Home > Research Progress > Li group published article on Chemical Communications about a study of An in-tether sulfilimine chiral center induces helicity in short peptides

Li group published article on Chemical Communications about a study of An in-tether sulfilimine chiral center induces helicity in short peptides

Graphical abstract: An in-tether sulfilimine chiral center induces helicity in short peptides

A precisely positioned sulfilimine chiral center in the tether of a stabilized peptide would determine the peptide’s secondary structure. Peptide sulfilimines could be prepared by a facile chloramine T oxidation and the two resulting peptide diastereomers showed significant differences in their secondary structures, which were supported by circular dichroism spectroscopy and NMR.

This article was published in the “Chemical Communications” (Huacan Lin, Yixiang Jiang, Qingzhou Zhang, Kuan Hu and Zigang Li* An in-tether sulfilimine chiral center induces helicity in short peptides) Chem. Commun., 2016, Advance Article  DOI:  10.1039/C6CC04508A

Linking: http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlepdf/2016/cc/c6cc04672j