwave Technology 40, 1092-1097 (2022).
  58. Jiayao Huang, Feng Ye and Qian Li*, “Mid-Infrared Cascaded Soliton Compression on CMOS-Compatible Silicon Waveguide,” Journal of Lightwave Technology 40, 1098–1104 (2022).
  59. Zimiao Wang, Feng Ye and Qian Li*, “Modified genetic algorithm for high-efficiency dispersive waves emission at 3 μm,” Optics Express 30, 2711-2720 (2022).
  60. Chenxingyu Huang, Jiaye Wu, Yuqing Wang, Zimiao Wang, H. Y. Fu, and Qian Li*, “Pulse interactions in periodic and genetic-algorithm-optimized aperiodic epsilon-near-zero multilayers,” Journal of the Optical Society of America B 39, 258-265 (2022).
  61. Xuanyi Liu, Qian Li*, Denghui Pan, Feng Ye, Boris A. Malomed, and H. Y. Fu*, “A Robust and Novel Linear Fiber Laser Mode-Locked by Nonlinear Polarization Evolution in All-Polarization-Maintaining Fibers,” Journal of Lightwave Technology 39, 7509-7516 (2021).
  62. Yuqing Wang, Jiaye Wu, Zimiao Wang, Chenxingyu Huang, H. Y. Fu, and Qian Li*, “Optimization of Epsilon-Near-Zero Multilayers for Near-Perfect Light Absorption Using an Enhanced Genetic Algorithm,” IEEE Photonics Journal 13, 5700110 (2021).
  63. Jiaye Wu, Xuanyi Liu, Haishi Fu, KuanChang Chang, Shengdong Zhang, H. Y. Fu, and Qian Li*, “Manipulation of epsilon-near-zero wavelength for the optimization of linear and nonlinear absorption by supercritical fluid,” Scientific Reports 11, 15936 (2021).
  64. Yuanfang Zhao, Manthangal Sivanesan Aruna Gandhi, Qian Li, Zhengyong Liu, and H. Y. Fu*, “Vernier effect assisted sucrose sensor based on a cascaded Sagnac interferometer with no-core fiber,” Biomed. Optics Express 12, 7338-7347 (2021).
  65. Maolin Dai, Zhenmin Chen, Yuanfang Zhao, Xin Mu, Xuanyi Liu, M. S. Aruna Gandhi, Qian Li, Shengzhen Lu, Shen Liu and Hongyan Fu*, “Fiber Optic Temperature Sensor with Online Controllable Sensitivity Based on Vernier Effect,” IEEE Sensors Journal 21, 21555-21563 (2021).
  66. Jiaye Wu, Ze Tao Xie, Yanhua Sha, H. Y. Fu, and Qian Li*, “Epsilon-near-zero photonics: infinite potentials,” Photonics Research 9, 1616-1644 (2021).
  67. Yang Luo, Tianming Zhao, Yitong Dai, Qian Li, and Hongyan Fu*, “Flexible nanosensors for non-invasive creatinine detection based on triboelectric nanogenerator and enzymatic reaction,” Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical 320, 112585 (2021).
  68. Feng Ye, Jiayao Huang, M. S. Aruna Gandhi and Qian Li*, “Nearly Self-Similar Pulse Compression of High-Repetition-Rate Pulse Trains in Tapered Silicon Waveguides,” Journal of Lightwave Technology 39, 4717-4724 (2021).
  69. Yuanfang Zhao, Maolin Dai, Zhaonian Jia, Caiyue Zhao, M. S. Aruna Gandhi, Shuqing Sun, Qian Li, and H. Y. Fu*, “Cascaded non-adiabatic tapered fiber and fiber Sagnac loop for refractive index sensing,” Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical 332,113212(2021).
  70. Maolin Dai, Zhenmin Chen, Yuanfang Zhao, Xin Mu, Xuanyi Liu, M. S. Aruna Gandhi, Qian Li, Shengzhen Lu, Shen Liu and H. Y. Fu*, “Fiber temperature sensor with online controllable sensitivity based on Vernier effect realized by cascaded interferometers,” IEEE Sensors Journal 21, 21555-21563 (2021).
  71. Yanhua Sha, Jiaye Wu, Ze Tao Xie, H. Y. Fu and Qian Li*, “Comparison Study of Multi-Slot Designs in Epsilon-Near-Zero Waveguide-Based Electro-Optical Modulators,” IEEE Photonics Journal 13, 4800412 (2021).
  72. Xuanyi Liu, G. Melwin, M. S. Aruna Gandhi, H. Y. Fu, P. Ramesh Babu, K. Senthilnathan and Qian Li*, “Ultrahigh sensitive surface plasmon sensor using a nanofilm coated D-type photonic crystal fiber,” Applied Optics 60, 2591-2598 (2021).
  73. Kangzhu Zhou, Qian Li*, Zhe Kang**, Jiayao Huang, and P. K. A. Wai, “On-chip octave-spanning supercontinuum generation in hybrid slot waveguide by power-efficient dual pump,” Results in Physics 24, 104195 (2021).
  74. Simei Mao, Lirong Cheng, Caiyue Zhao, Faisal Nadeem Khan, Qian Li and H. Y. Fu*, “Inverse Design for Silicon Photonics: From Iterative Optimization Algorithms to Deep Neural Networks,” Applied Sciences 11, 3822 (2021).
  75. Yang Luo, Zihan Wang, Jiyu Wang, Xiao Xiao, Qian Li, Wenbo Ding* and H.Y. Fu*, “Triboelectric bending sensor based smart glove towards intuitive multi-dimensional human-machine interfaces,” Nano Energy 89, 106330(2021).
  76. Yang Luo, Yitong Dai, Tianming Zhao, Qian Li, and H. Y. Fu*, “Flexible nanosensors for non-invasive creatinine detection based on triboelectric nanogenerator and enzymatic reaction,” Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, 320, 112585 (2021).
  77. Hong Zhong, Renlai Zhou, Xiaoqing Wu, Xiaoyun Lin, Ya Wang, Qian Li and Hang Zhou*, “Investigation of the S-Shaped Current–Voltage Curve in High Open-Circuit Voltage Ruddlesden–Popper Perovskite Solar Cells,” Frontiers in Energy Research 9,689657 (2021).
  78. Jiaye Wu, Ze Tao Xie, H. Y. Fu, and Qian Li*, “Numerical investigations on the cascaded high harmonic and quasi-supercontinuum generations in epsilon-near-zero aluminum-doped zinc oxide nanolayers,” Results in Physics 24, 104086 (2021).
  79. Renlai Zhou, Qian Li*, H. Y. Fu, K. Nakkeeran, “Quasi-coherent noise-like pulses in a mode-locked fiber laser with a 3D rotatable polarization beam splitter,” Optics Letters 46, 1305-1308 (2021).
  80. Lirong Cheng, Simei Mao, Caiyue Zhao, Xin Tu, Qian Li and H. Y. Fu*, “Three-port Dual-wavelength-band Grating Coupler for WDM-PON Application,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 33, 159-162 (2021).
  81. Zhe Kang, Chao Mei, Luqi Zhang, Zhichao Zhang, Julian Evans, Yunjun Cheng, Kun Zhu, Xianting Zhang, Dongmei Huang, Yuhua Li, Jijun He, Qiang Wu, Binbin Yan, Kuiru Wang, Xian Zhou, Keping Long, Feng Li, Qian Li, Shaokang Wang, Jinhui Yuan*, Ping-Kong Alexander Wai, and Sailing He**, “Advanced Progress on χ(3) Nonlinearity in Chip-Scale Photonic Platforms,” Progress In Electromagnetics Research 170, 17-62 (2021).
  82. Yuanfang Zhao, Maolin Dai, Zhenmin Chen, Xuanyi Liu, M S Aruna Gandhi, Qian Li and H. Y. Fu*, “Ultrasensitive temperature fiber sensor with Vernier effect improved Michelson interferometer,” Optics Express, 29, 1090-1101 (2021).
  83. Xuanyi Liu, Renlai Zhou, Denghui Pan, Qian Li* and H. Y. Fu*, “115 MHz Linear NPE Fiber Laser Using All Polarization-maintaining Fibers,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 33, 81-84 (2021).
  84. Renlai Zhou, Xuanyi Liu, M. S. Aruna Gandhi, Guanyu Liu, H. Y. Fu, Zhigang Zhang, and Qian Li* “Observation of Soliton Molecules in a Robust All PM Mode-Locked Fiber Laser With Nonreciprocal Phase Bias,” IEEE Photonics Journal 13, 1500210 (2020).
  85. Zhenmin Chen, Qian Li, H. Y. Fu*, “Stimulated Brillouin scattering by dual lasers pumping in WGM microcavities,” IEEE Photonics Journal 12, 6101108 (2020).
  86. Maolin Dai, Zhenmin Chen, Yuanfang Zhao, Manthangal Sivanesan Aruna Gandhi, Qian Li, Hongyan Fu*, “State-of-the-art optical microfiber coupler sensors for physical and biochemical sensing applications.” Biosensors by MDPI 10, 179 (2020).
  87. Jiaye Wu, Ze Tao Xie, Yanhua Sha, H. Y. Fu, and Qian Li*, “Comparative study on epsilon-near-zero transparent conducting oxides: High-order chromatic dispersions and modeling of ultrashort pulse interactions,” Physical Review A 102, 053503 (2020).
  88. Jiayao Huang, Qian Li*, Ziyun Jian, P. K. A. Wai, and K. Nakkeeran, “Combination and compression of multiple pulses with same or different wavelengths,” Journal of Lightwave Technology 38, 6932-6938 (2020).
  89. Maolin Dai, Zhenmin Chen, Yuanfang Zhao, M. S. Aruna Gandhi, Qian Li, and H. Y. Fu*, “State-of-the-Art Optical Microfiber Coupler Sensors for Physical and Biochemical Sensing Applications,” Biosesnsors by MDPI 10, 179 (2020).
  90. Zhenmin Chen, Qian Li, and H. Y. Fu*, “Stimulated Brillouin scattering by dual lasers pumping in WGM microcavities,” IEEE Photonics Journal 12, 6101108 (2020).
  91. Chao Huang, Ji Zhu, M. S. Aruna Gandhi, and Qian Li*, “Effects of Two Weak Continuous Wave Triggers on Picosecond Pulse Pumped Supercontinuum Generation,” Applied Optics 59, 8560-8567 (2020).
  92. S. Aruna Gandhi, K. Senthilnathan, P. Ramesh Babu, and Qian Li*, “Highly Sensitive Localized Surface Plasmon Polariton Based D-type Twin-hole Photonic Crystal Fiber Microbiosensor: Enhanced Scheme for SERS Reinforcement,” Sensors by MDPI 20, 5248 (2020).
  93. Ze Tao Xie, Jiaye Wu, H. Y. Fu, and Qian Li*, “Tunable Electro- and All-Optical Switch Based on Epsilon-Near-Zero Metasurface,” IEEE Photonics Journal 12, 4501310 (2020).
  94. Xuanyi Liu, Guanyu Liu, Renlai Zhou, Dan Yu, Jiaye Wu, H. Y. Fu, Zhigang Zhang, and Qian Li*, “An all-PM fiber laser mode locked by nonlinear amplifying loop mirror with different biases,” Laser Physics 30, 085104 (2020).
  95. Renlai Zhou, H. Y. Fu, and Qian Li*, “Sub-pulses releasing from noise-like pulses in a passively mode-locked fiber Laser,” Photonics Technology Letter 32, 925-928 (2020).
  96. Guangkuo Li and Qian Li*, “Picosecond Pulse Pumped Supercontinuum Generation in Silicon Waveguide with a Weak Continuous Wave Trigger,” Journal of the Optical Society of America B 37, 1749-1756 (2020).
  97. Fumin Wang and Qian Li*, “Cascaded single mode fibers for higher-order soliton compression at 2 µm,” Applied Optics 59, E17-E22 (2020).
  98. Chao Huang, K. Nakkeeran, and Qian Li*, “Control of Long Pulse Pumped Supercontinuum Generation Using Weak Trigger Signal,” Journal of Lightwave Technology 38, 1506-1512 (2020).
  99. Renlai Zhou, Xuanyi Liu, Dan Yu, and Qian Li*, and H. Y. Fu, “Versatile multi-soliton patterns of noise-like pulses in a passively mode-locked fiber laser,” Optics Express 28, 912-923 (2020).
  100. Rongle Huang, Renlai Zhou, and Qian Li*, “Mid-Infrared Supercontinuum Generation in Chalcogenide Photonic Crystal Fibers with a Weak CW Trigger,” Journal of Lightwave Technology 38, 1522-1528 (2020).
  101. Jiayao Huang, M. S. Aruna Gandhi, and Qian Li*, “Self-Similar Chirped Pulse Compression in the Tapered Silicon Ridge Slot Waveguide,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 26, 8300508 (2019).
  102. Jiaye Wu, Boris A. Malomed, H. Y. Fu, and Qian Li*, “Self-interaction of ultrashort pulses in an epsilon-near-zero nonlinear material at the telecom wavelength,” Optics Express 27, 37298-37307 (2019).
  103. Zhemin Chen, Zhihe Guo, Xin Mu, Qian Li, Xiang Wu, and H. Y. Fu*, “Packaged microbubble resonator optofluidic flow rate sensor based on Bernoulli Effect,” Optics Express 27, 36932 (2019).
  104. Renlai Zhou, Rongle Huang, and Qian Li*, H. Y. Fu**, “Raman soliton at 2 μm in picosecond pumped supercontinuum by a weak CW trigger,” Optics Express 27, 12976-12986 (2019).
  105. Renlai Zhou, Dan Yu, Xuanyi Liu, Qian Li*, and H. Y. Fu, “Dark rectangular noise-like pulses in figure-nine fiber laser based on a nonlinear amplifying loop mirror,” Optics Letters 44, 3717-3720 (2019).
  106. S. Aruna Gandhi, K. Senthilnathan, P. Ramesh Babu, and Qian Li*, “Visible to near infrared highly sensitive microbiosensor based on surface plasmon polariton with external sensing approach,” Results in Physics 15, 102590 (2019).
  107. Jiaye Wu and Qian Li*, “High-efficient self-similar spectral compression of hyperbolic secant pulses enhanced by pre-chirping in nonlinear fibres,” Journal of Optics 21, 085503 (2019).
  108. S. Aruna Gandhi, Suoda Chu, K. Senthilnathan, P. Ramesh Babu, K. Nakkeeran and Qian Li*, “Recent Advances in Plasmonic Sensor-Based Fiber Optic Probes for Biological Applications,” Applied Sciences 9(5), 949 (2019), belongs to the Special Issue Recent Progress in Fiber Optic Sensors: Bringing Light to Measurement
  109. Peng Lu and Qian Li*, Chao Huang, K. Senthilnathan, K. Nakkeeran, “CW pumped SC assisted by a weak femtosecond pulse seed,” Journal of Optics 21, 015503 (2018).
  110. Xiantao Jiang*, Huiling Lu, Qian Li, Hang Zhou, Shengdong Zhang, and Han Zhang*, “Epsilon-near-zero medium for optical switches in a monolithic waveguide chip at 1.9 μm,” Nanophotonics 0102 (2018).
  111. S. Aruna Gandhi, P. Ramesh Babub, K. Senthilnathan, and Qian Li*, “High sensitivity photonic crystal fiber-based refractive index microbiosensor,” Optical Fiber Technology 46, 88-94 (2018).
  112. Ji Zhu, Qian Li*, and Dongfei Zhang, “Incoherent triggering of picosecond pulse pumped supercontinuum,” Journal of Modern Optics 65, 2142-2152 (2018).
  113. Qian Li*, Ziyun Jian, Wei Lu, K. Nakkeeran, K. Senthilnathan, and P. K. A. Wai, “Combination and Compression of Multiple Optical Pulses in Nonlinear Fibers with the Exponentially Decreasing Dispersion,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 54, 6800110 (2018).
    Journal papers published before 2018
  114. Qian Li*, and Zihao Cheng, “Single mode fibers for two stage higher-order soliton compression,” Optical Fiber Technology 38, 24-29 (2017).
  115. Qian Li*, Taiwei Zhang, and Mingfeng Li, “Spectral compression of chirp-free optical pulses in fibers with exponentially increasing dispersion,” Journal of the Optical Society of America B 34, 1796-1804 (2017).
  116. Qian Li*, and Zihao Cheng, “Cascaded Photonic Crystal Fibers for Three-stage Soliton Compression,” Applied Optics 55, 8868-8875 (2016).
  117. Feng Li, Jinhui Yuan*, Zhe Kang, Qian Li, and P. K. A. Wai, “Modeling Frequency comb sources,” Nanophotonics 5, 292-315 (2016).
  118. Qian Li* and Xiaoqi Duan, “Effect of a weak CW trigger on optical rogue waves in the femtosecond supercontinuum generation,” Optics Express, 23, 16364-16371 (2015).
  119. Qian Li* and Hui Huang, “Effective Pulse Compression in Dispersion Decreasing and Nonlinearity Increasing Fibers,” Optics Communications 342, 26-43 (2015).
  120. Feng Li*, Qian Li, Jinhui Yuan, and P. K. A. Wai, “Highly coherent supercontinuum generation with picosecond pulses by using self-similar compression,” Optics Express 22, 27339-27354 (2014).
  121. Qian Li*, K. Nakkeeran, and P. K. A. Wai, “Ultrashort pulse train generation using nonlinear optical fibers with exponentially decreasing dispersion,” Journal of the Optical Society of America B 31, 1786-1792 (2014).
  122. Qian Li*, J. Nathan Kutz, and P. K. A. Wai, “High-degree pulse compression and high-coherence supercontinuum generation in a convex dispersion profile,” Optics Communications 301, 29-33 (2013).
  123. Senthilnathan*, K. Nakkeeran,Qian Li, and P. K. A. Wai, “Pedestal free pulse compression of chirped optical solitons,” Optics Communications 285, 1449-1455 (2012).
  124. Qian Li, Feng Li, Kenneth K. Y. Wong, Alan Pak Tao Lau, Kevin K. Tsia, and P. K. A. Wai*, “Investigating the influence of a weak continuous-wave-trigger on picosecond supercontinuum generation,” Optics Express 19, 13757-13769 (2011).
  125. Qian Li, P. K. A. Wai*, K. Senthilnathan, and K. Nakkeeran, “Modeling Self-Similar Optical Pulse Compression in Nonlinear Fiber Bragg Gratings using the Coupled Mode Equations,” Journal of Lightwave Technology 29, 1293-1305 (2011).
  126. Qian Li, J. Nathan Kutz, and P. K. A. Wai*, “Cascaded higher order soliton for non-adiabatic pulse compression,” Journal of the Optical Society of America B 27, 2180-2189 (2010) --- selected for the December 2010 issue of Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science.
  127. Qian Li, K. Senthilnathan, K. Nakkeeran, and P. K. A. Wai*, “Nearly chirp- and pedestal-free pulse compression in nonlinear fiber Bragg gratings,” Journal of the Optical Society of America B 26, 432-443 (2009).
  128. Senthilnathan, Qian Li, K. Nakkeeran, and P. K. A. Wai*, “Robust pedestal-free pulse compression in cubic-quintic nonlinear media,” Physical Review A 78, 033835 (2008) --- selected for the October 2008 issue of Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science.

Conference Papers:

  1. Chenxingyu Huang, H. Y. Fu*, Qian Li, "Strong Coupling and Resonance Splitting in Thickness-Dependent Epsilon-Near-Zero Metasurface with Au Nanodisk," 2024 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2024), 5-10 May 2024, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, JTu2A.173.
  2. Feng Ye, Xuanyi Liu, H. Y. Fu, Qian Li*, "Enhanced Supercontinuum generation by a dispersion-managed L-band ultrafast fiber laser pump," 2024 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2024), 5-10 May 2024, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, JW2A.77.
  3. Chuangkai Li, Feng Ye, Xuanyi Liu, H. Y. Fu, Qian Li*, "Soliton molecules with manipulated temporal separation in fiber lasers,”2024 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2024), 5-10 May 2024, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, JW2A.70.
  4. You Wu, Feng Ye, Qian Li*, "Mid-infrared dark soliton combs and telecom bright soliton combs in silicon nitride microring resonators," 2024 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2024), 5–10 May 2024, Charlotte, North California, USA, JW2A.177.
  5. Siwei Peng, Chuangkai Li, Xuanyi Liu, H. Y. Fu, Qian Li*, "Generation of harmonic mode-locking in an all-PM Tm-doped fiber laser via linear-cavity interferometric NPE," 2024 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2024), 5–10 May 2024, Charlotte, North California, USA, SM4I.5.
  6. Chuangkai Li, Yaqi Han, H. Y. Fu, Qian Li*, "Multiple-Soliton Pulses Generated in Fiber Laser for Parallel Chaos LiDAR," 2024 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR), Incheon, Korea, Republic of, 2024, pp. 1-2.
  7. Jiajia Zhao, Feng Ye, You Wu, Qian Li*, "Enhanced Supercontinuum Generation in a Cascaded Lithium Niobate Waveguide," 2024 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR), Incheon, Korea, 2024, pp. 1-2.
  8. Ruifeng Chen, Feng Ye, Jiayao Huang, Qian Li*, "Efficient Mid-Infrared Dispersive Wave Generation at 3 μm in the Dispersion Engineered Side-Slotted Ridge Silicon Waveguide," 2024 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR), Incheon, Korea, 2024, pp. 1-2.
  9. Chenxingyu Huang, H. Y. Fu*, Qian Li, "Pinning Effect with Geometry-Independent Resonances Controlled by Epsilon-Near-Zero Hyperbolic Metamaterials," 2024 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR), Incheon, Korea, Republic of, 2024, pp. 1-2.
  10. Haiying Li, Minghe Zhao, Xuanyi Liu, H. Y. Fu, Qian Li*, "Investigation of Birefringence-induced Filtering Effect in All-PM Linear Cavity Fiber Laser", Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference 2024 (OECC2024), 30 Jane - 4 July, Melbourne, Australia.
  11. Houyu Chen, Caiyue Zhao, Yinghui Wang, Simei Mao, Lirong Cheng, Xuanyi Liu, Qian Li, Y. Fu*, "Compact Half Adder on SOI Platform with Inverse Design," 2023 21st International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN), Qufu, China, 2023, pp. 1-3.
  12. Jiaye Wu, Marco Clementi, Chenxingyu Huang, Feng Ye, Y. Fu, Lei Lu, Shengdong Zhang, Qian Li, Camille-Sophie Brès, "Epsilon-near-zero Enhancement of Linear and Nonlinear Thermo-optic Effects," 2024 Photonics & Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), Chengdu, China, 2024, pp. 1-5.
  13. Ruifeng Chen, Feng Ye, Jiayao Huang and Qian Li*, “Low Power Consumption Supercontinuum Source in the Dispersion Engineered Silicon Nitride Waveguides,” 2023 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP2023), 4-7 Nov. 2023, Wuhan, China.
  14. You Wu, Jiajia Zhao and Qian Li*, “Mid-infrared supercontinuum generation in a cascaded silicon ridge waveguide by a low-energy picosecond pulse,” 2023 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP2023), 4-7 Nov, Wuhan, China.
  15. Siwei Peng, Xuanyi Liu, H. Y. Fu and Qian Li*, “Robust All-polarization-maintaining Linear-cavity Mode-Locked Tm-Doped Fiber Laser,” 2023 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP), 4-7 Nov. 2023, Wuhan, China.
  16. Chuangkai Li, Xiaoqiang Ban, Minghe Zhao, Feng Ye, H. Y. Fu and Qian Li*, “Harmonic Mode-locked Noise-like Pulses with a Repetition Rate of 26.79 MHz in an Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser,” 2023 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP2023), 4-7 Nov 2023, Wuhan, China.
  17. Yuan Zhang, Feng Ye, Jiayao Huang, H. Y. Fu and Qian Li*, “Self-hybridized Exciton-Polaritons in Perovskite Nanostructured Arrays,” 2023 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP2023), 4-7 Nov 2023, Wuhan, China.
  18. You Wu, Qian Li*, “On-chip dark pulse frequency combs with modulated pumps in normal-dispersion microresonators,” 2023 Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference (OECC), Shanghai, China, 2023, 10209910.
  19. Zeyad A. H. Qasem, Amjad Ali, Bohua Deng, Qian Li, H. Y. Fu, “Reliable Deep-Learning based Underwater Optical OFDM Wireless Communications,” 2023 Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference (OECC), Shanghai, China, 2023, 10209946.
  20. Yuan Zhang, Jiayao Huang, Feng Ye, H. Y. Fu, Qian Li*, “Strong Coupling Assisted by High-Q mode in Perovskite Nanodisk,” 2023 Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference (OECC), Shanghai, China, 2023, 10209871.
  21. Amjad Ali, Zeyad A. H. Qasem, YiBin Li, Qian Li, H. Y. Fu, “Implementation of Simultaneous Underwater Optical Wireless Communication and Solid-State Lighting,” 2023 Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference (OECC), Shanghai, China, 2023, 10209733.
  22. Yuqing Wang, Ze Tao Xie, Yanhua Sha, H. Y. Fu, Qian Li*, “Epsilon-Near-Zero Based Electro-Optical and All-Optical Modulator for Intensity and Phase Modulation,” 2023 Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference (OECC), Shanghai, China, 2023, 10209693.
  23. Bohua Deng, Jiwei Wang, Chen Chen, Haoyu Huang, Zeyad A. H. Qasem, Qian Li, H. Y. Fu*, “Performance Enhanced Polmux-UOWC Using Subcarrier and Subchannel Joint Pairwise Coding,” 2023 Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference (OECC), Shanghai, China, 2023, 10209848.
  24. Houyu Chen, Caiyue Zhao, Yinghui Wang, Simei Mao, Lirong Cheng, Xuanyi Liu, Qian Li, H. Y. Fu*, “Compact Half Adder on SOI Platform with Inverse Design,” 2023 21st International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN), Qufu, China, 2023, 10236374.
  25. Minghe Zhao, Ruoao Yang, Xingang Jin, Ziyang Chen, Aimin Wang, Qian Li*, and Zhigang Zhang, “Attosecond timing jitter from an all-PM Er:fiber laser on "optical cubes",” 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2023), 7–12 May 2023, San Jose, California, USA, SF2H.7.
  26. Jiayao Huang, Feng Ye, Fu Deng, Xuanyi Liu, H. Y. Fu, Shengdong Zhang, Qian Li*, “Multimode Strong Coupling of Thermal Radiation for Graphene/hBN Atomic System,” 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2023), 7–12 May 2023, San Jose, California, USA, JTu2A.134.
  27. Feng Ye, Zihao Cheng, Dongmei Huang, Xuanyi Liu, H.Y. Fu, P. K. A. Wai, Qian Li*, “Octave-spanning microcombs generation with controllable intracavity soliton states,” 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2023), 7–12 May 2023, San Jose, California, USA, FW4B.7.
  28. Feng Ye, Xuanyi Liu, Denghui Pan, H.Y. Fu*, Qian Li*, “Two pulsed regions in a L-band dissipative-soliton fiber laser controlled by two pump injections,” 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2023), 7–12 May 2023, San Jose, California, USA, JTu2A.112.
  29. Jinhong Wu, Zimiao Wang, Qian Li*, "A physics-informed neural network for higher-order soliton compression in fibers," Asia Communications and Photonics Conference/International Conference on Information Photonics and Optical Communications (ACP/IOPC 2022), 5-8 Nov 2022, Shenzhen, China.
  30. Shugeng Yao, Xuanyi Liu, Feng Ye, H. Y. Fu and Qian Li*, "Dissipative Soliton Resonance in a Concise-Structure Large-Normal-Dispersion Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser," Asia Communications and Photonics Conference/International Conference on Information Photonics and Optical Communications (ACP/IOPC 2022), 5-8 Nov 2022, Shenzhen, China.
  31. Ruifeng Chen, Jiayao Huang, Feng Ye and Qian Li*, "Effects of Sidewall Angle in Silicon Waveguide for High Degree Cascaded Pulse Compression at 2.0 μm," Asia Communications and Photonics Conference/International Conference on Information Photonics and Optical Communications (ACP/IPOC 2022), 5-8 Nov. 2022, Shenzhen, China.
  32. Siwei Peng, Xuanyi Liu, H. Y. Fu, and Qian Li*, "Reflective and Transmissive Characteristics in an All-polarization-maintaining Linear-cavity Fiber Laser Mode-locked by Nonlinear Polarization Evolution," Asia Communications and Photonics/International Conference on Information Photonics and Optical Communications Conference (ACP/IOPC 2022), 5-8 Nov 2022, Shenzhen, China.
  33. Ruifeng Chen, Feng Ye, Zimiao Wang, Jiayao Huang and Qian Li*, "Genetic Algorithm for Optimization of Confinement Loss in Anti-Resonant Hollow-Core Fibers," 2022 Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference (Fio/LS 2022), 17-20 Oct 2022, Rochester, New York, USA, JW5B.30.
  34. Chenxingyu Huang and Qian Li*, "Near-Zero-Index and Epsilon-Near-Zero Phenomena in Indium Tin Oxide Nanofilms with Tunable Optical Properties Controlled via Post-Annealing," 2022 Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference (Fio/LS 2022), 17-20 Oct 2022, Rochester, New York, USA, JTu4B.6.
  35. Beibei Chen, Minghe Zhao, Xuanyi Liu, H. Y. Fu, and Qian Li*, "Investigation of Asymmetric Dissipative Soliton through Gaussian Process in an Er-Doped Fiber Ring Laser," 2022 Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference (Fio/LS 2022), 17-20 Oct 2022, Rochester, New York, USA, JTu4B.24.
  36. Kangzhu Zhou, Bowei Yang, Zhigang Zhang, and Qian Li*, "Coherent stacking of 128 pulses amplified in the large nonlinear regime with pre-amplitude modulation," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO, 2022), 15–20 May 2022, San Jose, California, USA, paper JW3B.88.
  37. Xuanyi Liu, Feng Ye, Qian Li*, and H. Y. Fu*, "Stretched pulse generation from a simple and novel PM-NPE linear fiber laser," 2022 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2022), 15–20 May 2022, San Jose, California, USA, JW3B.126.
  38. S. Aruna Gandhi and Qian Li*, “Ultrasensitive Terahertz Refractive Index Based Twin-core Flat Photonic Crystal Fiber Sensor,” 2021 Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference (Fio/LS 2021), 1-4 Nov 2021, Washington, DC, USA, JTh5A.59.
  39. Renlai Zhou*, Qian Li*, H Y. Fu, “Commensalism of quasi-coherent noise-like and conventional soliton pulse in a simplified NPE mode-locked fiber laser,” The 19th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN 2021), 23-27 Aug 2021, Qufu, China, 9563890.---Young Scientist Award
  40. Yang Luo, Zhenmin Chen, Qian Li, and H. Y. Fu*, “EIT-like phenomena in quadratically coupled optomechanical cavities for optical information storage,”Asia Communications and Photonics/International Conference on Information Photonics and Optical Communications Conferences (ACP/IOPC 2021) 24-27 Oct 2021, Shanghai, China, T4A.178.
  41. Feng Ye, Jiayao Huang, and Qian Li*,“Efficient Mid-Infrared Dispersive Wave emission in LiNbO3 Waveguides Using a weak CW trigger,”Asia Communications and Photonics/International Conference on Information Photonics and Optical Communications Conferences (ACP/IOPC 2021) 24-27 Oct 2021, Shanghai, China, T4A.156.
  42. Denghui Pan, Xuanyi Liu, Boris A. Malomed, H. Y. Fu, and Qian Li*, “Build-up Dynamics of Dissipative Solitons in a Nonlinear Polarization Evolution Mode-locked Fiber Laser,” Asia Communications and Photonics/International Conference on Information Photonics and Optical Communications Conferences (ACP/IOPC 2021) 24-27 Oct 2021, Shanghai, China, T4A.3.---Best Poster Award
  43. Feng Ye, Jiayao Huang, Qian Li*, “Coherent Mid-Infrared Dispersive Wave in the Dispersion Engineering Side-slotted Silicon waveguide,” 2021 Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference (Fio/LS 2021), 1-4 Nov 2021, Washington, DC, USA, JW7A.66. (EI)
  44. Yuqing Wang, Jiaye Wu, Chenxingyu Huang, H. Y. Fu, Qian Li*, "Enhanced-Genetic-Algorithm-Based Absorption Performance Optimization of Epsilon-Near-Zero Multilayer," 2021 Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference (Fio/LS 2021), 1-4 Nov 2021, Washington, DC, USA, JW7A.131. (EI)
  45. Kangzhu Zhou, and Qian Li*, “Coherent Octave-spanning Comb-like Supercontinuum Generation in a Cascaded Structure,” 2021 Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference (Fio/LS 2021), 1-4 Nov 2021, Washington, DC, USA, JW7A.28. (EI)
  46. Shijie Chen, Renlai Zhou, Xuanyi Liu, H. Y. Fu and Qian Li*, “Broadband comb-like supercontinuum generation with tunable repetition rate using two-pulse bound state,” 2021 Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference (Fio/LS 2021), 1-4 Nov 2021, Washington, DC, USA, JTh5A.59. (EI)
  47. Zimiao Wang, Feng Ye and Qian Li*, "Optimization for dispersive wave conversion efficiency in LiNbO3 waveguide using genetic algorithm," 2021 Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference (Fio/LS 2021), 1-4 Nov 2021, Washington, DC, USA, JW7A.69. (EI)
  48. Yanhua Sha, Jiaye Wu, Jie Chen, Shengdong Zhang, Qian Li*, "Manufacture Protocol for the Control of Epsilon-Near-Zero Properties in Indium Tin Oxide Nanolayer at Telecommunication Wavelength," 2021 Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference (Fio/LS 2021), 1-4 Nov 2021, Washington, DC, USA, JW7A.30. (EI)
  49. Chenxingyu Huang, Jiaye Wu, Yuqing Wang, H. Y. Fu, Qian Li*, "Modeling Methods and Pulse Interactions in Epsilon-Near-Zero Multilayer," 2021 Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference (Fio/LS 2021), 1-4 Nov 2021, Washington, DC, USA, JW7A.67. (EI)
  50. Kaibin Lin and Qian Li*, “Active Control of Picosecond Pulse Pumped Supercontinuum Generation in Silicon-nanocrystal-based Slot Waveguide,” 2021 Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference (Fio/LS 2021), 1-4 Nov 2021, Washington, DC, USA, JTu1A.3. (EI)
  51. Ze Tao Xie, Jiaye Wu, Yanhua Sha, H. Y. Fu, and Qian Li*, “Dynamic Epsilon-Near-Zero Wavelength Tuning and Switching Properties of Hyperbolic Metamaterials” Asia Communications and Photonics/International Conference on Information Photonics and Optical Communications Conferences (ACP/IOPC 2021), 24-27 Oct 2021, Shanghai, China, T4A.173. (EI)
  52. Jiayao Huang, Feng Ye and Qian Li*, “Silicon Nanophotonic Waveguide for High Degree Soliton Compression at 2.0 μm,” Asia Communications and Photonics/International Conference on Information Photonics and Optical Communications Conferences (ACP/IOPC 2021), 24-27 Oct 2021, Shanghai, China, T4A.167. (EI)
  53. Feng Ye, Jiayao Huang, Qian Li*, “Efficient Mid-Infrared Dispersive Wave emission in LiNbO3 Waveguides Using a weak CW trigger,” Asia Communications and Photonics/International Conference on Information Photonics and Optical Communications Conferences (ACP/IOPC 2021), 24-27 Oct 2021, Shanghai, China, T4A.156. (EI)
  54. Shijie Chen, Renlai Zhou, Xuanyi Liu, H. Y. Fu and Qian Li*, “Dispersion optimization of comb-like supercontinuum generated by two-pulse bound state,” Asia Communications and Photonics/International Conference on Information Photonics and Optical Communications Conferences (ACP/IOPC 2021), 24-27 Oct 2021, Shanghai, China, T4A.6. (EI)
  55. Minghe Zhao, Xuanyi Liu, H. Y. Fu, and Qian Li*, “Ultra-compact linear mode-locking fiber laser in all polarization-maintaining fibers,” The OSA Nonlinear Optics Topical Meeting (NLO 2021), 9-13 Aug 2021, Waikoloa HI, United States, NM1A.4. (EI)
  56. Beibei Chen, Xuanyi Liu, H. Y. Fu, and Qian Li*, “Generation of Dispersion-managed Soliton in the Er-doped Fiber Laser,” The OSA Nonlinear Optics Topical Meeting (NLO 2021), 9-13 Aug 2021, Waikoloa HI, United States, NM1A.2. (EI)
  57. Shijie Chen, Xuanyi Liu, H. Y. Fu and Qian Li*, “Conversion of dark-bright solitons in a fiber ring laser,” The 26th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2021), 3-7 Jul 2021, Hong Kong, China, T4C.7. (EI)
  58. Jiayao Huang, Feng Ye and Qian Li*, “Cascaded Higher-order Soliton Compression in Silicon Nanophotonic Wire Waveguide at 2.8 μm,” The 26th Optoelectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2021), 3-7 Jul 2021, Hong Kong, China, JS3E.10. (EI)
  59. Kaibin Lin, and Qian Li*, “Effects of a Weak Continuous Wave Trigger on Picosecond Pulse Pumped Supercontinuum Generation in Silicon Nitride Waveguide,” The 26th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2021), 3-7 Jul 2021, Hong Kong, China, T4E.5. (EI)
  60. Feng Ye, Jiayao Huang, Qian Li*, “Enhanced Dispersive Wave in the Dispersion Engineered Lithium Niobate Waveguides,” The 26th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2021), 3-7 Jul 2021, Hong Kong, China, T4E.6. (EI)
  61. S. Aruna Gandhi and Qian Li*, “A Novel D-type Stampfli Photonic Quasicrystal fiber Terahertz Refractive Index Sensor,” The 26th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2021), 3-7 Jul 2021, Hong Kong, China, JS3F.8. (EI
  62. Guangkuo Li, Yuhua Li, Qian Li, Shao Hao Wang, Xiaotian Zhu, Roy Davidson, Brent E. Little and Sai T. Chu*, “Self-locked optical parametric oscillation in a highly doped silica glass slot ring resonator,” The 26th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2021), 3-7 Jul 2021, Hong Kong, China, JS3E.5. (EI)
  63. Yaqi Han, Yixiang Hu, Lirong Cheng, Caiyue Zhao, Qian Li and H. Y. Fu*, “Dual-layer polarization beam splitting grating coupler with low polarization dependent loss,” The 26th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2021), 3-7 Jul 2021, Hong Kong, China, JS3E.11. (EI)
  64. Caiyue Zhao, Simei Mao, Lirong Cheng, Sailong Wu, Yaqi Han, Qian Li and H. Y. Fu*, “Compact dual-mode waveguide crossing based on subwavelength gratings assisted multimode-interference couplers,” The 26th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2021), 3-7 Jul 2021, Hong Kong, China, T1E.3. (EI)
  65. Xuanyi Liu, Zhi Li, Denghui Pan, Qian Li* and H. Y. Fu**, “All-polarization-maintaining Bidirectional Dual-comb Fiber Laser by Nonlinear Polarization Evolution,” The 26th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2021), 3-7 Jul 2021, Hong Kong, China, T3C.5. (EI)---Best Student Paper Award
  66. Denghui Pan, Xuanyi Liu, H. Y. Fu* and Qian Li**, “Linear Polarization-maintaining Fiber Laser Mode-locked by Nonlinear Polarization Evolution,” The 26th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2021), 3-7 Jul 2021, Hong Kong, China, T4C.3. (EI)
  67. Renlai Zhou*, Qian Li** and H. Y. Fu, “Quasi-coherent noise-like pulses in a simplified nonlinear polarization evolution mode-locked fiber laser,” The 26th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2021), 3-7 Jul 2021, Hong Kong, China, T4C.5. (EI)
  68. Jiayao Huang, Feng Ye, K. Nakkeeran, P. K. A. Wai, and Qian Li*, “Simultaneous Combination and Nearly Self-similar Pulse Compression of Five Pulses at Different Wavelengths,” 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2021), 09-14 May 2021, Washington, DC, USA, JW1A.144. (EI)
  69. Shijie Chen, Renlai Zhou, Xuanyi Liu, H. Y. Fu, and Qian Li*, “Gigahertz supercontinuum comb generation by two-pulse bound state,” 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2021), 09-14 May 2021, Washington, DC, USA, STu2D.7. (EI)
  70. Jiaye Wu, Ze Tao Xie, H. Y. Fu, and Qian Li*, “High-Order Harmonic Generations in Epsilon-Near-Zero Aluminum-Doped Zinc Oxide Nanopyramid Array,” in Proc. of The 12th International Conference on Advanced Infocomm Technology (ICAIT), 23-25 Nov 2020, Macau, China, T034. ---Best presentation award
  71. S. Aruna Gandhi, and Qian Li*, “Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles using Rumex Crispus Extract and Evaluation of their Antibacterial Activities,” Asia Communications and Photonics/International Conference on Information Photonics and Optical Communications Conferences (ACP/IOPC 2020), 24-27 Oct 2020, Beijing, China, M4A.5. (EI)
  72. Ze Tao Xie, Jiaye Wu, H. Y. Fu, and Qian Li*, “Giant Enhancement of Third- and Fifth-Harmonic Generations in Epsilon-Near-Zero Nanolayer,” Asia Communications and Photonics/ International Conference on Information Photonics and Optical Communications Conferences (ACP/IOPC 2020), 24-27 Oct 2020, Beijing, China, M4A.15. (EI)
  73. Simei Mao, Lirong Cheng, Sailong Wu, Xin Mu, Xin Tu, Qian Li and H. Y. Fu*, “Compact five-mode demultiplexer based on grating assisted asymmetric directional couplers,” Asia Communications and Photonics/International Conference on Information Photonics and Optical Communications Conferences (ACP/IOPC 2020), 24-27 Oct 2020, Beijing, China, M4A.128. (EI)
  74. Kangzhu Zhou, and Qian Li*, “Supercontinuum Generation in Silicon-Organic Hybrid Slot Assisted by a Weak CW Trigger,” Asia Communications and Photonics/International Conference on Information Photonics and Optical Communications Conferences (ACP/IOPC 2020), 24-27 Oct 2020, Beijing, China, M4A.130. (EI)
  75. Feng Ye, and Qian Li*, “Mid-infrared supercontinuum generation in side-slotted silicon waveguide in the picosecond pulse pumped region,” Asia Communications and Photonics/International Conference on Information Photonics and Optical Communications Conferences (ACP/IOPC 2020), 24-27 Oct 2020, Beijing, China, M4A.145. (EI)
  76. Lirong Cheng, Simei Mao, Xin Mu, Qian Li, and H. Y. Fu*, “Silicon Photonic Vertical Few-mode Fiber Interface Designed by Adjoint Optimization,” Asia Communications and Photonics/International Conference on Information Photonics and Optical Communications Conferences (ACP/IOPC 2020), 24-27 Oct 2020, Beijing, China, M4A.154. (EI)
  77. Renlai Zhou, H. Y. Fu, and Qian Li*, “Soliton molecules in a robust all polarization-maintaining mode-locked fiber laser,” Asia Communications and Photonics/International Conference on Information Photonics and Optical Communications Conferences (ACP/IOPC 2020), 24-27 Oct 2020, Beijing, China, T2A.4. (EI)
  78. S. Aruna Gandhi, andQian Li*, “A Localized Surface Plasmon Polariton Based Single Solid Core Flat Fiber Microbiosensor,” 2020 OSA Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference (Fio/LS 2020), 14-17 Sep 2020, Washington, DC, USA, FTh1D.2. (EI)
  79. Renlai Zhou, Qian Li*, and H. Y. Fu**, “Cascade Four-wave Mixing in Picosecond Pumped Supercontinuum Triggered by a Tunable CW,” 2020 OSA Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference (Fio/LS 2020), 14-17 Sep 2020, Washington, DC, USA, FTH2B.4. (EI)
  80. Jiaye Wu, Ze Tao Xie, Yanhua Sha, H. Y. Fu, and Qian Li*, “Large and Complex Chromatic Dispersion Profile in Epsilon-Near-Zero Aluminum-Doped Zinc Oxide,” 2020 Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference (Fio/LS 2020), 14-17 Sep 2020, Washington, DC, USA, JTu1A.34 (EI).
  81. Ze Tao Xie, Jiaye Wu, H. Y. Fu, and Qian Li*, “Tunable Electro-Optical Metasurface Based on an Ultra-Strong Coupling Epsilon-Near-Zero System,” 2020 Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference (Fio/LS 2020), 14-17 Sep 2020, Washington, DC, USA, JTu1A.41. (EI)
  82. Feng Ye, and Qian Li*, “High repetition rate ultrashort pulse train generation in the tapered silicon ridge waveguide,” 2020 Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference (Fio/LS 2020), 14-17 Sep 2020, Washington, DC, USA, JTu1A.44. (EI)
  83. Yanhua Sha, Jiaye Wu, Ze Tao Xie, and Qian Li*, “Optimization of Slot Waveguide Modulator Based on Epsilon-Near-Zero Effect,” 2020 Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference (Fio/LS 2020), 14-17 Sep 2020, Washington, DC, USA, JTu1B.9 (EI)
  84. Kangzhu Zhou, Zhe Kang, Qian Li*, and P. K. A. Wai, “On-chip Octave-spanning Supercontinuum Generation in Slot Waveguide by Dual Pump with Low Power,” 2020 Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference (Fio/LS 2020), 14-17 Sep 2020, Washington, DC, USA, FW1D.3. (EI)
  85. Jiaye Wu, Haishi Fu, Yingkai Zheng, Kuan-Chang Chang, Shengdong Zhang, H. Y. Fu, and Qian Li*, “Precise Tuning of Epsilon-Near-Zero Properties in Indium Tin Oxide Nanolayer by Supercritical Carbon Dioxide,” The 14th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO-PR 2020), 3-5 Aug 2020, Sydney, Australia, C4G-3. (EI)
  86. Renlai Zhou, Qian Li*, and H. Y. Fu**, “Sub-pulses with L-shaped amplitude distribution in a rectangular-shaped noise-like pulses fiber laser,” The 14th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO-PR 2020), 3-5 Aug 2020, Sydney, Australia, C6B-5. (EI)
  87. S. Aruna Gandhi, and Qian Li*, “Corrugated Gold Layered Integrated Planar Waveguide Surface Plasmon Polariton Based Microbiosensor,” The 14th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO-PR 2020), 3-5 Aug 2020, Sydney, Australia, P2-4. (EI)
  88. Zhenmin Chen, Qian Li, and H. Y. Fu*, “Dispersion Engineering by Liquid Filled in Microbubble Resonators,” The 14th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO-PR 2020), 3-5 Aug 2020, Sydney, Australia, P4-6. (EI)
  89. Guangkuo Li, Yuhua Li, Victor W. L. Ho, and Qian Li, Shaohao Wang, Roy Davidson, Brent E. Little, and Sai T. Chu*, “Supercontinuum generation in a high index doped silica glass slot waveguide,” The 14th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO-PR 2020), 3-5 Aug 2020, Sydney, Australia, C3C-6. (EI)
  90. Zhenmin Chen, Qian Li, and H. Y. Fu*, “Tunable stimulated Brillouin scattering by two lasers pumping in a WGM microcavity,” in Proc. of The Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO’2020), 12-14 May 2020, San Jose, California, USA, JTh2E.31. (EI)
  91. Yang Luo, Zhenmin Chen, Qian Li, and H. Y. Fu*, “EIT-like phenomena and characteristics of cavity optomechanics in a single cavity,” in Proc. of The Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO’2020), 12-14 May 2020, San Jose, California, USA, JTu2A.13. (EI)
  92. Renlai Zhou, Xuanyi Liu, Dan Yu, Qian Li*, and H. Y. Fu**, “Dark rectangular noise-like pulses in a figure-nine mode-locked fiber laser with net anomalous dispersion,” 2019 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP 2019), 2-5 Nov 2019, Chengdu, China, M4A.174. (EI)
  93. Jiaye Wu, and Qian Li*, “Ultrashort Pulses in Indium Tin Oxide Thin Film at its Epsilon-Near-Zero Wavelength,” 2019 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP 2019), 2-5 Nov 2019, Chengdu, China, M4A.300. (EI)
  94. Jiaye Wu, and Qian Li*, “Propagation of Ultrashort Pulses in Indium Tin Oxide Epsilon-Near-Zero Subwavelength Metamaterial at 2 μm,” 2019 Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference (Fio/LS 2019), 15-19 Sep 2019 Washington, DC, USA, JTu4A.63. (EI)
  95. Jiaye Wu, and Qian Li*, “Efficient Self-Similar Spectral Compression of Chirped Soliton Pulses in Nonlinear Fibers with Exponentially Increasing Dispersion,” 2019 Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference (Fio/LS 2019), 15-19 Sep 2019, Washington, DC, USA, JTu3A.28. (EI)
  96. Dan Yu, Renlai Zhou, Xuanyi Liu, Qian Li*, and H. Y. Fu**, “Versatile Patterns of Bright Pulse and Dark Pulse in a Mode-Locked Fiber Ring Laser,” 2019 Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference (Fio/LS 2019), 15-19 Sep 2019, Washington, DC, USA, JTu4A.40. (EI)
  97. Fumin Wang, Zihao Cheng, Dan Yu, and Qian Li*, “High Degree Pulse Compression for Picosecond Pulses at 2 μm,” 2019 Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference (Fio/LS 2019), 15-19 Sep 2019, Washington, DC, USA, JTu3A.41. (EI)
  98. Renlai Zhou, Xuanyi Liu, Qian Li*, and H. Y. Fu**, “Low Repetition Rate Rectangular Noise-like Pulses in an Erbium-doped Fiber Laser,” The 24rd OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2019), 7-11 Jul 2019, Fukuoka, Japan, MC1-5. (EI)
  99. Qihong Wu, Zhe Kang, Qian Li*, and P. K. A. Wai, “Low Repetition Rate Rectangular Noise-like Pulses in an Erbium-doped Fiber Laser,” The 24rd OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2019), 7-11 Jul 2019, Fukuoka, Japan, TuE1-5. (EI)
  100. Renlai Zhou, Xuanyi Liu, Guanyu Liu, H. Y. Fu, and Qian Li*, “Robust all polarization-maintaining femtosecond fiber laser with various phase bias,” The 18th International Conference on Optical Communications & Networks (ICOCN 2019), 5-8 Aug 2019, Huangshan, China, T3B.4. (EI) (shortlisted for Young Scientist Award Competition)
  101. S. Aruna Gandhi, Xuanyi Liu, and Qian Li*, “D-glucose sensing fiber optic D-type microbiosensor,” in Proc. of the Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP 2018), 26-28 Oct 2018, Hangzhou, China, S3H.2. (EI)
  102. Renlai Zhou, Rongle Huang, Hongpeng Xin, Qian Li*, and H. Y. Fu, “Supercontinuum generation triggered by a weak 100-kHz linewidth continuous-wave,” in Proc. of the Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP 2018), 26-28 Oct 2018, Hangzhou, China, Su4H.4. (EI) --- shortlisted for 16 candidates for best paper competition
  103. Guangkuo Li, and Qian Li*, “CW assisted picosecond pulse pumped supercontinuum in silicon-on-insulator waveguide,” in Proc. of the Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP 2018), 26-28 Oct 2018, Hangzhou, China, Su2A.178. (EI)
  104. Zhenhao Cen, Feng Li*, Qian Li**, and P. K. A. Wai, “High quality pulse train from discrete Fourier domain mode locked laser with a comb filter,” in Proc. of the Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP 2018), 26-28 Oct 2018, Hangzhou, China, M1A.7. (EI)
  105. Jiaxi Cheng, Xiaolong Yuan, and Qian Li*, “Impact of initial pulse shape on spectral compression in nonlinear fibers with exponentially increasing dispersion,” in Proc. of the Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP 2018), 26-28 Oct 2018, Hangzhou, China, Su2A.234. (EI)
  106. Jiayao Huang, M. S. Aruna Gandhi, and Qian Li*, “Self-similar pulse compression in the tapered silicon waveguide,” 2018 Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference (Fio/LS 2018), 16-20 Sep 2018, Washington, DC, USA, FTh3B.5. (EI)
  107. S. Aruna Gandhi, Xuanyi Liu, and Qian Li*, “A novel photonic stampfli quasicrystal fiber based D-Glucose microbiosensor,” 2018 Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference (Fio/LS 2018), 16-20 Sep 2018, Washington, DC, USA, JTu2A.95. (EI)
  108. Rongle Huang, Renlai Zhou, and Qian Li*, “Mid-infrared supercontinuum generation with a weak CW trigger,” 2018 Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference (Fio/LS 2018), 16-20 Sep 2018, Washington Hilton, Washington, USA, JTu2A.93. (EI)
  109. Chao Huang, H. Y. Fu, and Qian Li*, “Stimulated supercontinuum generation in CW-pumped regime,” 2018 Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference (Fio/LS 2018), 16-20 Sep 2018, Washington, DC, USA, JTu2A.42. (EI)
  110. Fumin Wang, Zihao Cheng, and Qian Li*,“Single mode fibers for two stage higer-order soliton compression at 2 mm," 2018 Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference (Fio/LS 2018), 16-20 Sep 2018, Washington, DC, USA, JW3A.38 (EI)
  111. Guangkuo Li, and Qian Li*, “Picosecond pulse pumped supercontinuum generation in siliconon-on-insulator waveguide with a weak continuous wave trigger,” 2018 Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference (Fio/LS 2018), 16-20 Sep 2018, Washington, DC, USA, JTu2A.95. (EI)
  112. S. Aruna Gandhi, and Qian Li*, “D-shaped photonic crystal fiber sensing probe for biological applications,” The 13th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO-PR 2018), 29 Jul-3 Aug 2018, Hong Kong. (EI) --- Best poster award
  113. Xiaolong Yuan, Feng Li *, Qian Li**, and P. K. A. Wai, “Fourier domain mode-locked lasers with an optical intensity modulator,” The 13th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO-PR 2018), 29 Jul-3 Aug 2018, Hong Kong, China, Th1A.5. (EI)
  114. Qihong Wu, Yuhua Li, Shaohao Wang, Qian Li*, and Sai Tak Chu**, “An actively mode-locked laser based on a 5th order micro-ring resonator,” The 23rd OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2018), 2-6 Jul 2018, Jeju, Korea, 3D2-4. (EI)
  115. Xuanyi Liu, M. S. Aruna Gandhi, and Qian Li*, “Surface plasmon polariton based on goldcoated D-shaped photonic crystal fiber biosensor,” The 23rd OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2018), 2-6 Jul 2018, Jeju, Korea, P2-03. (EI)

Conference papers published before 2018

  1. Ji Zhu, Qian Li*, and H. Y. Fu, “An incoherent CW-trigger on picosecond pulse pumped supercontinuum generation,” Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP 2017), 10-13 Nov 2017, Guangzhou, China, M2F.4. (EI)
  2. Jie Zhou, Taojie Zhou, Jiagen Li, Kebo He, Zhiren Qiu, Bocang Qiu, Qian Li, and Zhaoyu Zhang*, “Flexible visible photonic crystal defect cavity for nanoscale strain sensors,” Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP 2017), 10-13 Nov 2017, Guangzhou, China, Su2A.129. (EI)
  3. Ziyun Jian, and Qian Li*,“Coherent combination and self-similar compression of two RC pulses with different pulse widths,” Frontiers in Optics (Fio 2017), 16-20 Oct 2017, Washington, USA, JTu3A.76. (EI)
  4. Cai Wen, Peng Lu, H.Y. Fu, and Qian Li*, “CW triggering in CW pumped supercontinuum generation,” Frontiers in Optics (Fio 2017), 16-20 Oct 2017, Washington, USA, JTu4A.71. (EI)
  5. Peng Lu, and Qian Li*, “Control of Optical Rogue Waves in CW Pumped Supercontinuum with a Weak Femtosecond Pulse Seed,” Frontiers in Optics (Fio 2017), 16-20 Oct 2017, Washington, USA, JTu4A.108. (EI)
  6. Peng Lu, and Qian Li*, “Effects of a minute femtosecond pulse seed on continuous wave pumped supercontinuum generation,” The 16th International Conference on Optical Communications & Networks (ICOCN 2017), 7-10 Aug 2017, Wuzhen, China, T2-O-04. (EI)
  7. Zihao Cheng, H. Y. Fu, and Qian Li*, “Cascaded photonic crystal fibers for three stage non-integer order soliton compression,” The 16th International Conference on Optical Communications & Networks (ICOCN 2017), 7-10 Aug 2017, Wuzhen, China, T2-O-23. (EI)
  8. Taiwei Zhang, and Qian Li*, “Spectral compression of chirp-free hyperbolic secant pulse in nonlinear optical fibers with exponentially increasing dispersion,” The 12th Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR 2017), 31 July-4 Aug Singapore, O3-1A-5. (EI)
  9. Peng Lu, and Qian Li*, “A weak femtosecond pulse seed on CW pumped supercontinuum generation,” The 12th Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR 2017), 31 Jul-4 Aug, Singapore, P1-0198. (EI)
  10. Ziyun Jian, Wei Lu, and Qian Li*, “Combination and compression of eight pulses in nonlinear fibers with exponentially decreasing dispersion,” 2016 Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference (Fio/LS 2016), 17-21 Oct 2016, Rochester, New York, USA, JTU4A.26. (EI)
  11. Ji Zhu, Cai Wen, and Qian Li*, Influence of two weak continuous wave triggers on picosecond supercontinuum generation,”2016 Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference (Fio/LS 2016), 17-21 Oct 2016, Rochester, New York, USA, JTU4A.25. (EI)
  12. Zihao Cheng, and Qian Li*, “Single mode fibers for cascaded higher-order soliton compression, “The 15th International Conference on Optical Communications & Networks (ICOCN 2016), 24-27 Sep 2016, Hangzhou, China, T2-O-13. (EI)
  13. Cai Wen, and Qian Li*, “Continuous wave pumped supercontinuum generation using a weak continuous wave trigger,” 2016 Nonlinear Photonics (NP 2016), 4-9 Sep 2016, Sydney, Australia, JM6A.11. (EI)
  14. Ke Liu, and Qian Li*, “Highly coherent supercontinuum generation with picosecond pulses by using pulse compression in a stepwise decreasing dispersion fiber,” 2015 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP2015), 19-23 Nov 2015, Hong Kong, China, AS4C.3. (EI)
  15. Wei Lu, Qian Li*, and P. K. A. Wai, “Simultaneous compression and coherent combination of multiple optical pulses in the same pulse train using nonlinear optical fibers,” 2015 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP2015), 19-23 Nov 2015, Hong Kong, China, AS4C.4. (EI)
  16. Cai Wen, Hui Huang, Zihao Cheng, and Qian Li*, “Influence of a weak continuous wave trigger on continuous wave pumped supercontinuum generation,” 2015 Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference (Fio/LS 2015), 18-22 Oct 2015, San Jose, California, USA, JW2A.5. (EI)
  17. Zihao Cheng, and Qian Li*, “Three-stage third-order soliton compression,” 2015 Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference (Fio/LS 2015), 18-22 Oct 2015, San Jose, California, USA, FM3G.7. (EI)
  18. Feng Li, Qian Li, Jinhui Yuan, and P. K. A. Wai, “Highly coherent supercontinuum pumped by a picosecond pulse with a PCF taper,” 2015 Pacific Rim Conference Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO Pacific Rim 2015), 24-28 Aug 2015, Busan, Korea, 26C3-4. (EI)
  19. Xiaoqi Duan, and Qian Li*,“Control of optical rogue waves in the femtosecond supercontinuum generation using a weak continuous wave trigger,”2015 Pacific Rim Conference Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO Pacific Rim 2015), 24-28 Aug 2015, Busan, Korea, 25C3-7. (EI)
  20. Mingfeng Li, and Qian Li*, “Spectral compression of chirped Gaussian pulse in nonlinear optical fibers with exponentially increasing dispersion,” 2015 Nonlinear Optics (NLO2015), 26-31 July 2015, Hawaii, USA, NW4A.20. (EI)
  21. Dongfei Zhang, and Qian Li*, “Influence of an incoherent CW trigger on picosecond supercontinuum generation,” 2015 Nonlinear Optics (NLO2015), 26-31 Jul 2015, Hawaii, USA, NW4A.21. (EI)
  22. Mingfeng Li, and Qian Li*, “Spectral compression of 200 fs pulse in nonlinear optical fibers with exponentially increasing dispersion,” 2014 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP 2014), 11-14 Nov 2014, Shanghai, China, ATh3A.99. (EI)
  23. Wei Lu, Qian Li*, and P. K. A. Wai, “Multi-pulse compression in nonlinear optical fibers with exponentially decreasing dispersion,” 2014 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP 2014), 11-14 Nov 2014, Shanghai, China, ATh3A.100. (EI)
  24. Hui Huang, and Qian Li*, “Effective pulse compression in photonic crystal fibers with linearly varying dispersion and nonlinearity,” 2014 Nonlinear Photonics (NP) Topical Meeting, 27-31 Jul 2014, Barcelona, Spain, JTU3A.22. (EI)
  25. Hui Huang, and Qian Li*, “Efficient pulse compression in nonlinear fibers with linearly varying dispersion and nonlinear coefficients,” OptoElectronics and Communications Conference and Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology (OECC/ACOFT 2014), 6-10 Jul 2014, Melbourne, Australia, TH12D-4. (EI)
  26. Qian Li*, and Hui Huang, “Spectral compression of femtosecond pulses in dispersion flattened and dispersion exponentially increasing fibers,” 2013 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP 2013), 12-15 Nov 2013, Beijing, China, AF2D.37. (EI)
  27. Qian Li, Hui Huang, Huiling Lu, and Shendong Zhang*, “Effects of third-order dispersion on self-similar pulse compression in nonlinear fibers,” 2013 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP 2013), 12-15 Nov 2013, Beijing, China, AF2D.36. (EI)
  28. Qian Li*, K. Nakkeeran, and P. K. A. Wai, “Generation of high-repetition-rate ultrashort pulse train at 850 nm,” Proc. of Pacific Rim Conference Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO®/Pacific Rim 2013), 30 June–4 Jul 2013, Kyoto, Japan, WPB-11. (EI)
  29. Qian Li*, J. Nathan Kutz, and P. K. A. Wai, “High-degree pulse compression with a convex dispersion profile,” 2012 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP 2012), 7-10 Nov 2012, Guangzhou, China, ATh4A.6. (EI)
  30. Qian Li, K. Nakkeeran, and P. K. A. Wai*, “High-repetition-rate ultrashort pulse generation in nonlinear fibers with exponentially decreasing dispersion,” 2012 Nonlinear Photonics (NP) Topcial Meeting, 17-21 Jun 2012, Colorado, USA, JTu5A.40. (EI)
  31. Qian Li, Feng Li, Kenneth K. Y. Wong, Alan Pak Tao Lau, Kevin K. Tsia, and P. K. A. Wai, “Characteristics of supercontinuum generation under the influence of a weak continuous-wave trigger,” in Proc. of IEEE Photonics 2011 Conference (IPC11), 9-13 Oct 2011, Arlington, Virginia, MF-3. (EI)
  32. Nathan Kutz, Qian Li, and P. K. A. Wai, “Pulse compression and super-continuum generation using cascaded higher-order solitons,” in Proc. of Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD 2011), 5-8 Sep 2011, Rome, Italy, MP-22.
  33. Qian Li, J. Nathan Kutz, and P. K. A Wai, “Cascaded second-order soliton for high-coherence supercontinuum generation”, in Proc. of OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC), 4-8 Jul 2011, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Hong Kong, 7P3-059. (EI)
  34. Qian Li, Chi Zhang, Kim K. Y. Cheung, Yi Qiu, Kevin K. Tsia, Kenneth K. Y. Wong, Feng Li, Alan Pak Tao Lau, and P. K. A. Wai, “Control of optical rogue waves in supercontinuum generation with a minute continuous wave,” in Proc. of Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2011), 1-6 May 2011, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, JThB61. (EI)
  35. Qian Li, J. Nathan Kutz, and P. K. A. Wai*, “Cascaded higher-order soliton compression,” in Proc. of Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2011), 1-6 May 2011, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, JThB81. (EI)
  36. Nathan Kutz, Qian Li, and P. K. A. Wai, “Non-adiabatic pulse compression using cascaded higher-order solitons,” in Proc. of Photonics West 2011, 22-27 Jan 2011, San Francisco, CA, USA, 7914-58. (EI)
  37. Feng Li, Qian Li, Xinhuan Feng, and P. K. A. Wai, “Nonlinear dynamics in lasers with nonlinear loss,” in Proc. of Pacific Rim Conference Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO®/Pacific Rim 2009), 30 Aug-3 Sep 2009, Shanghai, China, TuD3-4. (EI)
  38. Qian Li, K. Senthilnathan, K. Nakkeeran, and P. K. A. Wai*, “Effects of higher order dispersion on self-similar pulse compression in nonlinear fiber Bragg gratings,” in Proc. of Pacific Rim Conference Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO®/Pacific Rim 2009), 30 Aug-3 Sep 2009, Shanghai, China, ThB1-3. (EI)
  39. Senthilnathan, K. Nakkeeran, Qian Li, and P. K. A. Wai, “Chirped Optical Solitons: High Degree Pulse Compression,” in Proc. of OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC), 13-17 Jul 2009, Hong Kong, FG2. (EI)
  40. Qian Li, K. Senthilnathan, K. Nakkeeran, and P. K. A. Wai*, “Pedestal-free pulse compression in nonlinear fiber Bragg gratings with exponentially varying dispersion,” in Proc. of OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC), 7-10 Jul 2008, Sydney, Australia, P18. (EI)
  41. Senthilnathan, Qian Li, P. K. A. Wai, and K. Nakkeeran, “Bragg soliton pulse compression in non-uniform fiber Bragg gratings”, in Proc. of OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC), 9-13 Jul 2007, Yokohama, Japan, 13C1-4. (EI)
  42. Qian Li, A. Wai*, K. Nakkeeran, and K. Senthilnathan, “Nearly chirp-free and pedestal-free pulse compression”, in Proc. of OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC), 9-13 Jul 2007, Yokohama, Japan, 13P-21. (EI)
  43. Senthilnathan, Qian Li, P. K. A. Wai, and K. Nakkeeran, “Chirped self-similar pulse propagation in cubic-quintic media,” in Proc. of the Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS), 26-30 Mar 2007, Beijing, China, Paper 3, 531.