88. 仝德, 徐珩, 潘向向, 吾买尔艾力·艾买提卡力*. 2025. 基于EOD理念的全域土地综合整治理论逻辑和实践路径[J]. 中国土地科学. http://www. chinalandscience. com. cn/zgtdkx/ch/reader/view_abstract. aspx?doi=10.11994/zgtdkx.20250110.095054
87. CAO Zhiqiang, TONG De*, GONG Yue*, GU Chunxia. 2025. Retrofitting urbanising villages and tenants' residential satisfaction: a case study of Shenzhen. China[J]. Housing Studies. 1–27. https://doi.org/10.1080/02673037.2024.2445802
Abstract: Since the 1970s, an inclusive slum upgrading strategy focused on perceived neighbourhood environment enhancement has gained prominence in the Global South. In China, recent years have witnessed a new inclusive instance of informal housing governance, namely retrofitting urbanising villages, which focuses on both housing characteristics and neighbourhood environments. This paper presents case studies of four urbanising villages in Shenzhen, China. The empirical analysis shows that the impact of the current retrofitting on tenants’ residential satisfaction primarily stems from enhancements in housing characteristics, while the improvement of neighbourhood environments is relatively inadequate. Further analysis suggests that among the limited improvements, concentrated retrofitting, as opposed to dispersed retrofitting, can more effectively enhance the neighbourhood environment, thereby increasing tenants’ residential satisfaction. For better inclusive governance and increased residential satisfaction, we suggest a concentrated retrofitting mode supported by collective actions and continuing improvement of both housing characteristics and neighbourhood environments. The findings also offer insights for slum upgrading in the Global South.
86. 仝德, 段司南, 邱君丽,* 曹志强. 2025. 面向青新市民住有宜居的城中村统租改造绩效评价及优化策略[J].自然资源学报. 40(01):195-210.
85. LI Zhigang,* YE Yumin, TONG De. 2024. Breaking new ground or business as usual? Urban village redevelopment under China’s new normal[J]. Transactions in Planning and Urban Research. 3(4):315-322. https://doi.org/10.1177/27541223241297917
Abstract: This special issue explores the redevelopment of urban villages in China. Drawing on top-down and bottom-up approaches, this article interrogates the work of six articles within it examining the diverse strategies employed in urban village redevelopment. The top-down approach highlights the state’s central role in managing large-scale transformations and the collaboration between government, developers, and village collectives; the bottom-up strategies reveal the potential for local actors to shape the redevelopment through grassroots initiatives. The convergence of the two approaches demonstrates how top-down and bottom-up methods can complement each other, creating inclusive and sustained transformations. Above all, we articulate the importance of integrated governance models in ensuring that urban village redevelopment enhances economic growth and promotes social equity.
84. 潘向向, 储君, 李翔, 仝德. *2024. 从“划地”到“划权”——基于土地发展权的留用地制度改革逻辑与优化路径[J]. 城市发展研究. 31(11):30-38.
83. HUANG Zhiji, SHI Tao, TONG De.* 2025. Understanding the role of government in regional industrial evolution: Evidence from land supply in China[J]. Papers in Regional Science. 104(1):100070. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pirs.2024.100070.
Abstract: In the process of regional industrial evolution, the role of government in fiscal and administrative aspects has gradually gained attention in recent years. However, there is still a lack of discussion on how government land supply shapes industrial evolution. Using land-industry data from 2007 to 2013 in China, we find that the government has been deeply involved in the development of various unrelated industries through land pricing authority, a phenomenon that remains robust after addressing endogeneity concerns. Unlike the literature focusing on China’s early industrial evolution, during the period of large-scale relocations of industries to inland regions, our results reveal that government subsidies have minimal impact, whereas initiatives to establish development zones yield significant returns. Besides, differences in the ability of governments to affect industrial evolution through land use are identified, revealing disparities across industry attributes and geographical features. Further analysis suggests that the rise in firms’ average debt ratio and local governments’ budgetary revenue are potential channels in this process, while the trade-off is an increase in corruption. In sum, we revisit and extend the significant role played by the government in regional industrial evolution. This may offer novel insights into industry policy for countries with public land ownership or less developed industries.
82. LUAN Xiaofan, Hurex Paryzat, CHU Jun, SHU Xinyi, GU Hengyu,* TONG De,* Bowen Li. 2024. Different roads take me home: the nonlinear relationship between distance and flows during China’s Spring Festival[J]. Humanities & Social Sciences Communications. 11:1356. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-024-03779-8.
Abstract: Human mobility modelling has attracted scholarly attention from physics-based methods and social science explanatory approaches. However, there is limited knowledge of the nonlinear relationship of flows and distance in intercity mobility and regional differences in the nonlinear relationship. Focusing on China’s long-distance and large-scale mobility during the Spring Festival, this paper develops a framework to explain the nonlinear relationship. Using the Gradient Boosting Decision Tree (GBDT) model and Tencent Big Data, we find that there are three types of nonlinear relationships, namely plateau (almost zero distance decay parameter), drop (decreasing distance decay parameter) and rebound (increasing distance decay parameter after decreasing). The provincial differences also reveal that the nonlinear relationships depend on the domestic relative location and the intra-provincial urban system. This result shows that the cities in the coastal province enjoy a more inclusive spatial structure, which supports the migration from the periphery of the province. In contrast, the inland cities are concerned with embracing the migrants and settling them down.
81. 仝德, 徐珩, 邱君丽,* 储君. 2024. 地方响应国家城市更新行动的区域差异——基于LDA 模型的政策文本量化分析[J]. 城市发展研究. 31(08):1-6.
摘要:随着国家对城市更新行动政策话语的不断建构和完善,城市更新逐渐由地方主导的系统性提升工程,转变为民生导向的多元价值目标实现过程。聚焦京津冀、长三角和珠三角三大城镇群,采用LDA 模型对三大城镇群内45 个城市于2010-2023 年发布的302 份城市更新政策文本进行量化分析,探讨地方响应国家城市更新行动的区域差异。研究发现:①在响应政策主题方面,京津冀长期关注历史文化保护,长三角逐渐强化社区建设,治理主题在珠三角具有较强延续性。②三大城镇群内存在响应程度差异显著的三类城市:I 类城市通过优化更新目标和策略积极响应国家城市更新行动;Ⅱ类城市通过构建城市更新政策体系以促进城市从增量扩张向存量转型;Ⅲ类城市尚未响应国家城市更新行动。进一步分析表明,地方响应差异主要受经济发展水平、用地结构、制度环境以及政策迁移等因素影响。
80. 仝德, 徐珩, 潘向向. 2024. EOD模式下全域土地综合整治的理论逻辑和实施路径[J]. 土地科学动态. (4):16-18.
79. TONG De, DAI Yueer,* SHEN Yue. 2024. Commuting behaviors response to living and working built environment: Dissecting interaction effects from varied supply and demand masses[J]. Applied Geography. 172: 103430. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2024.103430
Abstract: Most developed megacities have experienced poly-centralization and suburbanization, leading to job-housing mismatches and negative outcomes such as increased commuting distances and frequencies. Recognizing the scarcity of structural analysis concerning the attractiveness of commuting’s geographic endpoints, this study examines the diverse impact of the built environment at living and working locations on commuting flows, considering various supply-demand masses and distance levels. Utilizing a Gradient Boosting Decision Tree (GBDT) model, the study highlights the importance of job-housing ratio, POI diversity, and subway station proximity in employment locations, while informal area rates and subway proximity remain significant in residential locations. A three-dimensional analysis further indicates that achieving a perfect job-housing balance in megacities remains a dream, with each area presenting unique challenges requiring tailored solutions beyond a one-size-fits-all approach. Potential policies, such as planning large residential areas in the inner suburbs and upgrading convenient infrastructure in the outer suburbs, are proposed. Furthermore, with the uncovered distinct interaction effects of built environment on commuting behavior across various masses and distances, common perceptions related to mixed-use land and the role of informal settlement, are critically challenged. This extends our understanding of sustainable urban system design and provides references for planning policies.
78. CHU Jun, TONG De*, HONG Yu-Hung, MacLachlan Ian, PAN Xiangxiang. 2024. Shareholding land readjustment led by local government during peri-urbanization: the case of Zhaoqing, China[J]. Planning Theory & Practice. 25(2):252-243. https://doi.org/10.1080/14649357.2024.2339210.
Abstract: This paper focuses on a new model of land readjustment integrated with shareholding in Zhaoqing, China. It determines whether this innovation reduces transaction costs throughout the land development process. To cope with the uncertainty during rapid urbanization in peripheral areas, shareholding land readjustment provides opportunities for the original landowners to share the long-term sustainable land value increment. This is accomplished through a shareholding platform built by local government and a closely associated state-owned enterprise, with a guarantee of shortterm fixed compensation. Shareholding land readjustment holds great promise in connecting plan implementation with land property exchange issues in the Global South.
77. TONG De, SHEN Yue, TIAN Chuanhao*, WU Chengyu. 2024. Tenure inequality, public facilities and housing prices: Evidence from Shenzhen, China[J]. Transactions in Planning and Urban Research. 3(1-2) :27-46. doi:10.1177/27541223241236749
Abstract: Public facilities capitalization of formal housing has been widely discussed. However, how residents of informal housing value facilities and how they differ from formal housing remain unclear. We employ hedonic model and the gradient boosting decision trees approach to address the gap by identifying the differences between small property rights housing (SPRH) and commercial housing in Shenzhen, China. Empirical modeling results reveal that the capitalization effects of public facilities in SPRH are significantly lower than in commercial housing. SPRH buyers are significantly less willing than those commercial housing buyers to pay for public facilities, and the gap in willingness to pay between these two types of housing buyers is greater for public middle schools with access related to housing tenure than for metro stations and hospitals. After accounting for how the poor public facility provision of SPRH affects capitalization effects, we further find that informal tenure weakens SPRH capitalization effects. These findings help planners and policymakers better understand the housing market so they can take reasonable initiatives to make urban public facilities more accessible and urban housing systems more affordable, further improving the sustainability of urban areas.
76. GONG Yue*, CAO Zhiqiang, TONG De*. 2024. Social ties and talent migration: Considering the intentions of migrants to permanently settle in Chinese cities[J]. Applied Geography. 165: 103227.
Abstract: As the knowledge economy has characterized this era, the intentions of skilled migrants to settle have drawn increasing scholarly attention. In the literature, the role of economic incentives, urban amenities, and political factors has usually been considered to drive talent migration, but little attention has been given to its social driver. Through a quantitative study of domestic migrants in Chinese cities, this study examines the role of social ties in talent migration. The findings show that skilled migrants’ various social ties in destination cities can significantly increase their intention to settle permanently and that among these social ties, kinship has the greatest impact, even surpassing the impact on low-skilled migrants’ settlement intentions. We argue that Chinese social-cultural norms have a long history and their path-dependent influence may explain the importance of social ties to talent migration. This paper identifies the social driver of talent migration, explains the significance of social ties in retaining talent, and describes important policy implications.
75. WANG Dan, JIN Meihan, TONG De, CHANG Xin, GONG Yongxi*, Yu Liu. 2024. Evaluating the bikeability of urban streets using dockless shared bike trajectory data[J]. Sustainable Cities and Society. 101: 105181.
Abstract:Cycling, recognized as a sustainable and convenient mode of urban transportation, provides a solution to traffic congestion and last-mile connectivity. Despite its benefits, current urban planning often neglects cycling infrastructure, leading to inadequate support for the diverse cycling behaviors observed in many cities. To enhance the cycling environment, assessing bikeability at the urban street level is essential, involving the identification of relevant indicators and their associated weights. Traditional methods for determining these indicators and weights often rely on expert or resident opinions through surveys or various questionnaire-based techniques, lacking validation of their impact on cycling behavior. In response, we proposed a comprehensive framework to link the bikeability evaluation model with regression model of built environment on cycling behavior based on dockless shared bike trajectory data considering both demand and supply factors. The framework utilizes the regression model to derived indicators and their weights to build a four-fold bikeability evaluation model incorporating cycling demand, shared bike supply, bikeability, and behavior. An empirical study conducted in Longgang, Shenzhen, China demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed method. The findings indicate its superiority over existing methods, providing a more reasonable and insightful approach to support the planning and construction of cycling systems in urban areas.
74. 仝德, 任一帆, 邱君丽*, 沈月, 李汉廷. 2024. 深圳城中村私宅租金与统租改造选址的空间交互影响[J]. 地理研究. 43(01):136-148.
摘要:城中村是中国大城市普遍存在的居住空间类型。近年来,随着大拆大建的改造模式备受诟病,以统租改造为手段的综合整治行动迅速兴起,但其空间效应仍较少被检视。本文以深圳为研究区,构建空间联立方程,探究城中村私宅租金和统租改造选址的空间交互影响。结果表明:① 城中村发生统租改造,会带动本村未改造私宅租金上涨,产生一定程度的绅士化效应。② 在控制其他变量的前提下,私宅租金相对较高的城中村更易发生统租改造。③ 统租改造具有空间溢出效应,通过租金传导机制带动邻村发生统租改造,促进绅士化效应在邻村扩散。因此,在健康可支付住房短缺的大城市,建议地方政府科学规划城中村私宅统租改造的选址,引导城中村统租改造为不同类型、不同价格梯度的租赁住房,建立租金监管机制,积极介入当前以市场为主导的城中村统租改造行为,更加稳妥地推进城中村统租改造。
73. 杨辉宇, 仝德*. 2023. 共同富裕目标下乡村振兴耦合协调发展评价——以广东省为例[J/OL]. 北京大学学报(自然科学版). 1-13[2023-09-20].
72. TONG De, YANG Shuang, LAI Yani*. 2023. Experimentation-based policymaking for urban regeneration in Shenzhen, China[J]. The China Quarterly. 1–18.
Abstract: A growing appreciation of the potential benefits of experimentation to tame the complexities of urban transformation has led to an increase in related research activity. Building on a “practice-to-policy” experimentation-based framework, this paper investigates the adaptive policymaking process for urban regeneration in Shenzhen since the 2000s. It finds that “explorative experimentation” is used to identify a general direction in the absence of a clear route for the policy process, while “generative experimentation” is sequentially dedicated to specific issues for the improvement of the entire policy package within a particular reform. We argue that understanding the successive roles or hybrid functions of these two types of experiment adds new insights to the development rationales for Shenzhen’s urban regeneration and provides inspiration for an experimental model of urban governance. Governments and policymakers can benefit from the experimentation-based approach, as presented in the Shenzhen case, to pursue policy innovation embedded in local contexts.
71. 陆进锋, 仝德*, 龙嘉骞, 沈月. 2023. 县域城乡融合发展与宅基地制度改革:理论逻辑及实现路径[J]. 自然资源学报. 38(08): 2135-2147.
70. GONG Yue, LI Bin*,TONG De, QUE Jinnan, PENG Hui. 2023. Planner-led collaborative governance and the urban form of urban villages in redevelopment: The case of Yangji Village in Guangzhou, China[J]. Cities. 142: 104521.
Abstract: While urban redevelopment has been a global phenomenon for many decades, the redevelopment of urban villages (villages-in-the-city or chengzhongcun) in China has attracted increasing scholarly attention in recent years. However, few studies focus on urban planning forces and their impacts on the redevelopment of urban villages, especially the transformation of open spaces. This paper therefore examines how urban planning transforms the space of urban villages through a case study of Yangji Village in Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province. The large increase in public spaces related to the transformation of Yangji results from collaborative governance driven by trends in urbanization and the work of urban planners. The latter are empowered by their strategic use of state support, professional knowledge and public interest incentives. However, in the Yangji redevelopment, as a state-hegemonic project, such planner-led collaborative governance remains limited in scope amid the exclusion of migrant tenants from decision-making. Although rarely regarded in the literature as playing a key role in redeveloping urban villages, this paper highlights urban planners as a salient force in the morphology of urban villages. Without challenging the hegemonic substance of urban village redevelopment, planners can coordinate with and occasionally manipulate other stakeholders to legitimate and facilitate negotiation during physical planning. Hence, redeveloped urban forms, rather than stakeholders’ economic profits in short-term redevelopment, may influence urban lives in the long term due to planners’ efforts.
69. TONG De, SHEN Yue, WANG Xiaoguang, SUN Yiyu, MacLachlan Ian, LI Xin*. 2023. From proximity to quality: The capitalization of public facilities into housing prices[J]. Annals of the American Association of Geographers. 113(10): 2435-2455.
Abstract: Housing prices are significantly influenced by the presence of public facilities, such as schools, parks, and transport infrastructure. Whereas existing literature has mainly focused on the proximity of public facilities, this study goes beyond proximity and introduces the concept of quality metrics to evaluate public facilities. By employing the gradient-boosting decision trees approach, we analyze the nonlinear relationships between public facilities and property values in Shenzhen, China. Our study not only quantifies the extent to which the quality of these facilities is capitalized in housing prices, but also examines the interaction effects of quality and proximity on housing prices. Our results reveal that quality variables exhibit a greater relative importance than proximity variables in determining housing prices, and this relationship follows a nonlinear pattern. Furthermore, we investigate the moderating effects of quality on the relationship between proximity and housing prices. We find that the amplifying effects of higher quality are particularly evident in metro stations and public middle schools, whereas the impact of park quality on housing prices is less pronounced. These findings highlight the need to consider both quality and proximity in the supply of public facilities, as they have synergistic effects on housing prices. The nonlinear effects observed in our study can serve as a valuable tool for identifying deficiencies in the supply of public facilities. Additionally, the distinction between proximity and quality, as well as their interaction effects, contributes to our understanding of how the value of public facilities is capitalized in housing markets.
68. TONG De*, SUN Yiyu, TANG Junqing, LUO Zhenying, LU Jinfeng, LIU Xuan. 2023. Modeling the interaction of internal and external systems of rural settlements: The case of Guangdong, China[J]. Land Use Policy. 132: 106830.
Abstract: A rural settlement is a socio-ecological system (SES) characterized by multiple systemic attributes, including natural, socio-economic, morphological, and locational elements. However, only a few previous studies have quantitatively revealed the complex relationships among subsystems of rural socio-ecological systems (RSES). With a systems-oriented perspective, this study constructed an ontological framework for better understanding the complex inter- and intra-relationships in Chinese rural settlements. A quantitative structural equation modeling method was adopted to explore the interactions of the internal and external subsystems of RSES. Analysis of the RSES in Guangdong Province indicated that: (a) the natural subsystem provided the primary material conditions for forming and developing the rural settlement’s morphological and socio-economic subsystems. The relationship between morphological and socio-economic subsystems was reciprocal, and the positive effect brought by socio-economic development could be the main driving force for the morphological evolution in rural settlements; (b) locational conditions served as bridges between the internal and external systems so that the external system could dramatically change the rural settlement through nearby economic and social activities; and (c) the systemic perspective could be a promising approach to coordinate natural environments, bottom-up rural economic vitality and the planning guidance of the government, promoting the rural revitalization and sustainable development in developing countries.
67. 孙裔煜, 高静, 仝德*, 李贵才. 2023. 基于GTWR的广东省乡村聚落规模时空演变研究[J]. 地理科学. 43(7):1249-1258.
摘要:乡村聚落在聚落体系中具有重要地位,但长期以来缺乏对乡村聚落规模时空演变内在机理的深入研究,导致乡村聚落的规划、建设和管理缺乏有效的理论指导。本研究基于遥感影像获取 1980 年、1995 年、2005 年、2015 年4期广东省乡村聚落空间分布数据,以乡村聚落斑块为单元,使用时空地理加权回归模型,揭示乡村聚落规模演变影响因素的时空差异,总结影响机制的阶段性规律。 研究结论如下:① 广东省乡村聚落规模演变呈现出增加–平稳–减少的趋势,35 a 间总规模略有减少但区域结构性差异明显。珠三角地区乡村聚落演化与全省趋势一致;粤东地区原有乡村聚落不断扩张导致总规模持续上升,但趋势逐渐减弱;粤西北乡村聚落以部分聚落原地扩张和部分聚落日渐收缩并行为主,新增乡村聚落和乡村聚落城市化幅度均不高。② 各影响因素对乡村聚落规模演变的作用力存在明显时空差异,地形条件、路网密度、县域人均 GDP 和基期聚落面积对乡村聚落规模的影响普遍呈现“倒 U 型”趋势,其它自然环境本底、区位可达性、社会经济因素的驱动方向稳定,但影响力随阶段变化。③ 35 a 间广东省经历了城乡分割、城乡冲击和城乡融合3 个发展阶段,各阶段乡村聚落规模演变的动力呈现出显著差别,在城乡分割阶段,乡村聚落发展存在明显的路径依赖;而在城乡冲击阶段,社会经济发展水平高、自然条件优越、交通基础设施建设完备的聚落更易发生城市化;在城乡融合阶段,自然环境本底的影响逐渐减弱,而区位可达性的重要性逐渐凸显。
66. 杨辉宇, 曾达, 李苗苗, 吴雨蔚, 范雪宁, 仝徳*. 2023. 多元流空间视角下粤港澳大湾区城市生态位研究[J/OL]. 地理学报. https://kns.cnki.net/kcms2/detail/11.1856.P.20230619.1519.002.html
摘要:基于多元有向流矩阵和社会网络分析方法,扩展优化城市生态位内涵和测度方法体系,构建流空间视角下城市群城市生态位研究框架,并以粤港澳大湾区为例深入剖析城市的“态—势”特征,揭示各城市生态位和竞合关系。研究发现:整体势方面,粤港澳大湾区城际要素流的位序—规模分布在就业服务流、经济服务流、知识流和生态服务流层面呈首位型,在信息流层面呈集中型,在综合流和合作流层面分布较为均衡,呈对数正态分布模式;局部势方面,不同要素流中城市种群划分各异,相互交织形成多维“核心—区域核心—边缘”流强度等级结构,其中“港深”“广佛”和“珠澳”的跨市合作最为密切,同时“广佛肇”“深莞惠”和“珠中江”三大内陆城市种群初见苗头;宏观态方面,各城市在城市群落不同要素流中扮演着不同的角色,可分为扩散型、受益型、均衡型、孤立型和中介型5 类,而通过各要素矩阵下的城际优势流分析又可将城市在城市群中的参与模式分为全域型和局部型2 类;微观态方面,粤港澳大湾区内部存在着复杂的伙伴城市与竞争城市关系,共形成11 对互惠型伙伴城市、7 对互补型伙伴城市、42 对强竞争城市和31 对弱竞争城市。本文基于流数据扩展了城市群生态位研究视角,构建了城市群空间结构优化和区域竞合关系改善的新思路,以期为粤港澳大湾区建设世界一流城市群提供有价值的决策依据。
65. TONG De, CHU Jun*, MacLachlan Ian, QIU Junli, SHI Tao. 2023. Modelling the impacts of land finance on urban expansion: Evidence from Chinese cities[J]. Applied Geography. 153: 102896.
Abstract: In this paper, the link between land finance and urban expansion in China is premised on a conceptual framework emphasizing the distinct role played by local regimes of capital accumulation. Using a fixed effect model, a 2SLS model, a spatial panel model, and threshold models, we examine the relationship between land finance and urban expansion based on data from 273 prefectural and provincial Chinese cities in 2005, 2010, and 2015. Land finance drives urban expansion because political and economic incentives motivate powerful local governments to finance land development, and the impacts vary because they are founded on three different local regimes of capital accumulation: industry-led development, investment-led development, and bond-financing capacity. These findings suggest that urban land development policies should be in accord with the stage of capital accumulation and they have implications for the governance of urban growth in other countries of the Global South.
64. 储君, 仝德*, 古恒宇, 曹志强, 潘向向. 2023. 中国城际联系距离衰减的非线性规律: 基于人口流动大数据[J]. 地理科学进展. 42(1): 1-11.
摘要:以人口流动为表征的空间相互作用是热点议题,然而关于其影响因素的非线性机制尚未被充分揭示。论文利用2018年腾讯迁徙大数据,以梯度提升决策树模型改进重力模型,分析距离衰减系数的非线性特征。研究发现:① 城际联系的距离衰减系数呈非线性,偏依赖图曲线存在2个“平台区”(距离衰减系数接近于0)和2个“衰减区”(距离衰减系数约为2.8),将直线距离替换为路网距离,2018年数据替换为其他年份数据后,结果仍然稳健;② 与基准模型相比,航空、铁路及公路交通下的距离衰减系数非线性特征存在显著差异,春运期间的距离衰减系数基本保持一致。建议根据城际联系距离衰减规律布局都市圈和城市群,优化国土空间发展格局。
63. 易行, 仝德*, 吴雅莹, 沈月, 储君, 吕婷苗. 2023. 基于手机信令数据的深圳市二元居住空间迁居模式研究[J]. 地理研究. 42(01): 137-155.
62. 仝德. 乡村聚落空间演化的规律与机制[M]. 2022. 北京: 科学出版社.
61. 邱君丽, 储君, 仝德*, 刘一鸣, 潘向向. 2022. 金融化与尺度重组交互作用下城市土地开发的机制——以肇庆新区为例[J]. 城市发展研究. 29(12): 84-91.
60. 储君, 仝德*, 曹志强, 邱君丽, 潘向向. 2022. 基于腾讯迁徙大数据的中国中心城市识别及网络腹地分析[J]. 地域研究与开发. 41(06): 44-47+61.
59. 龙嘉骞, 仝德*, 冯长春. 2022. 基于多源数据的广东省乡村聚落发展格局与类型划分研究[J]. 规划师. (10): 133-138.
摘要:科学认识乡村发展水平、合理划分乡村聚落发展类型有利于揭示乡村发展的地域分异规律,为实施乡村振兴战略提供参考。文章以广东省为例,以乡村聚落斑块为基本单元,基于多源数据分析乡村聚落发展的水平空间格局,从乡村聚落发展水平、产业结构、城乡区位 3 个维度构建了乡村聚落发展类型划分指标体系,并利用SOFM 神经网络进行乡村聚落发展类型划分。研究结果表明,广东省的乡村聚落发展水平总体呈现“东南高、西北低”的差异性格局,高水平乡村聚落集中分布在珠三角地区,粤西、粤北地区的乡村聚落发展水平较低;广东省乡村聚落可划分为偏远低水平农业主导型、远郊较低水平农业主导型、近郊中等水平农工业主导型、城市周边高水平工商业主导型 4 类。针对不同发展类型的乡村聚落,文章结合广东省的实际情况提出了相应的规划策略。
58. LIU Xuan, TONG De*, HUANG Jiangming, ZHENG Wenfeng, KONG Minghui, ZHOU Guohui. 2022. What matters in the e-commerce era? Modelling and mapping shop rents in Guangzhou,China[J]. Land Use Policy. 123: 106430.
Abstract: The rise of e-commerce is changing consumer behaviours and the value of retail space. Tracking the changes of shop rents under the impact of e-commerce and understanding the logic behind those changes is important for urban management. By identifying the factors that reflect the impacts of e-commerce and applying the Pearson correlation coefficient and the LASSO model, this study uses geospatial big data to quantify and evaluate the changing factors that impact shop rents. The result of the rising importance of trade area and neighbourhood services challenges the traditional emphasis on locations for shop rents. Using the random forest regression algorithm, this study also maps the shop rent distribution in Guangzhou, China, and compares the result with the land value distribution in 2015. The scattered and smaller highest-rent centres indicate the decreasing influence of central place logic. The decline of some traditional spots with the highest commercial values and rise of new catering services centres in suburban areas have been observed, suggesting the changing impacts of the agglomerated externalities.
57. LIU Xuan, KONG Minghui, TONG De*, ZENG Xiaoyou, LAI Yani*. 2022. Property rights and adjustment for sustainable development during post-productivist transitions in China[J]. Land Use Policy. 122: 106379.
Abstract: Since the 1990s, the restructuring of the global economic system has ushered in worldwide ‘post-productivist transitions’ (PPTs) and triggered development in rural areas and agricultural adjustments for meeting the requirements of urban populations to consume ‘rurality’. While adaptive development of rural areas has occurred in Western countries, it is hardly possible in China, where strict land conversion controls over rural land exist. In China, an increasing need for construction in rural areas results in the overexploitation of existing built-up land. Taking the fragmented rights of homestead land and collectively operated built-up land into consideration, the deterioration of natural and built environments becomes inevitable and damages the sustainability of PPTs. By investigating two PPT cases in China, this study argues that land conversion controls over collective-owned rural land have stimulated denser, at times illegal, development in villages. The study also contends that fragmented use rights hamper environment-friendly development, possibly ending PPTs, as happened in Xiaozhou Village in Guangzhou. Given the practices in Wanfu Village in Chengdu, policies that end land conversion controls and encourage assembly could partially solve the problem by allowing sustainable rural land development. Preparing space for urban populations in a sustainable way helps avoid the illegal redevelopment of villages and protects the area’s rurality, allowing PPTs to evolve. This study advocates for institutional adjustment when designing a path for developing PPTs.
56. DAI Yueer, TONG De* , CHU Jun. 2022. Involuntary resettlement outcomes following the regeneration of informal communities: The case of Baishizhou urbanizing village in Shenzhen, China[J]. Population, Space and Place. 29(2): 1-14.
Abstract: In recent decades developing nations have witnessed rapid urbanization with a massive inflow of rural migrants into their cities, creating large areas of informal settlements. However, city administrators have begun the regeneration of informal settlements resulting in gentrification and the involuntary resettlement of the informal settlement residents. Although a great deal of research has been conducted on regeneration projects, little is known about the resettlement outcomes of those removed. Therefore, it is essential to explore the spatial effect of urban regeneration and the relocation pathways of the forcibly removed tenants. This study examined the heterogeneity of residential relocation brought about by urban regeneration. With a support vector machine model applied under the proposed classification framework, six relocation patterns were identified in Baishizhou urban regeneration area, in Shenzhen, China. By analysing the variations in changes in housing security, neighbourhood and accessibility, the heterogeneity of relocation pathways revealed the relocation preference of different groups and the vulnerability of the residents. While the urban landscape's aesthetic quality may benefit from regeneration, the quality of life of many of those removed was shown to decrease. The results call for more social inclusion and sustainable urban regeneration, with efficient and targeted policy needing to be designed to protect the housing wellbeing of this vulnerable group.
55. 仝德, 曹志强, 曹广忠*. 2022. 乡-城、城-城流动人口落户意愿的影响因素及其差异[J/OL]. 地理科学. https://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/22.1124.P.20220804.1056.002.html.
摘要:基于2017年全国流动人口动态监测数据定量比较分析了乡−城和城−城流动人口落户意愿的影响因素及差异。研究发现:① 总体而言,城−城流动人口的落户意愿显著高于乡−城,户籍价值、社会融入对两类流动人口的落户意愿有显著影响,但影响程度在两类人群间存在差异。② 流出地的户籍价值显著阻碍了乡−城流动人口的落户意愿;流入地的户籍价值、经济方面的整合融入对城−城流动人口落户意愿的影响更显著。③ 户籍价值、社会融入对流动人口落户意愿的影响存在城市规模及流动距离分异。④ 产生上述差异的根本原因是不同户籍身份所塑造的价值观念和行为模式等的差异。
54. 韦长传, 仝德*, 袁玉玺, 储君. 2022. 城中村研究热点及区域差异——基于CiteSpace的文献计量分析[J]. 地域研究与开发. 41(03): 68-74.
53. XU Linfeng, LIU Xuan, TONG De*, LIU Zhixin, YIN Lirong, ZHENG Wenfeng. 2022. Forecasting urban land use change based on cellular automata and the PLUS model[J]. Land. 11(5): 652.
Abstract: Nowadays, cities meet numerous sustainable development challenges in facing growing urban populations and expanding urban areas. The monitoring and simulation of land use and land‐cover change have become essential tools for understanding and managing urbanization. This paper interprets and predicts the expansion of seven different land use types in the study area, using the PLUS model, which combines the Land use Expansion Analysis Strategy (LEAS) and the CA model, based on the multi‐class random patch seed (CARS) model. By choosing a variety of driving factors, the PLUS model simulates urban expansion in the metropolitan area of Hangzhou. The accuracy of the simulation, manifested as the kappa coefficient of urban land, increased to more than 84%, and the kappa coefficient of other land use types was more than 90%. To a certain extent, the PLUS model used in this study solves the CA model’s deficiencies in conversion rule mining strategy and landscape dynamic change simulation strategy. The results show that various types of land use changes obtained using this method have a high degree of accuracy and can be used to simulate urban expansion, especially over short periods.
52. ZHU Jieming, TONG De*. 2022. Land reform from below: Institutional change driven by confrontation and negotiation[J]. Journal of Urban Affairs. (Online) https://doi.org/10.1080/07352166.2022.2062373
Abstract: China’s collective landownership was created by the revolutionary land reform in the early 1950s. Economic reforms since the early 1980s have dismantled the collective farming, but the collective landownership remains unchanged. Nonagricultural economies have manifested collective land rent in the dynamic urbanizing regions. The rural collective vigorously challenges the notion of collective land as a means of production that denies villagers’ claim of land rent. The contest for land rent through confrontation and negotiation with the urban state demonstrates a process of bottom-up informal institutional change. Without certainty, informal institutional change gives rise to substandard built environment that is unsustainable to the high-density urbanization. Formalization to legitimize the informal institutional change comes to minimize land rent dissipation so as to enhance welfare to both the urban state and rural collective. Land reform from below show an evolutionary route of institutional change to the col-lective land.
51. 潘向向, 储君, 仝德*, 邱君丽. 2022. 土地征收成片开发方案与国土空间规划的协调路径研究[J]. 规划师. 38(4): 5-11.
50. LIANG Jingmin, CHEN Jiayu, TONG De, LI Xin*. 2022. Planning control over rural land transformation in Hong Kong: A remote sensing analysis of spatio-temporal land use change patterns[J]. Land Use Policy. 119: 106159.
Abstract: Urbanization has led to the expansive conversion of farmland to non-agricultural human settlements. Over the past decades, the rural New Territories in Hong Kong have experienced significant land use changes where agricultural land has become sites for industrial operations (known as brownfields in Hong Kong). This includes open storage for industrial recyclables and warehouses for repairs, many being unauthorized development. The existence of these industrial activities initially driven by socio-economic factors has persisted, largely due to absent or loose land use regulations. The Hong Kong government thus has successively incorporated increasingly more rural areas into the city’s zoning ordinance system, but seemingly has generated marginal impact on reducing non-conforming land uses. How has rural land use transformed in response to planning controls like zoning? How have the spatial patterns of different types of brownfields changed over periods with varying land use regulation focuses?
Focusing on rural areas in Hong Kong, this study aimed to examine the temporal and spatial patterns of different operational types of brownfields based on refined land use classification results generated by a support vector machines tool with remote sensing data from 2000 to 2020. Furthermore, this study analyzed the impact of zoning regulations on land use activities in terms of the transition flow, spatial concentration level, morphological characteristics, and transition probability of various land use types. The results show that, despite regulatory control over rural land and strengthened enforcement measures, brownfields continue to grow in a decentralized and fragmented fashion. Our findings suggest that exercising police power through zoning has its limitations on curbing unauthorized development; additionally, the Hong Kong government may supplement enforcement measures with alternative planning tools such as land swaps and incentive zoning.
49. TONG De, CHU Jun, HAN Qing, LIU Xuan*. 2022. How land finance drives urban expansion under fiscal pressure: Evidence from Chinese Cities[J]. Land. 11(2): 253.
Abstract: Urban expansion is commonly attributed to market‐oriented forces, while public finance factors connected to government forces, especially land finance, in China’s institutional environment, can provide a more interesting explanation. Using a fixed‐effect threshold model, the relationships of land finance and differing local fiscal pressures to urban expansion in China were explored mathematically and empirically. It was found that land finance positively and significantly influences urban expansion. It was also found that the impact of land finance on urban spatial size varies with fiscal pressure. Results suggested that capital flows in the process of urban expansion should be carefully regulated by local governments.
48. 仝德, 周心灿, 龚咏喜*. 2021. 基于大数据的上海市共享汽车出行模式研究[J]. 地理科学进展. 40(12): 2035-2047.
摘 要:共享汽车是城市交通发展的新潮流,论文基于 2018 年上海市共享汽车运营大数据和城市 POI 数据,研究共享汽车用户出行的空间、时间和频次特征,并对用户开展出行模式的K均值聚类分析,以期挖掘典型出行规律,为共享汽车运营优化提供依据。研究表明:① 工作日与休息日共享汽车使用行为差异显著,工作日共享汽车出行较集中于中心城区的混合功能区,早晚通勤高峰使用量大;休息日共享汽车出行空间布局较分散,使用量更高、平均单次使用时长更短且仅存在傍晚一个使用高峰。②上海市共享汽车出行行为可分为工作日通勤的中高频模式,工作日夜间活动的高频模式,工作日偶尔用车晚餐及返家、偶尔用车远距离通勤和夜间长距离返家的低频模式,休息日日间休闲的高频模式、休息日傍晚离家休闲的中长途低频模式、休息日傍晚在休闲地之间穿梭的远距离低频模式、休息日日间加班的低频模式等 10 种模式。③ 中高频用户主要使用共享汽车实现远距离通勤和周末中长距离休闲活动,空间区域主要集中在中心城区和副中心区域;低频用户使用共享汽车多为夜间、长距离、休息日加班等公共交通难以满足需求、出租车成本过高的情景,空间分布也比较分散。可通过对用户提供差别化用车方案、优化车辆空间调度等方式推进超大城市共享汽车市场发展。
47. 仝德, 罗圳英, 冯长春*. 2021. 国家级贫困县政策的减贫效应及其空间异质性[J]. 经济地理. 41(11): 176-184.
摘 要:设定国家级贫困县是我国近40年来扶贫工作的重要举措,评估现行扶贫政策的脱贫减贫效应及区域差异性并剖析原因,可对我国实现脱贫攻坚与乡村振兴有效衔接、缩小城乡差距提供理论和政策参考。文章利用 OLS 和GWR模型,在综合考虑县域空间资源禀赋、社会和经济发展基础等因素的影响下,分析国家级贫困县政策对县域经济的增长作用及其空间差异性和原因。结果表明:设立国家级贫困县的扶贫政策,对县域经济增长具有显著的作用,但影响力存在空间异质性,呈现出从我国西北向东南递减、在部分中部偏东南地区出现抑制作用的圈层结构;土地资源禀赋、社会基础、经济发展基础对县域经济增长也具有显著的空间异质性影响;其成因可由县域间发展阶段差异而导致的主导生产要素不同、市场调控与政策干预力度差异等解释。为有效解决新时期精准扶贫稳定支持、缩小城乡差距,政策制定应兼顾地方经济基础和生产条件,因地制宜实施政策扶持和市场引导相结合的行动机制。
46. HUI Cheng, LAI Yani*, TONG De*. 2021. Decoding the decision-making in the new wave of urban redevelopment in China: A case study of a bottom-up industrial land redevelopment in Shenzhen[J]. Land Use Policy. 111: 105774.
Abstract: Since 2008, the urban redevelopment in China has entered a new era mainly characterised by the new redevelopment model proposed and practised in Guangdong province. In the new wave of urban redevelopment towards a more inclusive type of governance, the roles of various agents or stakeholders in the decision-making processes have changed correspondingly. Building upon Healey and Barrett’s structure and agency approach in the land and property development process, this paper develops an analytical framework specifically to explore the decision-making processes and mechanisms in this urban redevelopment experiment conducted in China. The empirical basis of this paper is a pioneer city in urban redevelopment within Guangdong province, Shenzhen. Through exploring the redevelopment trajectory of a local collective-owned factory, the roles played by different stakeholders at each stage of the redevelopment process are clarified. The conflicts and compromises between land owners and the developer on the distribution proportion of potential profits, and between the district government and the developer on the inclusion and provision of public facilities, have revealed the key decision-making mechanisms of collective-owned industrial land redevelopment in China, which offer valuable insights and experiences for industrial land redevelopment in other cities.
45. 仝德*, 顾春霞. 2021. 城中村综合整治对租客居住满意度的影响研究——以深圳为例[J]. 城市规划. 45(12): 40-47+58.
44. 仝德, 孙裔煜, 谢苗苗*. 2021. 基于改进高斯两步移动搜索法的深圳市公园绿地可达性评价[J]. 地理科学进展. 40(07): 1113-1126.
43. 许萌, 董潇楠, 谢苗苗, 王玉, 仝徳*. 2021. 基于承灾脆弱性与生态系统服务供需匹配的城市空间治理分区[J]. 生态学报. 41(15): 6012-6023.
42. 储君, 刘一鸣, 林雄斌, 仝德*. 2021. 城市市政基础设施投资与经济发展的空间交互影响[J]. 北京大学学报(自然科学版). 57(2): 291-298.
摘要:通过空间联立方程模型, 基于 2011 和 2016 年 241 个城市样本数据, 研究城市市政基础设施投资与经济发展的双向互馈及其空间相互作用。结果表明: 1) 考虑内生性后, 基础设施投资的空间滞后项系数显著为正, 地方政府在投资行为上模仿彼此; 2) 基础设施投资与经济发展之间存在双向互促作用。建议加强对基础设施投资的预算管理, 改革晋升绩效考核机制。
41.TONG De, WU Yaying, Maclachlan Ian, ZHU Jieming*. 2021. The role of social capital in the collective-led development of urbanising villages in China: The case of Shenzhen[J]. Urban studies. 58(16): 3335-3353.
40. TONG De, YUAN Yuxi, WANG Xiaoguang*. 2020. The coupled relationships between land development and land ownership at China’s urban fringe: A structural equation modeling approach[J]. Land Use Policy. 100: 104925.
Abstract: The rate of land urbanization has grown rapidly in recent decades in China, and a growing body of literature has investigated the driving forces behind it. The dual nature of China’s land ownership system, in which top-down and bottom-up land development form two separate tracks, is frequently cited in these studies. While top-down land development is dominant, bottom-up land development, which has traditionally been overlooked in aca-demic studies, may be equally pivotal for land development in China. This study extends traditional urban economic analyses and demonstrates how land ownership and land development are interconnected in China. This study applies structural equation modeling to data taken from Shenzhen, a city where the two tracks of land development coexist, to estimate the reciprocal relationships between land ownership and land development. The results show that the influence of land ownership on land development is significant and that collective ownership has a positive influence on land development; likewise, land development also influences ownership: land development tends to facilitate the conversion of land from collective to state ownership. The study re-commends more tailored policies and strategies targeted toward improving management of collective-owned lands while simultaneously advancing urban redevelopment.
39. 仝德, 高静, 龚咏喜*. 2020. 城中村对深圳市职住空间融合的影响——基于手机信令数据的研究[J]. 北京大学学报(自然科学版). 56(6): 1091-1101.
38. TONG De, YUAN Yuxi, WANG Xiaoguang*, WU Lingjing. 2020. Spatially varying relationships between land ownership and land development at the urban fringe: A case study of Shenzhen, China[J]. Cities. 105: 102238.
Abstract: The conversion of rural land to urban land, known as land urbanization or urban expansion, often follows two tracks in China: 1) the government becomes the owner of the land through land expropriation and performs primary land development and land transfer; 2) villagers maintain their ownership of the land collectively and convert their non-construction land into construction land by themselves. The dual land ownership system is a unique factor which influences urban expansion in China. However, this influence may be inconsistently distributed over space. Local variations in land use regulations, government controls, and stakeholder participation could all lead to varied relationships between land ownership and land development. This research aims to answer two main questions, 1) whether or not the influence of the dual land ownership system on land development is consistent over space (spatial stationarity), and 2) how such relationships vary over space. Capitalizing on the land parcel data collected in Longhua district in Shenzhen in the years 1996 and 2010, this research utilizes a geographically weighted logistic regression (GWLR) modelling approach to test and visualize spatial non-stationarity in the relationship between land ownership and land development. The study focuses on Shenzhen, China, because it has experienced extremely rapid urbanization and because of the notable dual land system there. The results demonstrate that land ownership (collectively-owned vs. government-owned) has statistically significant relationships to land development and that such relationships vary over space. There are areas where land ownership profoundly influences land development, whereas in other areas the influences are limited. GWLR proved to be a useful exploratory spatial analysis tool which may lead to new insights on the interconnections between dual land ownership and urbanization.
37. XIE Miaomiao, LI Manyu, LI Zhaoyang, XU Meng, CHEN Yan, WO Ran, TONG De*. 2020. Whom do urban agriculture parks provide landscape services to and how? A case study of Beijing, China[J]. Sustainability. 12(12): 4967.
Abstract: An urban agriculture park (UAP) is a mixture of various kinds of urban agriculture and has a group of administrators to plan and manage its landscapes. Thus, the relationships between users and the ability of the UAPs to provide services are crucial. This study investigated the user profiles of three kinds of UAPs in Beijing, China. Investigation of 345 interviewees suggested that most of the users have an upper-middle level income and are well educated. Social connections vary across different types of UAPs. An assessment matrix of landscape services was introduced for a pioneer of UAP, Little Donkey Farm, based on questionnaires, a field survey, and indicators of landscape patterns. Pearson correlations between service demands and users’ characters showed age, companions, and education level were significantly correlated to the needs of scenery and education services. The landscape with the highest supply value was the vegetable plots planted by members. The scenery service was not adequately supplied, and 31.5% of the areas did not meet the demand. Based on the budgets of supply and demand, six types of landscape should be optimized. This study provides an approach to understand the path of landscape service provision in UAP and supports basic knowledge on how to better involve urban agriculture in sustainable development.
36.刘涛, 韦长传, 仝德*. 2020. 人力资本、社会支持与流动人口融入——以北京市为例[J]. 人口与发展. 26(2): 11-22.
35. TONG De, ZHANG Yu, MacLachlan Ian*, LI Guicai. 2020. Migant housing choices from a social capital perspective: The case of Shenzhen, China[J]. Habitat International. 96: 102082.
Abstract: Rural to urban migrants are the dominant component of population growth in China’s coastal cities. China’s unique household registration system has excluded migrants from most public housing, resulting in pronounced housing segregation –a social phenomenon that has come to be China’s greatest urban social planning challenge. In this paper, we analyze the determinants of migrant housing choices and migrant housing needs following the conventional utility-based approach, but we also emphasize the important role of social capital in migrant decision-making. A case study of Shenzhen shows that quantifiable measures of physical, locational, land use and economic attributes cannot fully explain the congregation of migrants in informal communities and that social capital plays an important role in their housing choices. Social networks, social norms, and trust among neighbors are key factors in the establishment of migrant communities. This study reveals a new aspect of migrant housing needs that will be useful to planners, by paying greater heed to social capital in urban regeneration and migrant housing provision. A more inclusive and humanistic approach to the housing of migrants is suggested.
34. LI Bin, TONG De*, WU Yaying, LI Guicai. 2019. Government-backed ‘laundering of the grey’ in upgrading urban village properties: Ningmeng Apartment Project in Shuiwei Village, Shenzhen, China[J]. Progress in Planning. 146: 100436.
Abstract: Urban informality and informal settlements, as research concepts rooted in the global south, have the potential to reveal the relationship between property improvement, tenure security, uneven distribution of resources and asymmetric power relations embedded in urban studies. Investigations of urban villages in China are also inspired by these ideas. The present study of the Ningmeng Apartment project in Shuiwei Village, Shenzhen, China, aims to contribute to these exciting research fields by (1) offering a new governmental mechanism – government-backed informal formalizing of informality – that can strengthen perceived tenure security; (2) investigating a new approach to regenerating problematic urban villages; and (3) revealing a new social-psychological effect underlying the operation of urban informality: perceived formal informality. These three dimensions can be interpreted as government-backed methods of laundering the grey, ways in which state actors use informal operations to strengthen the perceived tenure security and upgrade the spatial quality of informal properties to achieve governmental goals. Based on these three academic contributions, interactions between rule-breaking innovations and a pre-innovation environment emerge from the examination of the Ningmeng project. Such interactions may reflect the experience of China during its post-1978 reform and may inspire new policy practices in other developing countries.
33. TONG De, WANG Zhenguo, HONG Yu Hung*, LIU Chengming. 2019. Assessing the possibility of charging for public leasehold renewal in China[J]. Land Use Policy. 88: 104205.
Abstract: In countries where public land leasing systems exist, government lessors have faced strong resistance on the part of lessees to charging fees to renew extended-term land leases. Many scholars have argued that this outcome is largely due to politics, i.e., not wanting to alienate constituents. In this paper, we look deeper into this issue guided by an analytical framework, which includes lessees’ perceptions of land property rights, the amount they pay for public leaseholds, and institutional issues related to the implementation and enforcement of lease renewal policies. By applying the framework to Shenzhen, China, we found that lessees recognize that their leasehold rights have a time limit and that they have paid a lower price for leasing land. This awareness on the part of the lessees notwithstanding, the absence of the institutions necessary to facilitate negotiation and conflict resolution could impede the ability of the government to successfully levy lease renewal fees in Shenzhen. The application of the framework shows its utility in helping governments in China and elsewhere to examine lease renewal problems in detail and design relevant solutions to fit varying contexts.
32. JIN Meihan, LIU Lu, TONG De, GONG Yongxi*, LIU Yu. 2019. Evaluating the spatial accessibility and distribution balance of multi-Level medical service facilities[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 16(7): 1150.
Abstract: Public medical service facilities are among the most basic needs of the public and are directly related to residents’ health. The balanced development of medical service facilities is of great significance. Public medical service facilities can be divided into different levels according to their medical equipment, service catchment, and medical quality, which is very important but has been ignored for a long time in accessibility evaluations. In this research, based on the hospital and population datasets of Shenzhen, we propose a hierarchical two-step floating catchment area (H2SFCA) method to evaluate the spatial accessibility of public medical resources considering the factors at different levels of medical resources. In the proposed method, the spatial accessibility of each level of public medical service facilities are evaluated using different distance attenuation functions according to the medical service’s scope. In addition, a measurement is proposed to evaluate the equity of medical service facilities based on accessibility and population density distributions. To synthesize the general spatial accessibility and the distribution balance of public medical service facilities, we standardize the spatial accessibility of public medical service facilities at each level and then calculate the weighted sums of the accessibility of each level. The general spatial equity of public medical service facilities is also evaluated. The results show that the accessibility and distribution balance of medical resources performs dissimilarly at the three levels and can be discriminated within different regions of the city. The accessibility of citywide medical facilities in Shenzhen decreases from the city center to the suburban area in a radial pattern and the accessibility and distribution balance in the suburban areas needs improvement.
31. WANG Xiaoguang, TONG De*, GAO Jing, CHENG Yang. 2019. The reshaping of land development density through rail transit: The stories of central areas vs. suburbs in Shenzhen, China[J]. Cities. 89: 35-45.
Abstract:The ways in which urban rail transit influences land development have been extensively studied for cities in the United States and Europe; studies from less-developed countries are limited. However, the influences of rail transit on land development in developing countries such as China have drawn much scholarly attention in recent years, in part due to the unprecedented speed and scale of its urbanization and development of rail systems. The main research questions of the present study are whether rail transit attracts new developments or redevelopment to areas surrounding stations and whether the city-shaping ability of rail transit differs between central areas and suburbs. Our study focused on Shenzhen, one of the most quickly urbanizing areas in China. We utilized land parcel data in Shenzhen collected in two different years and applied multiple linear regressions with interactive terms to compare the effect of rail transit stations on land development by region (i.e., central areas vs. suburbs). The evidence supported our hypothesis that the densifying of land development brought on by rail transit is more prominent in already developed central areas than in low-density suburbs. Our research findings help illuminate the interactive relationships between transportation and land development in China; this study also contributes to the broader discussion of sustainable urbanization.
30. 袁玉玺, 马利, 仝德*, 王艳梅. 2019. 工业用地集约利用的差异化管理分区研究——以海南省沿海12个市县为例[J]. 地域研究与开发. (02): 133-138.
29. TONG De, WANG Xiaoguang*, WU Lingjing, ZHAO Nanqi. 2018. Land ownership and the likelihood of land development at the urban fringe: The case of Shenzhen, China[J]. Habitat International. 73: 43-52.
Abstract: Land development results from a combination of many natural and social drivers. In China, the system of dual land ownership, in which lands are owned either by the state or by a collective, is a unique factor that affects land development, especially during the urbanization process as collective-owned rural land at the urban fringe is rapidly developed for urban uses. This land development process often follows two tracks: 1) Through land expropriation, the government becomes the owner of the land and performs primary land development. 2) Villagers maintain their ownership of the land collectively and convert their undeveloped land into built-up land by themselves rather than having their land expropriated by the government. For collective-owned rural land, the change of land ownership could have important implications for its development process and outcomes. This paper explores the potential relationships between land ownership change and land development at the urban fringe in China. We construct a logistic regression model to determine whether or not land ownership change (i.e., collective-to-state ownership conversion) is correlated with land development. We focus on Shenzhen, China because it has experienced extremely rapid urbanization, and its dual land structure is very notable. We find that in Shenzhen, lands that retained collective ownership are more likely to be developed than those transferred to state ownership, and we offer possible explanations for this finding. Our research will help planners and practitioners better understand the causes, driving forces, and processes of land development in China and contribute to the broader discussion of sustainable urbanization.
28. 张瑜, 仝德*, Ian MacLACHLAN. 2018. 非户籍与户籍人口居住空间分异的多维度解析——以深圳为例[J]. 地理研究. 37(12): 2567-2575.
27. 刘成明, 李贵才*, 仝德, 罗罡辉, 刘芳. 2018. 权地分离的集体建设用地入市路径研究——以深圳市非农建设用地入市为例[J]. 城市发展研究. (07): 55-60.
26. 孙艺玲, 仝德*, 曹超. 2018. 城市建成环境对公共自行车使用的影响机制研究——以深圳市南山区为例[J]. 北京大学学报(自然科学版). (06): 1325-1331.
摘要:以深圳市南山区363个公共自行车站点的自行车使用频次及周边500 m缓冲区建成环境为研究对象,采用空间滞后模型,在考虑公共自行车站点区位,公共交通设施环境,自行车骑行环境和相邻站点空间自相关的基础上,重点研究反映不同人群集聚的土地利用类型对各站点公共自行车使用频次的影响。结果表明,工作日高峰,周边公交线路数量,周边道路用地面积,支路长度,周边工业建筑面积,低档商服建筑面积和低档住房建筑面积对公共自行车使用频次具有显著正向影响,到最近地铁站距离和绿道长度对公共自行车使用频次具有显著负向影响,站点间公共自行车流量具有高度空间自相关性。建议规划公共自行车站点时应重点关注周边建成环境因素,在布点和定价时充分考虑通勤等规律性需求,并结合人口分布特点,增加低收入人群集聚区的供给量。
25. ZHANG Yong, TONG De*, LIANG Xiongfei. 2018. New perspective on regional inequality: theory and evidence from Guangdong, China[J]. Journal of Urban Planning and Development. 144(1): 04018002.
Abstract: China’s open-door policy and rapid urbanization have been accompanied by an unprecedented economic growth rate and an expanding regional inequality problem. Which factors affect the regional inequality? Will it get worse? What policy measures should be taken to offset these adverse effects? Based on the Lorenz curve and a core-periphery (C-P) setting, this research brings up a theoretical model for the regional inequality, using the Gini coefficient as the indicator with respect to the population concentration and the C-P gradient. In theory, given a fixed C-P gradient, the regional inequality generally shows an inverted-U curve along with the population concentration in the core area. This research maintains that a new perspective, based on the relationship between the C-P gradient and the population shift, should be taken to describe the development trend of regional inequality, because there is not a stable inverted-U shape on a time scale nor is there a constant stage of increase or decrease. The gross domestic product (GDP) per capita and the population data from the Pearl River delta, one of the biggest metropolitan areas in China, and its periphery in Guangdong province were sampled to test the theory. Further analysis indicated that a turning point in approximately 2005 did not necessarily mean that Guangdong had passed the phase of expanding regional inequality. Finally, some policy proposals are suggested to mitigate the situation.
24. 伍灵晶, 仝德*, 李贵才. 2017. 地方政府驱动下的城市建成空间特征差异——以广州、东莞为例[J]. 地理研究. 36(06): 1029-1041.
23. 仝德*, 韩晴, 戴筱頔, 李贵才. 2017. 基层治理主体对城市建成空间的影响研究——以深圳原特区外为例[J]. 城市发展研究. (07): 109-117.
22. 仝德*, 刘婧, 李文钢, 李贵才. 2017. 快速城市化地区农村产业空间发展评价——以广州市为例[J]. 地域研究与开发. (02): 133-138.
21. 曹祺文, 吴健生, 仝德*, 张晓娜, 卢志强, 司梦林. 2016. 基于空间自相关的区域农地变化驱动力研究——以珠三角地区为例[J]. 资源科学. (04): 714-727.
摘要:近年来,随着社会经济的快速发展,农地保护工作压力逐渐增大,掌握区域农地变化规律及其驱动力是制定可持续土地利用政策的基础。本文以珠三角地区为例,利用2000年和2010年土地利用遥感监测数据、基础地理空间数据和统计年鉴数据,分析了该区农地变化特征,然后在构建传统Logistic模型基础上引入空间自相关因子,采用Auto Logistic模型从自然、社会经济、空间距离和土地利用特征的空间自相关性等方面探讨了区域尺度农地变化驱动力。结果表明:(1)2000-2010年该区耕地、林地等农地以净减少为主,景观破碎度有所提高,耕地成为建设用地扩张的主要来源;(2)农地属性变化和土地开发强度的空间自相关性均为农地变化的重要驱动力,其他驱动力中耕地变化主要受地均GDP变化、到最近铁路的距离、总人口密度变化、年日照时数倾向率等因子影响,林地变化主要受地均GDP变化、总人口密度变化、坡度、到最近道路等因子影响;(3)同传统Logistic模型相比,采用能反映土地利用特征空间自相关性的Auto Logistic模型更适用于区域农地变化驱动力研究。
20. HAO Wenxuan, TONG De*, LIU Qing, FENG Changchun. 2016. Delimitation and classified planning management of functional renovation zone: experience of and discussion on Shenzhen’s practice of urban renewal[J]. China City Planning Review. 25(2): 42-50.
Abstract:Urban renewal is one of the important issues of urban development in China. Along with its development in the contemporary time, China has seen considerable achievements and problems as well in urban renewal.Taking into account that Shenzhen has carried out plenty of explorations on urban planning renewal, this paper takes it as an example to firstly analyze the plights of its urban renewal planning, the shortcomings of its urban renewal projects, and the advantages of functional renovation zones to manifest the necessity of the delimitation and classified planning management of functional renovation zone in urban renewal. It then summarizes the experience of its urban renewal unit planning in terms of the methods of zoning and implementation, and finally discusses the conceptual connotations of functional renovation zone, as well as the logic and characteristics of renovations of its delimitation and classified planning management, in hope of providing other Chinese cities with some references.
19. XIE miaomiao, GAO Yun, Jurgen Breuste, FU Meichen, TONG De*. 2015. Dynamics and temperature regulation function of urban green connectivity[J]. Journal of Urban Planning and Development. 141(3): A501448.
Abstract: Connectivity is an important aspect of the landscape pattern on influencing function and services. This paper analyzes the dynamics of urban green connectivity of Shenzhen, China, from years 1986–2010 and examines the temperature regulation function, based on remote sensing and a field survey. The connectivity degree of urban green was classified as core, islet, edge, perforation, bridge, loop, and branch by using the linear spectral mixing method and morphological spatial pattern analysis (MSPA). The results demonstrated that patterns and functions of connectivity categories have changed greatly during urbanization. The increasing areas of edge, branch, and bridge resulted in cooling the environments. It showed that perforation is the best category to keep thermal environments stable by being surrounded with large green areas. By comparing the results of statistics and buffer analysis, islet, edge, bridge, and branch contributed to decreasing temper-ature of nongreen areas in surrounding areas. The findings can improve the understanding of relationship between urban green connectivity and its climate regulation function, and supply the evidence for urban planning and green-corridor planning.
18. 郝文璇, 仝德*, 刘青, 冯长春. 2015. 改造功能区划定与分类规划管理:来自深圳城市更新的经验和探讨[J]. 城市发展研究. 22(10): 42-48.
17. 刘涛, 仝德*, 李贵才. 2015. 基于城市功能网络视角的城市联系研究——以珠江三角洲为例[J]. 地理科学. (03): 306-313.
16. 赵楠琦, 仝德*, 李贵才. 2014. 政府收益驱动下城市土地开发结构性差异的理论分析[J]. 城市发展研究. 21(12): 87-91.
15. TONG De*, LIU Tao, LI Guicai, YU Lei. 2014. Empirical analysis of city contact in Zhujiang (Pearl) River Delta, China[J]. Chinese Geographical Science. 24: 384-392.
Abstract: In traditional urban geography, city contact research is a classic study element in city research. In general, researchers use the traditional gravity model to characterize the contacts that exist between two cities. The traditional gravity model assumes ideal condi-tions, but these preconditions and their results often do not exist in realistic conditions. Thus, we used a modified gravity model to char-acterize the city contacts within a specific region. This model considers factors such as intercity complementarities, government inter-vention, and the diversity of the transportation infrastructure which is characterized as the transportation distance instead of the tradi-tional Euclidean distance. We applied this model to an empirical study of city contact in the Zhujiang (Pearl) River Delta (PRD) of China. The regression results indicated that the modified gravity model could measure city contact more accurately and comprehen-sively than the traditional gravity model, i.e., it yielded a higher adjusted R2 value (0.379) than the traditional gravity model result (0.259). Our study also suggests that, in addition to urban-regional and metropolitan development, the complementarities of the basic functions of cities at the administrative and market levels, as well as the corporeal and immaterial levels, play very significant roles in the characterization of city contact. Given the complexity of city contact, it will be necessary to consider more relevant influential fac-tors in the modified gravity model to characterize the features of city contact in the future.
14. 仝德*, 李文钢, 李贵才. 2014. 国内外非正规住房发展的比较研究[J]. 城市发展研究. (03): 72-77.
13. 刘涛, 仝德*, 李贵才. 2014. 空间尺度对城市竞标地租理论的适用性影响分析——以深圳经济特区为例[J]. 经济地理. 34(02): 67-72.
12. 仝德*, 戴筱頔, 李贵才. 2014. 打造全球城市—区域的国际经验与借鉴[J]. 国际城市规划. (02): 83-88.
11. 仝德*, 刘涛, 李贵才. 2013. 外生拉动的城市化困境及出路——以珠江三角洲地区为例[J]. 城市发展研究. 20(6): 80-86.
10. 罗罡辉, 李贵才*, 仝德. 2013. 土地用途管制调整与权益主体行为研究[J]. 中国土地科学. 27(4): 8-14.
9. 赵研然, 仝德*, 李贵才. 2013. 国内外中低收入家庭住房补贴政策比较研究[J]. 国际城市规划. 28(3): 59-63.
8. TONG De*, DENG Jinjie, FENG Changchun. 2012. Characteristics and Causes of the spatial evolution of urban villages: A case study of Shenzhen SpecialEconomic Zone[J]. China City Planning Review. 21(3): 42-49.
Abstract: Studies on the renovation and governance of urban villages have become the interest of human geography since the 1990s. However up to now, there is little literature focusing on the development patterns and dynamic mechanism of the spatial evolution of urban villages based on the theoretical system of urban spatial structure,and there are few scholars doing analyses on the relationship between urban villages and general urban areas in terms of spatial development.In this paper, Shenzhen,the most representative city of China in terms of urban village development,is taken as a case for exploring the characteristics and modes of the spatial evolution of urban villages. With census data of urban village construction in 1999 and 2004 in terms of built-up area, floor area,and construction intensity, the spatial and temporal evolution of the 91 administrative urban villages in the original Shenzhen Special Economic Zone have been analyzed in comparison with that of Shenzhen’s general urban areas. It is indicated that the spatial evolution of urban villages matches with the general rules of the spatial development of general urban areas in three aspects. First, land expansion is the most remarkable mode of spatial evolution in the early stage of development; second, in the period of rapid development, there is the obvious tendency of “distance-decay” in terms of construction intensity accompanied by some anomalous fluctuations at certain points; third, renewal and redevelopment are carried out gradually in the mature stage of development. However, because of historical and institutional restrictions, the spatial evolution of urban villages shows its unique characteristics in the aspects of original spatial distribution and spatial expansion mode in the period of rapid development, etc. The outcomes of this study would help not only enrich the theoretical study on the evolution mode of urban spatial structure, but also strengthen the administration over urban villages, in particular with the suggestions that the spatial evolution of urban villages as a type of urban space should not be the same as that of general urban areas and its unique characteristics should not be ignored; specific rules should be set up to guide the rational spatial evolution of urban villages according to the economic development of the city, as well as the housing demands of various kinds of residents.
7. 邓金杰, 仝德, 李贵才*. 2011. 城中村外来人口的购房意愿研究——以深圳为例[J]. 人文地理. (05): 34-38.
6. 仝德, 冯长春*, 邓金杰. 2011. 城中村空间形态的演化特征及原因——以深圳特区为例[J]. 地理研究. (03): 437-446.
5. 仝德*,李贵才. 2010. 运用新制度经济学理论探讨城中村的发展与演变[J]. 城市发展研究. (10): 102-106.
4. TONG De*, FENG Changchun, LI Guicai, CHEN Peng. 2010. Categories and characteristics of urban villages by GIS-based analysis: A case study of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone[J]. Science China(Technological Sciences). 53: 150-157.
Abstract: Studies on the characteristics of urban villages have attracted much interest in urban geography. However, how to advance the development of further theoretical analysis and quantitative methodologies, especially in the era that GIS and digital-urban technologies develop rapidly and provide precious resources on spatial issues, has always been a heated debate and difficulty. In this paper, a mathematical model based on spatial analysis is introduced to deal with the categorization and characterization of urban villages. A total of 89 urban villages in the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone(SEZ)are used in this case study. Using ArcGIS tools on buffer analysis, distance and density calculation, and socio-economic and spatial attributes conjunction,urban villages’31 spatial variables in 4 aspects—social, economic, locational, and physical—are extracted, and 6 principal factors are concluded by principal components analysis to indicate the spatial characteristic of urban villages. Based on the 6 principal factors, 6 types of urban villages, including rapidly sprawling, large, rapidly industrializing periphery, overcrowded, intensively mobile and economically backward, are divided through the Hierarchical Clustering method. Moreover, the spatial features and formation mechanisms of each type of urban villages are provided. Finally, the advantages and the shortcomings of the methodology for this specific application are also given. Furthermore, several guidelines on urban village management and renewal are provided based on the result of type classification. The outcome of the paper depends on the informational and technological support from the development of digital-city management, and is able to in turn provide basis on monitoring and improving urban villages which can further digital urban framework.
3. 于蕾, 仝德*, 邓金杰. 2010. 从区位商视角论证构建城镇群的意义——以珠三角、大珠三角和泛珠三角区域为例[J]. 城市发展研究. (01): 54-59.
2. 仝德*, 冯长春. 2009. 国内外城中村研究进展及展望[J]. 人文地理. (06): 29-35.
1. 仝德*, 刘青. 2008. 我国中低收入家庭住房保障政策评价——以北京为例[J]. 中国房地产. (06): 61-63.
8. 张文佳, 谢森锴, 仝德, 郑红霞. 村镇聚落的空间演化分析方法、装置、设备及存储介质[P]. 北京大学深圳研究生院, 专利号:ZL 202010834570.6, 申请日期:2020-08-17, 授权公告日:2024-12-03, 授权公告号:CN 111984701 B.
7. 仝德, 潘向向, 戴月尔, 石涛, 熊美瑜, 郑红霞. 城中村土地利用转型潜力分析系统[P]. 北京大学深圳研究生院, 专利号:ZL 202311630522.5, 申请日期:2023-12-01, 授权公告日:2024-09-29, 授权公告号:CN 117522170 B.
6. 仝德, 邱君丽, 曹志强, 李汉廷, 段司南, 郑红霞. 城中村住房片区改善综合评估系统[P]. 北京大学深圳研究生院, 专利号:ZL 202311731206.7, 申请日期:2023-12-15, 授权公告日:2024-07-23, 授权公告号:CN 117635374 B.
5. 仝德, 罗圳英, 高静, 张文佳, 郑红霞. 乡村聚落演化的预测方法、装置、设备及存储介质[P]. 北京大学深圳研究生院, 专利号:ZL 202010830468.9, 申请日期:2020-08-17, 授权公告日:2024-06-28, 授权公告号:CN 111984702 B.
4. 仝德, 邱君丽, 沈月, 杨爽, 曹志强, 杨辉宇, 吕可, 任一帆, 李汉廷, 郑红霞. 一种城中村土地利用综合整治绩效评估方法及系统[P]. 北京大学深圳研究生院, 专利号:ZL 202211218045.7, 申请日期:2022-09-30, 授权公告日:2023-08-08, 授权公告号:CN 115796633 B.
3. 张磊, 仝德, 郑红霞. 城市的基础数据收集与分析方法[P]. 北京大学深圳研究生院, 专利号:ZL 202210002552.0, 申请日期:2022-01-04, 授权公告日:2022-09-06, 授权公告号:CN 114333322 B.
2. 仝德, 龚咏喜, 龚华, 邱君丽, 储君, 郑红霞, 李汉廷, 吕婷苗, 孙裔煜. 一种基于多源大数据的个性化宜居地图推荐方法和装置[P]. 北京大学深圳研究生院, 哈尔滨工业大学(深圳), 专利号:ZL 202210478286.9, 申请日期:2022-05-05, 授权公告日:2022-07-15, 授权公告号:CN 114579891 B.
1. 仝德, 孙裔煜, 张磊, 郑红霞. 一种村镇聚落体系衍化的网络分析系统[P]. 北京大学深圳研究生院, 专利号:ZL 202111632824.7, 申请日期:2021-12-29, 授权公告日:2022-03-18, 授权公告号:CN 113987893 B.