Advanced Data & Signal Processing Laboratory


实验室已经发表科技论文320篇,其中SCI/EI收录314篇,申请专利20多项,授权9项,完成硕士论文107篇。 (There are 320 papers published, in which 314 papers are SCI/EI indexed. There more than 20+ patents applied and 9 issued. There are 107 students graduated)


2024年目前已发表文章(23篇)(achievements in 2024)

A类会议(12篇):AAAI-5篇,ACL-5篇,IJCAI-1篇,ACM MM-1篇
SCI期刊+JCR Q1区(2篇):TPAMI-1篇,TCSVT-1篇

  1. Xianwei Zhuang, Xuxin Cheng, Zhihong Zhu, Zhanpeng Chen, Hongxiang Li, Yuexian Zou* Towards Multimodal-augmented Pre-trained Language Models via Self-balanced Expectation-Maximization Iteration. The 32nd ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM 24), Melbourne, Australia. 2024/10/28-2024/11/1. [EI] [CCF-A]
  2. Zhihong Zhu, Xuxin Cheng, Zhanpeng Chen, Zhichang Wang, Zhiqi Huang, Yuexian Zou*. SALA: Scenario-aware Label Graph Learning for Multi-intent Spoken Language Understanding. 33rd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM2024), Boise, Idaho, USA, 2024/10/21-2024/10/25. [EI] [CCF-B]
  3. Xusheng Yang, Zhengyu Chen, Yuexian Zou*. Robust Heterophily Graph Learning via Uniformity Augmentation. 33rd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM2024), Boise, Idaho, USA, 2024/10/21-2024/10/25. [EI] [CCF-B]
  4. Xianwei Zhuang, Hongxiang Li, Xuxin Cheng, Zhihong Zhu, Yuxin Xie, Yuexian Zou* KDProR: A Knowledge-Decoupling Probabilistic Framework for Video-Text Retrieval. The 18th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2024), MiCo Milano, Italy, 2024/9/29-2024/10/4. [EI] [CCF-B]
  5. Asif Raza, Bang Yang, Yuexian Zou*. Zero-Shot Temporal Action Detection by Learning Multimodal Prompts and Text-Enhanced Actionness. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2024. [IF:7.1] [JCR:Q1][CCF-B]
  6. Yifei Xin, Xuxin Cheng, Zhihong Zhu, Xusheng Yang, Yuexian Zou*. DiffATR: Diffusion-based Generative Modeling for Audio-Text Retrieval. 2024 Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2024). Kos Island, Greece. 2024/9/1-2024/9/5. [EI] [CCF-C]
  7. Yifei Xin, Zhihong Zhu, Xuxin Cheng, Xusheng Yang, Yuexian Zou*. Audio-text Retrieval with Transformer-based Hierarchical Alignment and Disentangled Cross-modal Representation. 2024 Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2024). Kos Island, Greece. 2024/9/1-2024/9/5. [EI] [CCF-C]
  8. Yongkang Yin, Xu Li*, Ying Shan, Yuexian Zou*.AFL-Net: Integrating Audio, Facial, and Lip Modalities with a Two-step Cross-attention for Robust Speaker Diarization in the Wild.2024 Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2024). Kos Island, Greece. 2024/9/1-2024/9/5. [EI][CCF-C]
  9. Yuxin Xie, Zhihong Zhu, Xianwei Zhuang, Liming Liang, Zhichang Wang, Yuexian Zou*.GPA: Global and Prototype Alignment for Audio-Text Retrieval. 2024 Conference of the International Speech Communication Association(INTERSPEECH 2024), Kos Island, Greece, 2024/9/1-2024/9/5. [EI] [CCF-C]
  10. Xuxin Cheng, Yuexian Zou*. Generating More Audios for End-to-End Spoken Language Understanding. The 33rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2024). JEJU, Korea. 2024/08/03-2024/08/09. [EI] [CCF-A]
  11. Xianwei Zhuang, Xuxin Cheng, Liming Liang, Yuxin Xie, Zhichang Wang, Zhiqi Huang, Yuexian Zou*. PCAD: Towards ASR-Robust Spoken Language Understanding via Prototype Calibration and Asymmetric Decoupling. The 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2024), Bangkok, Thailand, 2024/8/11-2024/8/16. [EI] [CCF-A]
  12. Zhihong Zhu, Xuxin Cheng, Zhanpeng Chen, Xianwei Zhuang, Zhiqi Huang, Yuexian Zou*. Code-Switching Can be Better Aligners: Advancing Cross-Lingual SLU through Representation-Level and Prediction-Level Alignment. The 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2024), Bangkok, Thailand, 2024/8/11-2024/8/16. [EI] [CCF-A]
  13. Xuxin Cheng, Ziyu Yao, Yifei Xin, Hao An, Hongxiang Li, Yaowei Li, Yuexian Zou*. Soul-Mix: Enhancing Multimodal Machine Translation with Manifold Mixup. The 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2024). Bangkok, Thailand, 2024/8/11-2024/8/16. [EI] [CCF-A]
  14. Xuxin Cheng, Zhihong Zhu, Bang Yang, Xianwei Zhuang, Hongxiang Li, Yuexian Zou*. Cyclical Contrastive Learning Based on Geodesic for Zero-shot Cross-lingual Spoken Language Understanding. The 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2024). Bangkok, Thailand. 2024/08/11-2024/08/16.[EI] [CCF-A]
  15. Xuxin Cheng, Zhihong Zhu, Xianwei Zhuang, Zhanpeng Chen, Zhiqi Huang, Yuexian Zou*. MoE-SLU: Towards ASR-Robust Spoken Language Understanding via Mixture-of-Experts. The 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2024). Bangkok, Thailand. 2024/08/11-2024/08/16.[EI] [CCF-A]
  16. Bowen Cao, Deng Cai, Leyang Cui, Xuxin Cheng, Wei Bi, Yuexian Zou, Shuming Shi. Retrieval is Accurate Generation. The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2024). Vienna, Austria. 2024/05/07-2024/05/11.[EI]
  17. Bang Yang*, Fenglin Liu*, Yuexian Zou, Xian Wu, Yaowei Wang, and David A. Clifton. ZeroNLG: Aligning and Autoencoding Domains for Zero-Shot Multimodal and Multilingual Natural Language Generation. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), 2024. [IF:17.861] [JCR:Q1] [CCF-A]
  18. Zhihong Zhu, Xuxin Cheng, Hongxiang Li, Yaowei Li, Yuexian Zou*. Dance with Labels: Dual-Heterogeneous Label Graph Interaction for Multi-intent Spoken Language Understanding. The 17th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM 2024). Mérida, Yucatán. 2024/03/04-2024/03/08. [EI] [CCF-B] PDF
  19. Xuxin Cheng, Zhihong Zhu, Hongxiang Li, Yaowei Li, Xianwei Zhuang, Yuexian Zou*. Towards Multi-Intent Spoken Language Understanding via Hierarchical Attention and Optimal Transport. The 38th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2024). Vancouver, Canada. 2024/2/20-2024/2/27. [EI] [CCF-A] PDF
  20. Zhihong Zhu, Xuxin Cheng, Yaowei Li, Hongxiang Li, Yuexian Zou*. Aligner$^2$: Enhancing Joint Multiple Intent Detection and Slot Filling via Adjustive and Forced Cross-task Alignment. The 38th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2024). Vancouver, Canada. 2024/02/20-2024/02/27. [EI] [CCF-A] PDF
  21. Bang Yang, Yong Dai, Xuxin Cheng, Yaowei Li, Asif Raza, Yuexian Zou*. Embracing Language Inclusivity and Diversity in CLIP Through Continual Language Learning. The 38th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2024). Vancouver, Canada. 2024/2/20-2024/2/27. [EI] [CCF-A]
  22. Xianwei Zhuang#, Xuxin Cheng#, Yuexian Zou*. Towards Explainable Joint Models via Information Theory for Multiple Intent Detection and Slot Filling. The 38th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2024). Vancouver, Canada. 2024/2/20-2024/2/27. [EI] [CCF-A] PDF
  23. Hongxiang Li, Meng Cao, Xuxin Cheng, Zhihong Zhu, Yaowei Li, Yuexian Zou*. Exploiting Auxiliary Caption for Video Grounding. The 38th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2024). Vancouver, Canada. 2024/2/20-2024/2/27. [EI] [CCF-A] PDF

2023年目前已发表文章(35篇)(achievements in 2023)

C类会议(9篇):CSCWD-1篇;Interspeech-7篇;ACM MM Workshop 2023-1篇
SCI期刊+JCR Q1区(2篇):TASLP-1篇、TIP-1篇
其他EI论文(4篇):AIITA-1篇,NCMMSC-1篇,CLEF 2023 Working Note-1篇,APSIPA-1篇

  1. Zhihong Zhu, Yuexian Zou*. Beyond Classification: A Label-aware Prompt-based Framework for Joint Multiple Intent Detection and Slot Filling. National Conference on Man-Machine Speech Communication (NCMMSC2023). Suzhou, China. 2023/12/08-2023/12/10. [EI]
  2. Xuxin Cheng, Zhihong Zhu, Wanshi Xu, Yaowei Li, Hongxiang Li, Yuexian Zou*. Accelerating Multiple Intent Detection and Slot Filling via Targeted Knowledge Distillation. The 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. Resorts World Convention Centre, Singapore. 2023/12/06-2023/12/10. [EI] [CCF-B] PDF
  3. Xuxin Cheng#, Zhihong Zhu#, Bowen Cao, Qichen Ye, Yuexian Zou*. MRRL: Modifying the Reference via Reinforcement Learning for Non-Autoregressive Joint Multiple Intent Detection and Slot Filling. The 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. Resorts World Convention Centre, Singapore. 2023/12/06-2023/12/10. [EI] [CCF-B] PDF
  4. Zhihong Zhu#, Xuxin Cheng#, Zhiqi Huang, Dongsheng Chen, Yuexian Zou*. Enhancing Code-Switching for Cross-lingual SLU: A Unified View of Semantic and Grammatical Coherence. The 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. Resorts World Convention Centre, Singapore. 2023/12/06-2023/12/10. [EI] [CCF-B] PDF
  5. Wen Wang, Dongchao Yang, Qichen Ye, Bowen Cao and Yuexian Zou*. NADiffuSE: Noise-aware Diffusion-based Model for Speech Enhancement. Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association(APSIPA 2023) , Taibei, Taiwan, 2023/10/31-2023/11/03. [EI] PDF
  6. Ji Jiang, Meng Cao, Tengtao Song, Long Chen, Yi Wang, Yuexian Zou*. Video Referring Expression Comprehension via Transformer with Content-conditioned Query. 2023 ACM International Conference on Multimedia-MMIR (ACM MM Workshop 2023) Ottawa, Ontario, Canada,2023/10/29-2023/11/03. [EI] [CCF-C] PDF
  7. Bang Yang, Meng Cao, Yuexian Zou*. Concept-Aware Video Captioning: Describing Videos with Effective Prior Information. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2023. [IF:10.6] [JCR: Q1] [CCF-A] PDF
  8. Xuxin Cheng, Zhihong Zhu, Yaowei Li, Hongxiang Li, Yuexian Zou*. DAS-CL: Towards Multimodal Machine Translation via Dual-Level Asymmetric Contrastive Learning. 32nd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM2023), Birmingham, UK,2023/10/21-2023/10/25. [EI] [CCF-B] PDF
  9. Xuxin Cheng, Wanshi Xu, Zhihong Zhu, Hongxiang Li, Yuexian Zou*. Towards Spoken Language Understanding via Multi-level Multi-grained Contrastive Learning. 32nd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM2023), Birmingham, UK, 2023/10/21-2023/10/25. [EI] [CCF-B] PDF
  10. Yaowei Li, Bang Yang, Xuxin Cheng, Zhihong Zhu, Hongxiang Li, Yuexian Zou*. Unify, Align and Refine: Multi-Level Semantic Alignment for Radiology Report Generation. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV2023), Paris, France, 2023/10/2-2023/10/6. [EI] [CCF-A] PDF
  11. Hongxiang Li, Meng Cao, Xuxin Cheng, Yaowei Li, Zhihong Zhu, Yuexian Zou*.G2L: Semantically Aligned and Uniform Video Grounding via Geodesic and Game Theory. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV2023), Paris, France, 2023/10/2-2023/10/6. [EI] [CCF-A] PDF
  12. Bang Yang, Asif Raza, Yuexian Zou, Tong Zhang. PCLmed at ImageCLEFmedical 2023: Customizing General-Purpose Foundation Models for Medical Report Generation. CLEF 2023 Working Note. PDF
  13. Dongchao Yang, Songxiang Liu, Helin Wang, Jianwei Yu, Chao Weng, Yuexian Zou* NoreSpeech: Knowledge Distillation based Conditional Diffusion Model for Noise-robust Expressive TTS. 2023 Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2023). Dublin, Ireland. 2023/8/20-2023/8/24. [EI] [CCF-C] PDF
  14. Yifei Xin, Dongchao Yang, Yuexian Zou*. Background-aware Modeling for Weakly Supervised Sound Event Detection. 2023 Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2023). Dublin, Ireland. 2023/08/20-2023/08/24. [EI] [CCF-C] PDF
  15. Yifei Xin, Yuexian Zou*. Improving Audio-Text Retrieval via Hierarchical Cross-Modal Interaction and Auxiliary Captions. 2023 Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2023). Dublin, Ireland. 2023/08/20-2023/08/24. [EI] [CCF-C] PDF
  16. Xuxin Cheng, Zhihong Zhu, Ziyu Yao, Hongxiang Li, Yaowei Li, Yuexian Zou*. GhostT5: Generate More Features with Cheap Operations to Improve Textless Spoken Question Answering. 2023 Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2023). Dublin, Ireland. 2023/8/20-2023/8/24. [EI] [CCF-C] PDF
  17. Xuxin Cheng, Ziyu Yao, Zhihong Zhu, Yaowei Li, Hongxiang Li, Yuexian Zou*. C^2A-SLU: Cross and Contrastive Attention for Improving ASR Robustness in Spoken Language Understanding. 2023 Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2023). Dublin, Ireland. 2023/8/20-2023/8/24. [EI][CCF-C] PDF
  18. Xuxin Cheng, Wanshi Xu, Ziyu Yao, Zhihong Zhu, Yaowei Li, Hongxiang Li, Yuexian Zou*. FC-MTLF: A Fine- and Coarse-grained Multi-Task Learning Framework for Cross-Lingual Spoken Language Understanding. 2023 Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2023). Dublin, Ireland. 2023/8/20-2023/8/24. [EI][CCF-C] PDF
  19. Zhihong Zhu, Xuxin Cheng, Dongsheng Chen, Zhiqi Huang, Hongxiang Li, Yuexian Zou*. Mix before Align: Towards Zero-shot Cross-lingual Sentiment Analysis via Soft-Mix and Multi-View Learning. 2023 Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2023). Dublin, Ireland. 2023/8/20-2023/8/24. [EI] [CCF-C] PDF
  20. Bang Yang, Fenglin liu, Xian Wu, Yaowei Wang, Xu Sun, Yuexian Zou*. MultiCapCLIP: Auto-Encoding Prompts for Zero-Shot Multilingual Visual Captioning. The 61th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2023), Toronto, Canada, 2023/7/9-2023/7/14. [EI] [CCF-A] PDF
  21. Bang Yang, Fenglin liu, Zheng Li, Qingyu Yin, Chenyu You, Bing Yin, Yuexian Zou. Multimodal Prompt Learning for Product Title Generation with Extremely Limited Labels. The 61th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2023), Toronto, Canada, 2023/7/9-2023/7/14. [EI] [CCF-A] PDF
  22. Zhihong Zhu, Xuxin Cheng, Zhiqi Huang, Dongsheng Chen, Yuexian Zou*. Towards Unified Spoken Language Understanding Decoding via Label-aware Compact Linguistics Representations. The 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2023), Toronto, Canada, 2023/7/9-2023/7/14. [EI] [CCF-A] PDF
  23. Xuxin Cheng, Bowen Cao, Qichen Ye, Zhihong Zhu, Hongxiang Li, Yuexian Zou*. ML-LMCL: Mutual Learning and Large-Margin Contrastive Learning for Improving ASR Robustness in Spoken Language Understanding. The 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2023), Toronto, Canada, 2023/7/9-2023/7/14. [EI] [CCF-A] PDF
  24. Dongchao Yang, Jianwei Yu, Helin Wang, Wen Wang, Chao Weng, Yuexian Zou*, Dong Yu. Diffsound: Discrete Diffusion Model for Text-to-sound Generation. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 2023. [IF:4.532][JCR:Q1][SCI] PDF
  25. Meng Cao, Fangyun Wei, Can Xu, Xiubo Geng, Long Chen, Can Zhang, Yuexian Zou, Tao Shen, Daxin Jiang*. Iterative Proposal Refinement for Weakly-Supervised Video Grounding. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2023), Vancouver, Canada, 2023/6/18-2023/6/22. [EI] [CCF-A] PDF
  26. Yifei Xin, Dongchao Yang, Fan Cui, Yujun Wang, Yuexian Zou*. Improving Weakly Supervised Sound Event Detection with Causal Intervention. The 48th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2023),Rhodes Island, Greece, 2023/06/04-2023/06/10. [EI] [CCF-B] PDF
  27. Yifei Xin, Dongchao Yang, Yuexian Zou*. Improving Text-Audio Retrieval by Text-aware Attention Pooling and Prior Matrix Revised Loss. The 48th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2023),Rhodes Island, Greece, 2023/06/04-2023/06/10. [EI] [CCF-B] PDF
  28. Xuxin Cheng, Qianqian Dong, Fengpeng Yue, Tom Ko, Mingxuan Wang, Yuexian Zou*. M^3ST: Mix at Three Levels for Speech Translation. The 48th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing  (ICASSP 2023), Rhodes Island, Greece, 2023/6/4-2023/6/10. [EI] [CCF-B] PDF
  29. Xuxin Cheng, Zhihong Zhu, Hongxiang Li, Yaowei Li, Yuexian Zou*. SSVMR: Saliency-based Self-training for Video-Music Retrieval. The 48th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2023), Rhodes Island, Greece, 2023/6/4-2023/6/10. [EI] [CCF-B] PDF
  30. Tengtao Song, Nuo Chen, Ji Jiang, Zhihong Zhu, Yuexian Zou*. IMPROVING RETRIEVAL-BASED DIALOGUE SYSTEM VIA SYNTAX-INFORMED ATTENTION. The 48th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP2023), Rhodes Island, Greece, 2023/06/04-2023/06/10. [EI][CCF-B] PDF
  31. Zhihong Zhu, Weiyuan Xu, Xuxin Cheng, Tengtao Song, Yuexian Zou*. A Dynamic Graph Interactive Framework with Label-Semantic Injection for Spoken Language Understanding. The 48th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2023). Rhodes Island, Greece. 2023/06/04-2023/06/10. [EI] [CCF-B] PDF
  32. Hao An, Dongsheng Chen, Weiyuan Xu, Zhihong Zhu, Yuexian Zou*. TLAG: An Informative Trigger and Label-Aware Knowledge Guided Model for Dialogue-based Relation Extraction. The 26th IEEE International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD 2023).Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 2023/5/24-2023/5/26. [EI] [CCF-C] PDF
  33. Shuai Hu, Yuexian Zou*. ConRS: Context-response Contrastive Learning for Multi-turn Response Selection. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Industrial Technology Applications (AIITA 2023). 2023/03/24-2023/03/26. [EI]
  34. Bowen Cao#, Qichen Ye#, Weiyuan Xu, Yuexian Zou*. FTM: A Frame-level Timeline Modeling Method for Temporal Graph Representation Learning. The 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2023), Washington DC, USA. 2023/2/7-2023/2/14. [CCF-A] PDF
  35. Qichen Ye#, Bowen Cao#,  Nuo Chen, Weiyuan Xu, Yuexian Zou*. FiTs: Fine-Grained Two-Stage Training for Knowledge-Aware Question Answering. The 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2023), Washington DC, USA. 2023/2/7-2023/2/14. [CCF-A] PDF
  36. 曹蒙、邹月娴,“一种基于稀疏候选框的自然语言时序定位方法”,2023,发明专利申请号:202311191588.9,初审
  37. 朱志宏、程旭欣、邹月娴,“一种基于对偶异构图交互的多意图口语理解方法”,2023,发明专利申请号:202311318113.1,受理
  38. 安浩、邹月娴,“一种基于知识辅助的对话文本关系抽取方法”,2023,发明专利申请号:202311323944.8,受理
  39. 小样本任务型人机对话原型系统V1.0,软件著作权,登记号: 2023SR1043120,登记日:20230912
  40. ASR错误鲁棒的口语理解原型系统V1.0,软件著作权,登记号: 2023SR1221167,登记日:20231012
  41. 自动化医疗知识图谱构建系统V1.0,软件著作权,登记号: 2023SR1222427,登记日:20231012

2022年目前已发表文章(32篇)(achievements in 2022)

A类会议(3篇):CVPR-1篇;IJCAI-1篇;ACM MM-1篇
SCI期刊+JCR Q1区(5篇):TPAMI-1篇;TIP-1篇;TASLP-2篇;PR-1篇
SCI期刊+JCR Q2区(2篇):SPL-1篇;IEEE Access-1篇

  1. Rongzhi Gu, Shi-Xiong Zhang, Yuexian Zou*, Dong Yu, "Towards Unified All-Neural Beamforming for Time and Frequency Domain Speech Separation". IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 2022. [IF:4.532][JCR:Q1][SCI] PDF
  2. Liyu Wu, Can Zhang, Yuexian Zou*. SpatioTemporal focus for skeleton-based action recognition. Pattern Recognition, 2022. [IF:8.518][JCR:Q1][CCF-B] PDF
  3. Dongchao Yang, Helin Wang, Yujun Wang, Fan Cui and Yuexian Zou*. Detect what you want: Target sound detection. Proceedings of the Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events 2022 Workshop (DCASE2022). Nancy, France. 2022/11/3-2022/11/4. [EI] PDF
  4. Dongchao Yang, Helin Wang, Wenwu Wang and Yuexian Zou*. A Mixed Supervised Learning Framework for Target Sound Detection. Proceedings of the Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events 2022 Workshop (DCASE2022). Nancy, France. 2022/11/3-2022/11/4. [EI] PDF
  5. Zhongjie Ye, Yuqing Wang, Helin Wang, Dongchao Yang, Yuexian Zou*. FeatureCut: An Adaptive Data Augmentation for Automated Audio Captioning. Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association(APSIPA2022) , Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2022/11/07-2022/11/10. [EI] PDF
  6. Yi-Wen Chao, Dongchao Yang, Rongzhi Gu, Yuexian Zou*. 3CMLF: Three-Stage Curriculum-Based Mutual Learning Framework for Audio-Text Retrieval. Asia Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference 2022 (APSIPA 2022),Chiang Mai, Thailand.2022/11/ 7-2022/11/10. [EI] PDF
  7. Lisung Chen, Nuo Chen, Yuexian Zou*, Yong Wang, Xinzhong Sun. A Transformer-based Threshold-Free Framework for Multi-Intent NLU. The 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2022), Gyeongju, Republic of Korea. 2022/10/12-2022/10/17. [EI] [CCF-B] PDF
  8. Jinchuan Tian, Jianwei Yu*, Chao Weng, Yuexian Zou* and Dong Yu. Integrating Lattice-Free MMI into End-to-End Speech Recognition. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing ,2022. [IF:4.532][JCR:Q1][SCI] PDF
  9. Puzhao Ji, Bang Yang, Tong Zhang, Yuexian Zou*. Consensus-Guided Keyword Targeting for Video Captioning. The 5th Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision (PRCV 2022). Shenzhen, China. 2022/10/14-2022/10/17. [EI] PDF
  10. Bang Yang, Tong Zhang, Yuexian Zou*. CLIP Meets Video Captioning: Concept-Aware Representation Learning Does Matter. The 5th Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision (PRCV 2022). Shenzhen, China. 2022/10/14-2022/10/17. [EI] PDF
  11. Meng Cao, Can Zhang, Long Chen, Mike Zheng Shou, Yuexian Zou*. Deep Motion Prior for Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,2022. [IF:11.041][JRC:Q1][SCI] PDF
  12. Meng Cao, Ji Jiang, Yuexian Zou*. Correspondence Matters for Video Referring Expression Comprehension. 2022 ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM 2022). Lisbon Portugal. 2022/10/10-2022/10/14. [EI] [CCF-A] PDF
  13. Meng Cao, Tianyu Yang, Junwu Weng, Can Zhang, Yuexian Zou*. LocVTP: Video-Text Pre-training for Temporal Localization. European conference on computer vision (ECCV 2022). Tel-Aviv, Israel. 2022/10/23-2022/10/27. [EI] [CCF-B] PDF
  14. Puzhao Ji, Meng Cao, Yuexian Zou*. Visual Relation-Aware Unsupervised Video Captioning. 31st International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks(ICANN2022). Bristol, UK. 2022/9/6-2022/9/9. [EI] [CCF-C] PDF
  15. Zifeng Zhao, Rongzhi Gu, Dongchao Yang, Jinchuan Tian, Yuexian Zou*. Speaker-Aware Mixture of Mixtures Training for Weakly Supervised Speaker Extraction. 2022 Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2022). Incheon, Korea. 2022/9/18-2022/9/22. [EI] [CCF-C] PDF
  16. Zifeng Zhao, Dongchao Yang, Rongzhi Gu, Haoran Zhang, Yuexian Zou*. Target Confusion in End-to-end Speaker Extraction: Analysis and Approaches. 2022 Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2022). Incheon, Korea. 2022/9/18-2022/9/22. [EI] [CCF-C] PDF
  17. Jinchuan Tian, Jianwei Yu*, Chunlei Zhang, Yuexian Zou* and Dong Yu. LAE: Language-Aware Encoder for Monolingual and Multilingual ASR. 2022 Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2022). Incheon, Korea. 2022/9/18-2022/9/22. [EI] [CCF-C] PDF
  18. Yifei Xin, Dongchao Yang, Yuexian Zou*. Audio Pyramid Transformer with Domain Adaption for Weakly Supervised Sound Event Detection and Audio Classification. 2022 Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2022). Incheon, Korea. 2022/9/18-2022/9/22. [EI] [CCF-C] PDF
  19. Helin Wang, Dongchao Yang,  Chao Weng, Jianwei Yu, Yuexian Zou*. Improving Target Sound Extraction with Timestamp Information. 2022 Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2022). Korea. 2022/9/18-2022/9/22. [EI] [CCF-C] PDF
  20. Dongchao Yang, Helin Wang, Zhongjie Ye, Yuexian Zou*, Wenwu Wang. RaDur: A Reference-aware and Duration-robust Network for Target Sound Detection. 2022 Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2022). Korea. 2022/9/18-2022/9/22. [EI] [CCF-C] PDF
  21. Dongsheng Chen, Zhiqi Huang, Xian Wu, Shen Ge, Yuexian Zou*. Towards Joint Intent Detection and Slot Filling via Higher-order Attention. The 31st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2022), Vienna, Austria, 2022/7/23-2022/7/29. [EI] [CCF-A] PDF
  22. Jinchuan Tian; Jianwei Yu; Chao Weng; Yuexian Zou*; Dong Yu. Improving Mandarin End-to-End Speech Recognition With Word N-Gram Language Model. IEEE Signal Processing Letters (SPL), 2022. [IF:3.109][JRC:Q2][CCF-C] PDF
  23. Shanhao Li, Bang Yang and Yuexian Zou*.  Adaptive Curriculum Learning for Video Captioning.  IEEE Access, Volume:10, Pages:31751-31759, 2022. [IF:3.367][JRC:Q2][SCI] PDF
  24. Can Zhang, Tianyu Yang, Junwu Weng, Meng Cao, Yuexian Zou*. Unsupervised Pre-training for Temporal Action Localization Tasks. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2022), New Orleans, Louisiana, 2022/6/19-2022/6/23. [EI] [CCF-A] PDF
  25. Shanhao Li, Bang Yang and Yuexian Zou*. Utilizing Text-based Augmentation to Enhance Video Captioning. 2022 5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data (ICAIBD 2022), Chengdu, China. 2022/05/27-2022/05/30. [EI] PDF
  26. Dongchao Yang, Helin Wang, Yuexian Zou*, Zhongjie Ye, Wenwu Wang. A Mutual Learning Framework For Few-shot Sound Event Detection. The 47th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2022),A Virtual Conference,2022/05/22-2022/05/27. [EI] [CCF-B] PDF
  27. Li Wang, Rongzhi Gu, Weiji Zhuang, Peng Gao, Yujun Wang, Yuexian Zou*. Learning Decoupling Features Through Orthogonality Regularization. The 47th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2022),A Virtual Conference,2022/05/22-2022/05/27. [EI] [CCF-B] PDF
  28. Xinmeng Xu, Rongzhi Gu, Yuexian Zou*. Improving Dual-microphone Speech Enhancement by Learning Cross-channel Features with Multi-head Attention. The 47th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2022),A Virtual Conference,2022/05/22-2022/05/27. [EI] [CCF-B] PDF
  29. Jinchuan Tian, Jianwei Yu, Chao Weng, Shi-Xiong Zhang, Dan Su, Dong Yu, Yuexian Zou*. CONSISTENT TRAINING AND DECODING FOR END-TO-END SPEECH RECOGNITION USING LATTICE-FREE MMI. The 47th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2022),A Virtual Conference,2022/05/07-2022/05/13. [EI] [CCF-B] PDF
  30. Dongsheng Chen, Zhiqi Huang, Yuexian Zou*. Leveraging Bilinear Attention to Improve Spoken Language Understanding. The 47th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2022),A Virtual Conference,2022/05/22-2022/05/27. [EI] [CCF-B] PDF
  31. Lisong Chen, Peilin Zhou, Yuexian Zou*. Joint Multiple Intent Detection and Slot Filling via Self-distillation. The 47th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2022),A Hybrid Conference,2022/05/22-2022/05/27. [EI] [CCF-B] PDF
  32. Fenglin Liu, Xian Wu, Chenyu You, Shen Ge, Yuexian Zou*, Xu Sun. Aligning Source Visual and Target Language Domains for Unpaired Video Captioning. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), 2022. [IF:17.861] [JCR:Q1] [CCF-A]  PDF
  33. 邹月娴,张钰莹,甘蕾“双模态情感识别模型训练方法及双模态情感识别方法”,2019,发明专利,专利号:ZL201910851155.9,授权
  34. 邹月娴,刘钊祎,张皓然 “语音增强方法、系统、计算机设备及存储介质”,2019,发明专利,专利号:ZL201910799126.2,授权
  35. 邹月娴,关文婕“一种滨海湿地鸟类检测方法”,2018,发明专利,专利号:ZL201810354126.7,授权

2021年目前已发表文章(31篇)(achievements in 2021)

SCI期刊+JCR Q1区(6篇):TKDD-1篇,TCSVT-2篇,IVC-2篇,TIP-1篇
SCI期刊+JCR Q2区(1篇):SPL-1篇

  1. Zhongjie Ye, Helin Wang, Dongchao Yang, and Yuexian Zou*. Improving the performance of automated audio captioning via integrating the acoustic and semantic information. Proceedings of the Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events 2021 Workshop (DCASE2021). Barcelona, Spain. 2021/11/15-2021/11/19. [EI] PDF
  2. Dongming Yang, Yuexian Zou*, Zhu Li, Ge Li.Learning Human-Object Interaction via Interactive Semantic Reasoning.IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,2021. [IF:10.856 ] [JCR: Q1] [CCF-A] PDF
  3. Dongming Yang, Yuexian Zou*, Can Zhang, Meng Cao, and Jie Chen. RR-Net: Relation Reasoning for End-to-End Human-Object Interaction Detection. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2021. [IF:4.133] [JCR:Q1][CCF-B] PDF
  4. Meng Cao, Long Chen, Mike Zheng Shou, Can Zhang, Yuexian Zou*. On Pursuit of Designing Multi-modal Transformer for Video Grounding. The 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2021). Online and in the Barceló Bávaro Convention Centre, Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. 2021/11/7-2021/11/11. [EI] [CCF-B] PDF
  5. Nuo Chen, Chenyu You, Yuexian Zou*. Self-supervised Contrastive Cross-Modality Representation Learning for Spoken Question Answering. The 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2021, Findings). Online and in the Barceló Bávaro Convention Centre, Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. 2021/11/7-2021/11/11. [EI] [CCF-B] PDF
  6. Can Zhang, Meng Cao, Dongming Yang, Ji Jiang, Yuexian Zou*. Synergic learning for noise-insensitive webly-supervised temporal action localization. Image and Vision Computing, 2021. [IF:3.103][JCR:Q1][CCF-C] PDF
  7. Can Zhang, Yuexian Zou*, Guang Chen, Lei Gan. EAR: Efficient action recognition with local-global temporal aggregation. Image and Vision Computing, 2021. [IF:3.103][JCR:Q1][CCF-C] PDF
  8. Weiyuan Xu, Peilin Zhou, Chenyu You, Yuexian Zou*. Semantic Transportation Prototypical Network for Few-shot Intent Detection. 2021 Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2021). Brno, Czech. 2021/08/30-2021/09/03. [EI] [CCF-C] PDF
  9. Dongchao Yang, Helin Wang, Yuexian Zou*. Unsupervised Multi-Target Domain Adaptation for Acoustic Scene Classification. 2021 Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2021). Brno, Czech. 2021/8/30-2021/9/3. [EI] [CCF-C] PDF
  10. Nuo Chen, Chenyu You, Yuexian Zou*. Self-supervised Dialogue Learning for Spoken Conversational Question Answering. 2021 Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2021). Brno, Czech. 2021/8/30-2021/9/3. [EI] [CCF-C] PDF
  11. Nuo Chen, Chenyu You, Yuexian Zou*. Contextualized Attention-based Knowledge Transfer for Spoken Conversational Question Answering. 2021 Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2021). Brno, Czech. 2021/8/30-2021/9/3. [EI] [CCF-C] PDF
  12. Li Wang , Rongzhi Gu, Nuo Chen, Yuexian Zou*. Text Anchor Based Metric Learning for Small-footprint Keyword Spotting. 2021 Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2021). Brno, Czechia. 2021/08/30-2021/09/03.[EI] [CCF-C] PDF
  13. Helin Wang, Yuexian Zou*, Wenwu Wang. SpecAugment++: A Hidden Space Data Augmentation Method for AcousticScene Classification. 2021 Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2021). Brno, Czechia. 2021/08/30-2021/09/03.[EI] [CCF-C] PDF
  14. Dongming Yang, Yuexian Zou, Can Zhang, Meng Cao and Jie Chen. RR-Net: Injecting Interactive Semantics in Human-Object Interaction Detection. The 30th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-21), A Montreal-themed virtual reality, 2021/08/21-2021/08/26 PDF
  15. Nuo Chen, Chenyu You, Yuexian Zou*. MRD-Net: Multi-Modal Residual Knowledge Distillation for Spoken Question Answering. The 30th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-21), A Montreal-themed virtual reality, 2021/08/21-2021/08/26 PDF
  16. Rongzhi Gu, Shi-Xiong Zhang, Yuexian Zou*, Dong Yu. Complex Neural Spatial Filter: Enhancing Multi-channel Target Speech in Complex Domain. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2021. [JCR:Q2] PDF
  17. Meng Cao, Can Zhang, Dongming Yang, Yuexian Zou*. All You Need is a Second Look: Towards Arbitrary-Shaped Text Detection. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2021. [IF:4.133] [JCR:Q1][CCF-B] PDF
  18. Can Zhang, Meng Cao, Dongming Yang, Jie Chen, Yuexian Zou*.  CoLA: Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization with Snippet Contrastive Learning (CVPR 2021), A Virtual Conference, 2021/6/19-2021/6/25. [EI] [CCF-A] PDF
  19. Zhiqi Huang, Fenglin Liu, Peilin Zhou, Yuexian Zou*. Sentiment Injected Iteratively Co-interactive Network For Spoken Language Understanding. The 46th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2021),A Virtual Conference,2021/06/06-2021/06/11. [EI] [CCF-B] PDF
  20. Haoran Zhang, Yuexian Zou*, Helin Wang. Contrastive Self-supervised Learning for Text-independent Speaker Verification. The 46th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing(ICASSP2021),A Virtual Conference,2021/06/06-2021/06/11. [EI][CCF-B] PDF
  21. Fenglin Liu, Xian Wu, Shen Ge, Wei Fan, Yuexian Zou*. Exploring and Distilling Posterior and Prior Knowledge for Radiology Report Generation. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2021), A Virtual Conference, 2021/6/19-2021/6/25. [EI] [CCF-A] PDF
  22. Can Zhang, Meng Cao, Dongming Yang, Jie Chen, Yuexian Zou*. Learn to Compare: Localize Actions under Weak Supervision. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2021), A Virtual Conference, 2021/6/19-2021/6/25. [EI] [CCF-A] PDF
  23. Helin Wang , Yuexian Zou*,  Wenwu Wang. A Global-local Attention Framework for Weakly Labelled Audio Tagging. The 46th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP2021),A Virtual Conference,2021/06/06-2021/06/11. [EI][CCF-B] PDF
  24. Cong Wang, Yan Huang, Yuexian Zou*, Yong Xu. FWB-Net: Front White Balance Network for Color Shift Correction in Single Image Dehazing via Atmospheric Light Estimation. The 46th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP2021),A Virtual Conference,2021/06/06-2021/06/11. [EI][CCF-B] PDF
  25. Liyu Wu, Yuexian Zou*, Can Zhang. Long-Short Temporal Modeling for Efficient Action Recognition. The 46th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP2021),A Virtual ConfPerence,2021/06/06-2021/06/11. [EI][CCF-B] PDF
  26. Ranyu Ning, Can Zhang, Yuexian Zou*. SRF-Net: Selective Receptive Field Network for Anchor-free Temporal Action Detection. The 46th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP2021),A Virtual Conference,2021/06/06-2021/06/11. [EI][CCF-B] PDF
  27. Nuo Chen, Fenglin Liu, Peilin Zhou, Yuexian Zou*. Adaptive Bi-directional Attention: Exploring Multi-Granularity Representations for Machine Reading Comprehension. The 46th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2021),A Virtual Conference,2021/06/06-2021/06/11. [EI][CCF-B] PDF
  28. Nuo Chen, Chenyu You,  Yuexian Zou*. Knowledge Distillation for improved accuracy in Spoken Question Answering. The 46th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2021),A Virtual Conference,2021/06/06-2021/06/11. [EI][CCF-B] PDF
  29. Fenglin Liu, Xuancheng Ren, Xian Wu, Shen Ge, Wei Fan, Xu Sun, Yuexian Zou*. DiMBERT: Learning VisionLanguage Grounded Representations with Disentangled Multimodal-Attention, ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, 2021. [IF:2.538] [JCR:Q1][CCF-B] PDF
  30. Bang Yang, Yuexian Zou*, Fenglin Liu, Can Zhang. Non-Autoregressive Coarse-to-Fine Video Captioning. The 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2021), A Virtual Conference, 2021/2/2-2021/2/9. [EI] [CCF-A] PDF Appendix
  31. Zhiqi Huang, Fenglin Liu, Xian Wu, Shen Ge, Helin Wang, Wei Fan, Yuexian Zou*.Audio-Oriented Multimodal Machine Comprehension via Dynamic Inter- and Intra-modality Attention.The 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2021), A Virtual Conference, 2021/2/2-2021/2/9. [EI] [CCF-A] PDF
  32. 邹月娴、柳军领,“一种基于多尺度对抗学习的交通图像去模糊方法及装置”,2021,发明专利申请号:202110426042.1,初审
  33. 杨东明、邹月娴、张粲,“一种基于视觉关系推理的人与物体交互检测方法及装置”,2021,发明专利申请号:202111611005.4,受理
  34. 张粲、邹月娴、杨东明,“一种基于Web的实时行为识别与异常监测系统”,2021,实用新型专利申请号:202123310620.X,受理

2020年目前已发表文章(23篇)(achievements in 2020)

C类会议(6篇):ICIP-1篇, ICPR-2 篇,INTERSPEECF-3篇
SCI期刊+JCR Q1区(3篇):Neurocomputing-1篇,JSTSP-1篇,TMM-1篇
SCI期刊+JCR Q2区(1篇):SPL-1篇

  1. Fenglin Liu, Xian Wu, Shen Ge, Wei Fan, Yuexian Zou*. Federated Learning for Vision-and-Language Grounding Problems. The 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2020), New York, 2020/2/7-2020/2/12. [EI] [CCF-A] PDF
  2. Junling Liu, Yuexian Zou*, Dongming Yang. SemanticGAN: Generative Adversarial Networks For Semantic Image To Photo-realistic Image Translation. The 45th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. (ICASSP2020). Barcelona, Spain, 2020/05/04-2020/05/08. [EI,20203309041039 ][CCF-B] PDF
  3. Rongzhi Gu, Shi-Xiong Zhang, Lianwu Chen, Yong Xu, Meng Yu, Dan Su, Yuexian Zou*, Dong Yu. Enhancing End-to-End Multi-Channel Speech Separation via Spatial Feature Learning. The 45th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP2020). Barcelona, Spain. 2020/05/04-2020/05/08. [EI,20203309041044][CCF-B] PDF
  4. Meng Cao , Yuexian Zou* . ALL YOU NEED IS A SECOND LOOK: TOWARDS TIGHTER ARBITRARY SHAPE TEXT DETECTION. The 45th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP2020). Barcelona, Spain. 2020/05/04-2020/05/08. [EI, 20203309040630 ][CCF-B] PDF
  5. Sixin Hong , Yuexian Zou*,  Wenwu Wang, Meng Cao. Weakly Labelled Audio Tagging via Convolutional Networks with Spatial and Channel-wise Aattention. The 45th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP2020). Barcelona, Spain. 2020/05/04-2020/05/08. [EI][CCF-B] PDF
  6. Rongzhi Gu, Shi-Xiong Zhang, Yong Xu, Lianwu Chen, Dong Yu, Yuexian Zou*. Multi-modal Multi channel Target Speech Separation. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 2020. [SCI:19788695, EI:2020120831110][IF:6.688][JCR: Q1] PDF
  7. Dongming Yang,Yuexian Zou*, Jian Zhang,Ge Li. GID-Net: Detecting Human-Object Interacction with Global and Instance Dependency. Neurocomputing, 2020.[IF:4.072] [JCR:Q1] PDF
  8. Dongming Yang,Yuexian Zou*. A Graph-based Interactive Reasoning for Human-Object Interaction Detection.The 29th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2020),Yokohama, Japan, , 2020/7/11-2020/7/17.[EI] [CCF-A] PDF
  9. Ziming Wang, Yuexian Zou*, Zeming Zhang. Cluster Attention Contrast for Video Anomaly Detection. 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACMMM2020). Seattle, United States. 2020/10/12-2020/10/16. [EI] [CCF-A] PDF
  10. Fenglin Liu, Xian Wu, Shen Ge, Xiaoyu Zhang, Wei Fan, Yuexian Zou*.Bridging the Gap between Vision and Language Domains for Improved Image Captioning. 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACMMM2020),Seattle, United States. 2020/10/12-2020/10/16. [EI] [CCF-A] PDF
  11. Helin Wang, Yuexian Zou*, Dading Chong, Wenwu Wang. Environmental Sound Classification with Parallel Temporal-spectral Attention. 2020 Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2020). Shanghai, China. 2020/10/25-2020/10/29.[EI] [CCF-C] PDF
  12. Junyi Peng, Rongzhi Gu, Yuexian Zou*. Deep Speaker Embedding with Long Short Term Centroid Learning for Text-independent Speaker Verification. 2020 Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2020). Shanghai, China. 2020/10/25-2020/10/29. [EI] [CCF-C] PDF
  13. Sixin Hong , Yuexian Zou*,  Wenwu Wang. Gated Multi-head Attention for Weakly Labelled Audio Tagging. 2020 Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2020). Shanghai, China. 2020/10/25-2020/10/29. [EI] [CCF-C] PDF
  14. Guang Chen, Can Zhang, Yuexian Zou*. AFNet: Temporal Locality-aware Network with Dual Structure for Accurate and Fast Action Detection. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2020. [IF:6.051] [JCR:Q1][CCF-B] PDF
  15. Cong Wang, Yuexian Zou*, Zehan Chen. ABC-Net: Avoiding Blocking Effect & Color Shift Network for Single Image Dehazing via Restraining Transmission Bias. The 27th International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2020). Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. 2020/10/25-2020/10/28.[EI][CCF-C] PDF
  16. Peilin Zhou,Zhiqi Huang,Fenglin Liu,Yuexian Zou* ,"PIN: A Novel Parallel Interactive Network for Spoken Language Understanding". The 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition(ICPR2020). MiCo Milano Congress Center, ITALY. 2021/1/10-2021/1/15.[EI] [CCF-C] PDF
  17. Bang Yang, Yuexian Zou*. Visual Oriented Encoder: Integrating Multimodal and Multi-Scale Contexts for Video Captioning. The 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2020). MiCo Milano Congress Center, ITALY. 2021/1/10-2021/1/15.[EI] [CCF-C] PDF
  18. Helin Wang, Yuexian Zou*, Dading Chong, Wenwu Wang. "Modeling Label Dependencies for Audio Tagging with Graph Convolutional Network",IEEE Signal Processing Letters,2020. [IF:3.105][JCR:Q2] PDF
  19. Helin Wang, Yuexian Zou*, Dading Chong. Acoustic Scene Classification With Spectrogram Processing Strategies. Proceedings of Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events Workshop (DCASE 2020). Tokyo, Japan. 2020/11/02-2020/11/03. [EI] PDF
  20. Junyi Peng, Rongzhi Gu, Haoran Zhang, Yuexian Zou*. Context-adaptive Gaussian Attention for Text-independent Speaker Verification. Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association(APSIPA2020) , Virtual, 2020/12/07-2020/12/10. [EI] PDF
  21. Zhiqi Huang, Fenglin Liu, Yuexian Zou*. Federated Learning for Spoken Language Understanding. The 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2020), Barcelona, 2020/12/8-2020/12/13. [EI] [CCF-B] PDF
  22. Fenglin Liu, Xuancheng Ren, Zhiyuan Zhang, Xu Sun, Yuexian Zou*. Rethinking Skip Connection with Layer Normalization. The 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2020), Barcelona, 2020/12/8-2020/12/13. [EI] [CCF-B] PDF
  23. Fenglin Liu, Xuancheng Ren, Xian Wu, Shen Ge, Wei Fan, Xu Sun, Yuexian Zou*. Prophet Attention: Predicting Attention with Future Attention. The 34th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2020), Vancouver, 2020/12/6-2020/12/12. [EI] [CCF-A] PDF
  24. 面向智能高速公路的实时视频大数据AI助手平台V1.0,软著,登记号:2020SR0213936,登记日:20200305
  25. 高速公路视频场景智能标注与选择软件V1.0,软著,登记号:2020SR0215037,登记日:20200305
  26. 高速公路实时道路拥堵指数自动生成软件V1.0,软著,登记号:2020SR0213942,登记日:20200305
  27. 面向智能高速公路的视频文本信息脱敏工具软件V1.0,软著,登记号:2020SR0214008,登记日:20200305
  28. 邹月娴、蒲璐汶,“基于图卷积网络的文本情感分析方法、系统和电子装置”,2020,发明专利申请号:202010856600.3,实审

2019年目前已发表文章(26篇)(achievements in 2019)

C类会议(8篇):MMM-5篇, ICANN-2 篇, INTERSPEECF-1篇
SCI期刊+JCR Q1区(3篇):Neurocomputing-1篇,IEEE Access-2篇
其他EI论文(9篇):ACIIW-1篇,NLPCC-1篇,APSIPA-3篇,VCIP-1篇,ASRU-2篇,ACM MM Asia-1篇

  1. Chao Liu, Yuexian Zou*,Dongming Yang. Enhancing Scene Text Detection via Fused Semantic Segmentation Network with Attention. The 25th International Conference on MultiMedia Modeling(MMM2019). Thessaloniki, Greece. 2019/1/8-2019/1/11. [EI, 20190306375751][CCF-C] PDF 
  2. Can Zhang, Yuexian Zou*, Guang Chen. Hierarchical Temporal Pooling for Efficient Online Action Recognition. The 25th International Conference on MultiMedia Modeling(MMM2019). Thessaloniki, Greece. 2019/1/8-2019/1/11. [EI, 20190306375745] [CCF-C] PDF
  3. Guang Chen, Yuexian Zou*,Can Zhang. STMP: Spatial Temporal Multi-Level Proposal Network for Activity Detection. The 25th International Conference on MultiMedia Modeling(MMM2019). Thessaloniki, Greece. 2019/1/8-2019/1/11. [EI, 20190306375735] [CCF-C] PDF
  4. Dading Chong , Yuexian Zou*  Wenwu Wang. Multi-Channel Convolutional Neural Networks with Mul-ti-Level Feature Fusion for Environmental Sound Classi-fication. The 25th International Conference on MultiMedia Modeling(MMM2019). Thessaloniki, Greece. 2019/1/8-2019/1/11. [EI,20190306375667] [CCF-C] PDF
  5. ChaoHao Lu,YueXian Zou*. Using Coarse Label Constraint for Fine-grained Visual Classification. The 25th International Conference on MultiMedia Modeling(MMM2019). Thessaloniki, Greece. 2019/1/8-2019/1/11. [EI, 20190306375677] [CCF-C] PDF
  6. Wenjie Guan, Xiaoqun Zhou, Ge Li, Yuexian Zou*. Selecting Optimal Proposal Number for Image-based Object Detection. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2019). Brighton, UK. 2019/3/12/-2019/3/17. [EI, 20192907201356][CCF-B] PDF
  7. Liu Yang,Hu Qinghua,Zou Yuexian,Wang Wenwu. Labelled Non-zero Particle Flow for SMC-PHD Filtering. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2019). Brighton, UK. 2019/3/12/-2019/3/17. [EI, 20192907202597][CCF-B] PDF
  8. Yuexian Zou, Yi Wang, Wenjie Guan, Wenwu Wang. Semantic Super-Resolution For Extremely Low-Resolution Vehicle License Plate. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2019). Brighton, UK. 2019/3/12/-2019/3/17. [EI, 20192907201605] [CCF-B] PDF
  9. DongMing Yang , YueXian Zou*. CASCADE REGION PROPOSAL NETWORKS FOR OBJECT DETECTION IN THE WILD. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2019). Shanghai, China. 2019/7/8-2019/7/12. [EI, 20193407349185] [CCF-B] PDF
  10. Helin Wang, Dading Chong, Dongyan Huang, Yuexian Zou*. What Affects the Performance of Convolutional Neural Networks for Audio Event Classification.The 8th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction Workshops and Demos (ACIIW2019). Cambridge, United Kingdom. 2019/9/3-2019/9/6. [EI,20200308046088] PDF
  11. Meng Cao, Yuexian Zou* Dongming Yang. GISCA: Gradient-inductive Segmentation Network with Contextual Attention for Scene Text Detection, IEEE Access, Volume:7, Pages:62805-62816, 2019. [SCI:000469866800001,EI:20192307002546] [IF:4.098] [JCR: Q1] PDF
  12. Rongzhi Gu, Lianwu Chen, Shixiong Zhang, Jimeng Zheng, Yong Xu, Meng Yu, Dan Su, Yuexian Zou* Dong Yu. Neural Spatial Filter: Target Speaker Speech Separation Assisted with Directional Information. 2019 Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2019). Graz, Austria. 2019/9/15-2019/9/19. [EI, 20194607674511] [CCF-C] PDF
  13. Yuying Zhang, Yuexian Zou*, Junyi Peng, Danqing Luo and Dongyan Huang. Discriminative Feature Learning for Speech Emotion Recognition. 28th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN2019). Munich, Germany. 2019/9/17-2019/9/19. [EI, 20194107502852] [CCF-C] PDF
  14. Lei Gan, Yuexian Zou*, Can Zhang. Discriminative Feature Learning using Two-stage Training Strategy for Facial Expression Recognition. 28th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN2019). Munich, Germany. 2019/9/17-2019/9/19. [EI, 20194107503019] [CCF-C] PDF
  15. Can Zhang, Yuexian Zou*, Guang Chen, Lei Gan. PAN: Persistent Appearance Network with an Efficient Motion Cue for Fast Action Recognition. 27th ACM International Conference on Multimedia(ACMMM2019). Nice, France. 2019/10/21-2019/10/25. [EI, 20194607685206] [CCF-A] PDF
  16. Dongming Yang,Yuexian Zou*, Jian Zhang,Ge Li. C-RPNs: Promoting Object Detection in real world via a Cascade Structure of Region Proposal Networks. Neurocomputing, Volume:367,Pages:20-30,2019. [SCI:000489017500003,EI: 20193307311926] [IF:4.072] [JCR:Q1] PDF
  17. GuoShuai Wang, YueXian Zou*, ZiRui Li, and DongMing Yang. SMCA-CNN: Learning a Semantic Mask and Cross-scale Adaptive Feature for Robust Crowd Counting. IEEE Access,Volume:7,Pages:168495-168506,2019. [SCI,19163378,EI,20200308045131] [IF:4.098] [JCR: Q1] PDF
  18. Luwen Pu, Yuexian Zou*. Using Dependency Information to Enhance Attention Mechanism for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis. 8th CCF International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing(NLPCC2019). Dunhuang, China. 2019/10/9-2019/10/14.[EI]  PDF
  19. Fenglin Liu, Meng Gao, Tianhao Zhang, Yuexian Zou*. Exploring Semantic Relationships for Image Captioning without Parallel Data. The 19th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2019), Beijing, 2019/11/8-2019/11/11.[EI,20200608137514] [CCF-B] PDF
  20. Junyi Peng, Rongzhi Gu, Yuexian Zou*,Wenwu Wang. Speaker-discriminative Embedding Learning via Affinity Matrix for Short Utterance Speaker Verification. Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association(APSIPA2019). Lanzhou, China. 2019/11/18-2019/11/21. [EI,20201308362102] PDF
  21. Zhaoyi Liu, Yuexian Zou*. Teacher-Student BLSTM Mask Model for Robust Acoustic Beamforming. Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association(APSIPA2019). Lanzhou, China. 2019/11/18-2019/11/21. [EI, 20201308362416] PDF
  22. Rongzhi Gu, Junyi Peng, Yuexian Zou*, Dong Yu. Alleviate Cross-chunk Permutation through Chunk Level Speaker Embedding for Blind Speech Separation. Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association(APSIPA2019). Lanzhou, China. 2019/11/18-2019/11/21. [EI,20201308362284] PDF
  23. Zirui Li,  Yuexian Zou*, Guoshuai Wang, Jian Zhang. Scale-Informed Density Estimation for Dense Crowd Counting. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP2019). Sydney, Australia. 2019/12/1-2019/12/4. [EI,20200708164606] PDF
  24. Junyi Peng, Rongzhi Gu, Yuexian Zou*. Logistic similarity metric learning via affinity matrix for text-independent speaker verification. IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop(ASRU2019). Sentosa, Singapore. 2019/12/14-2019/12/18. [EI, 20201108303424] PDF
  25. Junyi Peng, Yuexian Zou*, Na Li, Deyi Tuo, Dan Su, Meng Yu, Chunlei Zhang, Dong Yu. Syllable-dependent discriminative learning for small footprint text-dependent speaker verification. IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop(ASRU2019). Sentosa, Singapore. 2019/12/14-2019/12/18. [EI,20201108303438 ] PDF
  26. Zhaoyi Liu, Yuexian Zou*. IKDMM: Iterative Knowledge Distillation Mask Model for Robust Acoustic Beamforming. ACM International Conference on Multimedia in Asia (ACM MM Asia2019). Beijing, China. 2019/12/16-2019/12/18. [EI, 20200508116940] PDF
  27. 邹月娴,张粲“一种基于Web的滨海湿地鸟类生态监测与分析系统”,2019,实用新型专利申请号:20190747231.9,授权
  28. 邹月娴,张钰莹,甘蕾 “双模态情感识别模型训练方法及双模态情感识别方法”,2019,发明专利申请号:201910851155.9,实审
  29. 邹月娴,刘钊祎,张皓然 “语音增强方法、系统、计算机设备及存储介质”,2019,发明专利申请号:201910799126.2 ,实审
  30. 邹月娴,张粲  “一种基于多时间尺度推理的动作识别方法及装置”,2019,发明专利申请号:201910799120.5,实审
  31. 邹月娴,张粲  “一种基于运动边界小位移的高效运动表征方法及装置”,2019,发明专利申请号:201910811947.3,实审

2018年目前已发表文章(12篇)(achievements in 2018)

C类会议(2篇): INTERSPEECF-2篇
SCI期刊+JCR Q1区(2篇):TIP-1篇,TIM-1篇
SCI期刊+JCR Q3区(1篇):Applied Sciences-1篇

  1. Yi Wang, Yuexian Zou, Wenwu Wang,“Manifold-based Visual Object Counting”,IEEE  Transactions on Image Processing(SCI国际期刊,JCR一区,影响因子IF:5.072,收录号: 000429730000008,VOL. 27, NO. 7, JULY 2018, pp.3248-3263. 深圳科技基础研究项目No: JCYJ20160330095814461)PDF
  2. Yuexian Zou , Zhaoyi Liu, Christian H. Ritz,"Enhancing Target Speech Based on Nonlinear Soft Masking Using a Single Acoustic Vector Sensor", Applied Sciences.  2018,8(9),1436 (SCI国际期刊,JCR三区,影响因子IF:1.689,收录号:000445760200025,国家自然科学基金No: 61271309&深圳科技计划基础研究项目JCYJ20170817160058246)PDF
  3. Sujuan Liu,Ning Lyu,Jiashuai Cui,Yuexian Zou*,“Improved Blind Timing Skew Estimation Based on Spectrum Sparsity and ApFFT in Time-Interleaved ADCs”,IEEE  Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (SCI国际期刊,JCR一区,影响因子IF:2.456) PDF
  4. Wenjie Guan, Yuexian Zou, Xiaoqun Zhou, "Multi-scale Object Detection with Feature Fusion and Region Objectness Network", the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2018), Calgary, Alberta, Canada, April 15-20, 2018,pp.2596-2600, (国际会议CCF-B, EI,收录号:20184005907614 ,深圳科技基础研究项目No:JCYJ20160330095814461)PDF
  5. Zehan Chen, Yi Wang, Yuexian Zou, "Inverse Atmoshperic Scattering Modeling with Convolutional Neural Networks for Single Image Dehazing", the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2018), Calgary, Alberta, Canada, April 15-20, 2018,pp.2626-2630, (国际会议CCF-B, EI,收录号:20184005907760 ,深圳科技基础研究项目No:JCYJ20160330095814461&No:JCYJ20150430162332418)PDF
  6. Xiaohu Zhang,Yuexian Zou,Wenwu Wang,"LD-CNN: A Lightweight Dilated Convolutional Neural Network for Environmental Sound Classification",2018 International Conference on Pattern Recognition(ICPR2018),Beijing,China,August 20-24,2018.(国际会议,CCF-C,EI,深圳科技计划基础研究项目No:JCYJ20170306165153653 & J深圳科技计划基础研究项目JCYJ20170817160058246)PDF
  7. Xiaohu Zhang, Yuexian Zou,"AICDS: An infant crying detection system based on lightweight convolutional neural network",2018 International Conference on AI and Mobile Services(AIMS 2018),Seattle, USA,June 25 - June 30,2018,pp.185-196,(国际会议EI,收录号:20182705519828,深圳科技基础研究项目No: JCYJ20170817160058246)PDF
  8. Haoyi Yuan, Yang Yuan, H. C. Wu,Yuexian Zou*,"Economic Index Forecasting via Multi-Scale Recursive Dynamic Factor Analysis",2018 International Conference on AI and Mobile Services(AIMS 2018),Seattle, USA,June 25 - June 30,2018,pp.83-91,(国际会议EI,收录号:20182705519840 ), PDF
  9. Disong Wang, Yuexian Zou,“Joint Noise and Reverberation Adaptive Learning for Robust Speaker DOA Estimation with An Acoustic Vector Sensor”,2018 Conference of the International Speech Communication Association(INTERAPEECH 2018),Hyderabad,India,September 2-6,2018,pp.821-825,(国际会议CCF-C,EI,收录号:20184305968504 ,深圳科技计划基础研究项目No:JCYJ20170306165153653 & JCYJ20170817160058246)PDF
  10. Danqing Luo, Yuexian Zou,Dongyan Huang,“Investigation on Joint Representation Learning for Robust Feature Extraction in Speech Emotion Recognition”,2018 Conference of the International Speech Communication Association(INTERSPEECH 2018),Hyderabad,India,September 2-6,2018,pp.152-156,(国际会议CCF-C,EI,收录号:20184305968704 ,深圳科技计划基础研究项目No:JCYJ20170306165153653 & JCYJ20170817160058246)PDF
  11. Xiaohu Zhang,Yuexian Zou,"DCH-Net: Densely Connected Highway Convolution Neural Network for Environmental Sound Classification" The 23rd International Conference on Digital Signal Processing,(DSP2018), Shanghai,China,Nov.18-21,2018 ( EI, 深圳科技计划基础研究项目No:JCYJ20170817160058246 & JCYJ20170306165153653)PDF
  12. Chao Liu, Yuexian Zou,Wenjie Guan,“Hierarchical Feature Fusion With Text Attention For Multi-scale Text Detection”The 23rd International Conference on Digital Signal Processing,(DSP2018), Shanghai,China,Nov.18-21,2018 ( EI, 深圳科技计划基础研究No:JCYJ20160330095814461)PDF
  13. 邹月娴,周小群“一种基于密度图估计的鸟类小目标检测方法”,2018,发明专利申请号:201810212915.7 实审。
  14. 邹月娴,陆超豪“一种基于深度学习的鸟类识别方法”,2018,发明专利申请号:201810348415.6  授权。
  15. 邹月娴,关文婕“一种滨海湿地鸟类检测方法”,2018,发明专利申请号:201810354126.7 实审。
  16. 邹月娴,罗丹青“一种基于联合特征表示的语音情感识别模型及识别方法”,2018,发明专利申请号:201810668198.9 授权。
  17. 音频事件检测系统,软著,登记号:2018SR102617,登记日:20180208。证书PDF

2017年目前已发表文章(20篇(achievements in 2017)
2017年发表论文20篇,SCI索引国际期刊(Journal of the Franklin Institute)1篇,国际会议16篇(ICIP 1篇,ICASSP 2篇,IALP 2篇,APSIPA 2篇,ACPR 1篇,ISICA 3篇,DSP 4篇,NCMMSC 1篇),国际期刊(CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology)1篇,中文核心期刊(Control Theory & Applications)2篇。

  1. Baoyan Wang, Jian Zhang, Yi Liu, Fanggui Ding, and Yuexian Zou. “Multi-Document News Summarization via Paragraph Embedding and Density Peak Clustering, "  International Conference on Asian Language Processing (IALP), 5-7 December 2017, Singapore. pp.260-263,【EI,收录号:20182005200372 】 PDF
  2. Song, X.; Zou, Y.X.; Huang S.L.; Chen S.B.; Liu Y., " Investigating Multi-task Learning for Automatic Speech Recognition with Code-switching between Mandarin and English,"  International Conference on Asian Language Processing (IALP), Singapore, 5-7 December 2017 Singapore, pp.27-30【EI,收录号:20182005185908 】.PDF
  3. Danqing Luo, Yuexian Zou, Dongyan Huang, "Speech Emotion Recognition via Ensembling Neural Networks", Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association(APSIPA), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December 12-15,2017,pp.1351-1355,(EI,收录号:20183005609913,深圳市科技基础研究项目JCYJ20170306165153653和 JCYJ20150331165212372)PDF
  4. Yuexian Zou, Rongzhi Gu, Disong Wang, Aimin Jiang and Christian H. Ritz."Learning a Robust DOA Estimation Model with Acoustic Vector Sensor Cues"Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association(APSIPA), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December 12-15,2017.pp.1688-1391(EI,收录号: 20183005613351 ,深圳市科技基础研究项目JCYJ20170306165153653)PDF
  5. Yichi Huang, Yuexian Zou, Yi Liu. “Investigating the stacked phonetic bottleneck feature for speaker verification with  short voice commands” the 4th Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition(ACPR), Nanjing, China, 27-29 Novemeber 2017,pp. 706-711.(深圳市科技基础研究项目No.JCYJ20170306165153653 & JCYJ20150331165212372)PDF
  6. Baoyan Wang, Yuexian Zou, Jian Zhang, Jun Jiang and Yi Liu. “ Multi-Document Summarization via LDA and Density Peaks based Sentence-Level Clustering,”  International Symposium on Intelligence Computation and Applications (ISICA), pp.313-323,18-19 November 2017,China,Guang Zhou.  【EI,收录号:20183205674762 】PDF
  7. Song, X.; Cheng, Q.; Xing, J.P.; Zou, Y.X., " Data-driven phone selection for language identification via bidirectional long short-term memory modeling,"  International Symposium on Intelligence Computation and Applications (ISICA), pp.301-312,18-19  November 2017. China,Guang Zhou.  【EI,收录号: 20183205674761 】PDF
  8. Song, X.; Liu, Y.; Yang, D.M.; Zou, Y.X.," A multi-task learning approach for Mandarin-English code-switching conversational speech recognition,"  International Symposium on Intelligence Computation and Applications (ISICA), Guangzhou, China, pp.102-111,18-19 November 2017 China,Guang Zhou.  【EI,收录号:20183205674719】.PDF
  9. Xiaoqun Zhou,Yuexian Zou,Yi Wang, “Accurate Small Object Detection via Density Map Aided Saliency Estimation” IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Beijing, China, September 17-20, 2017,pp.425-429 (国际会议EI,收录号:20181605019888 ,Finalist Best Paper Award,深圳科技计划项目 No:JCYJ20160330095814461 & No: JCYJ20150430162332418)【oral】PDF
  10. Disong Wang, Yuexian Zou, Wenwu Wang, “Learning soft mask with DNN and DNN-SVM for multi-speaker DOA estimation using an acoustic vector sensor”, Journal of the Franklin Institute,Vol. 355, No. 4, 2018,pp.1692-1709 【SCI收录号:000426986200010】(SCI国际期刊,JCR一区,IF: 3.576, 国家自然科学基金No: 61271309和深圳科技计划项目No: CXZZ20140509093608290PDF
  11. Yanhan Jin, Yuexian Zou, C. H. Ritz,"Robust Speaker DOA Estimation Based on the  Inter-Sensor Data Ratio Model and Binary Mask Estimation in the Bispectrum Domain ." IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), New Orleans, America, March 05-09, 2017, pp.3266-3270 (国际会议EI,收录号:20172903954668,国家自然科学基金No: 61271309)【poster】PDF
  12. Xiaoling Huang, Yuexian Zou, Yi Wang, “Example-Based Visual Object Counting For Complex Background With A Local Low-Rank Constraint”, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2017), pp. 1672-1676, New Orleans, March 5-9, 2017.(EI,收录号:20172903954254,深圳市科技基础研究项目No:JCYJ20150430162332418 &No: JCYJ20160330095814461)PDF
  13. Baoyan Wang , Jian Zhang , Yi Liu, Yuexian Zou," Density peaks clustering based integrate framework for multi-document summarization" ,CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology, 2017, 2(1):26-30.(国际期刊) PDF
  14. Jin Chen, Yi Wang, Zehan Chen and Yuexian Zou,“Sequence-Guided Siamese Neural Network For Video Summarization of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles”,22nd International Conference on Digital Signal Processing(DSP2017),August 23-25, 2017, London, United Kingdom 【EI,收录号: 20180304648821 】. PDF
  15. Yichi Huang and Yuexian Zou,Enhancing speaker verification with short voice commands via autoencoder and phonetic bottleneck learning,22nd International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP2017), August 23-25, 2017, London, United Kingdom 【EI,收录号: 20180304648674 】. PDF
  16. Disong Wang, Yuexian Zou and Wei Shi,A Deep Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Model for Robust Speech Dereverberation,22nd International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP2017),August 23-25, 2017, London, United Kingdom. 【EI,收录号: 20180304648774】PDF
  17. Xiaohu Zhang, Yuexian Zou and Wei Shi,Dilated Convolution Neural Network with LeakyReLU for Sound Event Classification,22nd International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP2017),August 23-25, 2017, London, United Kingdom【EI,收录号: 20180304648689】.PDF
  18.  Yuexian Zou,  Jiasheng Yu,  Zehan Chen,  Jin Chen,  Yi Wang ,Convolutional neural networks model compression based on feature selection for image classification ,Control Theory & Applications,2017,34(6):746-752.(中文核心期刊,EI收录号:20173904217546 ,深圳科技基础研究项目No:JCYJ20150430162332418).PDF
  19. Yuexian Zou, Shihan Liu,  Disong Wang ,Enhancing speech corrupted by nonstationary noise using nonnegative matrix factorization with multiple constraints[J].Control Theory & Applications ,2017,34(6):761-768.(中文核心期刊,EI收录号:20173904217548 ,中国国家自然科学基金No:61271309和深圳科学研究计划No:CXZZ20140509093608290).PDF
  20. 黄艺驰 ,邹月娴 ,柳俊宏 .面向智能手机信道 的中文说话人识别数据库 MTDSR, National Conference on Man-Machine Speech Communication(NCMMSC2017),Oct.11-13,2017.Lianyuangang China.(深圳市科创委基础研究项目  No: JCYJ20170306165153653 ).PDF
  21. 邹月娴,张小虎,“一种基于轻量级卷积神经网络的嵌入式音频事件检测方法”,2017,发明专利号:201711315105.4,(提交专利时间:20171212)实审。
  22. 邹月娴,陈泽晗,王毅,“一种基于深度学习的单幅图像去雾方法” 2017,发明专利号:201710613638.6,(进入实审阶段时间:20171220)实审。
  23. 无人机航拍视频后端处理软件系统,软著,登记号:2017R11L659319,登记日:20170809。证书PDF

2016年目前已发表文章(16篇)(achievements in 2016)

2016年发表论文16篇,SCI索引国际期刊0篇,EI收录国际会议14篇(ICASSP 1篇,ICME 2篇,ICIP 1篇,ICIST 1篇,IScIDE 3篇, BigMM 2篇,ICPR2篇),中文核心期刊 1篇(ZTE Communication),国际期刊1篇(The International Journal of Knowledge and Language Processing)。

  1. Zhiqiang Xiang, Yuexian Zou, Xiaoling Huang, "An Effective and Robust Multi-view Vehicle Classification Method Based on Local and Structural Features", The Second IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Big Data (BigMM 2016), Taipei, China, April 20-22, 2016, pp.68-73.【EI收录 20163802813885 (国际会议,深圳科技计划项目No: JCYJ20150430162332418) oralPDF
  2. Chun Wang, Yuexian Zou, Shihan Liu, Wei Shi, Weiqiao Zheng, "An Efficient Learning Based Smartphone Playback Attack Detection Using GMM Supervector." the second IEEE BigMM, Taipei, Taiwan, April 20-22, 2016, pp.385-389【EI收录 20163802813802(国际会议,国家自然科学基金No: 61271309和深圳科技计划项目No: JC201105170727A)【oralPDF
  3. Zhiqiang Xiang, Yuexian Zou, Xiaoqun Zhou, Xiaoling Huang, "Robust Vehicle Logo Recognition Based on Locally Collaborative Representation With Principal Components", Sixth International Conference on Information Science and Technology (ICIST 2016), Dalian, China, May 6-8, 2016,pp.487-491.【EI收录 20162902609671(国际会议,深圳科技计划项No: JCYJ20150430162332418) oralPDF
  4. Yi Wang, Yuexian Zou, Jin Chen, Xiaoling Huang, Cheng Cai, “Example-based Visual Object Counting with A Sparsity Constraint”, IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME), SEATTLE, USA, July 11-15, 2016. 【CCF-B】【EI收录 20163802815714PDF
  5. Xiaoling Huang, Yuexian Zou, Yi Wang, “Cost-Sensitive Sparse Linear Regression For Crowd Counting With Imbalanced Training Data”, IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME), SEATTLE, USA, July 11-15, 2016. 【CCF-B】【EI收录 20163802815719PDF
  6. Baoyan Wang, Yuexian Zou, Jian Zhang, Daming Yang, and Yi Liu. "Combing Paragraph Embedding and Density Peak Sentence Clustering based Multi-Document Summarization." The International Journal of Knowledge and Language Processing, Vol.7 (2016): 43-54 (国际期刊).PDF
  7.  Chun Wang, Yuexian Zou, Weiqiao Zheng, Wei Shi, "An Efficient Playback Attack Detection Approach Based on Supervised Learning." IEEE International Conference on Intelligence Science and Big Data Engineering (IScIDE), Guangzhou, China, May 13-15, 2016,pp.425-435.(国际会议,国家自然科学基金No: 61271309和深圳科技计划项目No: JC201105170727A)【poster】 PDF
  8.  Shihan Liu, Yuexian Zou, "Multi-Constraint Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Approach to Speech Enhancement with Nonstationary Noise," International Conference on Intelligence Science and Big Data Engineering (IScIDE). pp. 181-191, Guangzhou, China, May, 2016. (国际会议,国家自然科学基金No: 61271309和深圳科技计划项目) poster】 PDF
  9. Jiasheng Yu, Yuexian Zou, Jin Chen, Yi Wang. "Convolutional Neural Networks Model Compression Based on Feature Selection", IEEE International Conference on Intelligence Science and Big Data Engineering (IScIDE). IEEE, Guangzhou, China, May 2016,pp.243-252. (国际会议,深圳科技计划项目(No: JCYJ20150430162332418)poster
  10. Yi Wang, Yuexian Zou, Fast Visual Object Counting via Example-based Density Estimation, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Phoenix, USA, September 25-28, 2016.【EI收录 20165203167258PDF
  11. Xiaoling HuangYi WangZhiqiang Xiang, Yuexian ZouBofei WangZhengC.J.(2016)“An Effective and Robust Multi-view Vehicle Type Classification System: DesignImplementation and Experimental Study ”ZTE Communication,2016, pp.425-435 (中文核心期刊) PDF
  12. Yanhan Jin, Yuexian Zou, “ROBUST SPEAKER DOA ESTIMATION WITH SINGLE AVS IN BISPECTRUM DOMAIN” the 42th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Shanghai, China, March 20-25, 2016,pp.3196-3200.【EI收录 20162402488768(国际会议,国家自然科学基金No: 61271309)【poster】PDF
  13. Disong Wang, Xiansheng Guo, Yuexian Zou, "Accurate and Robust Device-Free Localization Approach via Sparse Representation in Presence of Noise and Outliers" the 21th IEEE International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP), Beijing, China, October 16-18, 2016.【EI收录 20171303504466 (国际会议,国家自然科学基金No: 61271309 and No: 61201277)【poster】PDF
  14. Disong Wang, Yuexian Zou, Junhong Liu, Yichi Huang, "A Robust DBN-vector based Speaker Verification System under Channel Mismatch Conditions" the 21th IEEE International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP), Beijing, China, October 16-18, 2016.EI收录20171303504446 (国际会议,深圳科技计划项目No: CXZZ20140509093608290)【oral】PDF
  15. Jin Chen, Yuexian Zou, Yi Wang, “Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Video Summarization: A Learning Approach Based on Siamese Neural Network And Support Vector Machine” IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Cancun, Mexico, December 4-8, 2016, pp. 1303-1308 .EI收录 20171903660135 (国际会议Finalists Best Industry Related Paper Award,深圳市科技计划项目No: JCYJ20150430162332418 和 No: JCYJ20160330095814461)【oral】PDF
  16. Jun Hong Liu, Yuexian Zou, Yichi Huang, “An Effective Voiceprint based Identity Authentication System for Mandarin Smartphone Users” IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Cancun, Mexico, December 4-8, 2016, pp. 1072-1077.EI收录 20171903659897 (深圳市科技计划项目No. CXZZ20140509093608290)【poster】 PDF
  17. 邹月娴,黄晓林,一种基于代价敏感,稀疏线性回归的鲁棒人群计数方法2016,发明专利申请号:201610022498.0 实审 查询地址
  18. 邹月娴,金彦含,“一种基于声学矢量传感器和双谱变换的鲁棒单语者声源DOA估计方法”,2016,发明专利申请号:201610022499.5 授权查询地址
  19. 邹月娴,王迪松,柳俊宏,黄艺驰,“基于深度置信网络特征矢量的信道鲁棒声纹识别系统”,2016,发明专利申请号:201611006202.2,实审查询地址
  20. 滨海湿地鸟类识别系统,软著,登记号:2016SR226515,登记日:20160819.证书PDF

2015年目前已发表文章(21篇)(achievements in 2015)

2015 年发表论文21篇,SCI索引国际期刊2篇(Circuits, Systems & Signal Processing),EI收录国际会议17篇(ICASSP 2篇,DSP 5篇, BigMM 2篇,ICME 1篇,Chinasip 3篇,ICACT1篇,ACII 1篇,Robio 1篇),中文核心期刊 1篇,国内期刊1篇;

  1. Weiqiao Zheng, Yuexian Zou, C.H. Ritz, “Spectral Mask Estimation Using Deep Neural Network for Inter-Sensor Data Ratio Model Based Robust DOA Estimation” the 41th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Brisbane, Australia, April 19-24, 2015,pp.325-329.EI收录 20154501510470 (国际会议,国家自然科学基金No: 61271309和深圳科技计划项目No: JC201105170727A)poster【CCF-B】 PDF
  2. Desheng Xia, Zhiqiang Xiang, Yuexian Zou, “Integrating Visual and Textual Features for Web Image Clustering” IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Big Data (BigMM), Beijing, China, April 20-22, 2015,pp.116-123.EI收录 20153701270921】(国际会议,深圳科学与技术基础研究项目No:JCYJ20130329175141512)【oralPDF
  3. Junhong Liu, Weiqiao Zheng, Yuexian Zou, “A Robust Acoustic Feature Extraction Approach Based On Stacked Denoising Autoencoder” IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Big Data (BigMM), Beijing, China, April 20-22, 2015,124-127. EI收录 20153701270922】(国际会议,国家自然科学基金No: 61271309和深圳科技计划项目No: JC201105170727A)【oralPDF
  4. Weiyang Liu, Zhiding Yu, Men Yang, Lijia Luy, and Yuexian Zou, "Joint kernel dictionary and classifier learning for sparse coding via locality preserving K-SVD." IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), Torino, Italy, June 29 2015-July 3 2015,pp.1-6.EI收录 20154501513997】(国际会议)【oralPDF
  5. Jin Chen, Yi Wang, Yuexian Zou, “An Adaptive Redundant Image Elimination For Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Review Based On Temporal Correlation And Color- Texture Feature Similarity”, the 20th IEEE International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP), Singapore, July 21-24, 2015,pp.735-739.EI收录20160501876924】(国际会议,深圳科学与技术基础研究项目No:JCYJ20130329175141512)【oralPDF
  6. Yi Wang, Cheng Cai, Yuexian Zou, “Single Image Super Resolution via Adaptive Dictionary Pair Learning for Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Image” the 20th IEEE International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP), Singapore, July 21-24, 2015,pp.595-599.【EI收录 20160501876800】(国际会议,深圳科学与技术基础研究项目No:JCYJ20130329175141512)【oralPDF
  7. Yuexian Zou, Lei Li, Yi Wang, Yu, J.S., Li, Y., Deng, W.J., "Classifying Digestive Organs in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Images Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Network", the 20th IEEE International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP), Singapore, July 21-24, 2015,pp.1274-1278.【EI收录 20160501876925】(国际会议,深圳科学与技术基础研究项目No:JCYJ20130329175141512)【oralPDF
  8. Liu, S., X.J. Xu, and Yuexian Zou (2015), "Blind Timing Skew Estimation Based on Spectra Sparsity and All Phase FFT for Time-Interleaved ADCs", the 20th IEEE International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP), Singapore, July 21-24, 2015,pp.926-930.【EI收录 20160501876692】(国际会议,国家自然科学基金No.60775003No. 61106028)【oralPDF
  9. Xiansheng Guo, Lei Chu, Yiming Pi, and Yuexian Zou (2015) "Two stages signal strength difference localization algorithm using SDP relaxation", the 20th IEEE International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP), Singapore, July 21-24, 2015,951-961.【EI收录 20160501876815】(国际会议,国家自然科学基金No61201277)【oralPDF
  10. Xiaoyu Zhang, Xiangjun Xu, Yuexian Zou, “Sampling Jitter Mitigation with a Cascade Multiplier for Direct RF Bandpass Sampling Receiver” .The 18th IEEE International Conferences on Advanced Communications Technology(ICACT),Phoenix Park, PyeongChang, Korea, July 01-03,2015,pp.413-418.【EI收录 20155101698356】(国际会议)【oralPDF
  11. S. Pasha, Yuexian Zou, and Ritz, C. (2015) "Forming Ad-Hoc Microphone Arrays Through Clustering Of Acoustic Room Impulse Responses". the third IEEE ChinaSIP, Chengdu,July 12-15,2015,pp.84-88.【EI收录 20160701912133】(国际会议)PDF
  12. Shihan Liu, Yuexian Zou, Hongke Ning, “Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Based Noise Robust Speaker Verification” IEEE China Summit and International Conference on Signal and Information Processing (ChinaSip). pp.35-39, Chengdu, China, July, 2015,35-39. 【EI收录 20160701912123】(国际会议,国家自然科学基金No: 61271309和深圳科技计划项目No: JC201105170727APDF
  13. Chun Wang, Wei Shi, Yuexian Zou, “Multipronounciation Dictionary Construction for Mandarin English Bilingual Phrase Speech Recognition System”the third IEEE ChinaSIP, Chengdu,July 12-15,2015,15-19.【EI收录 20160701912119】(国际会议,国家自然科学基金No: 61271309和深圳科技计划项目No: JC201105170727APDF
  14. Yi Wang, Cheng Cai, Ji Liu, Yuexian Zou, “A Parametric Modeling Approach for Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Hazy Image Restoration”, the 41th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Brisbane, Australia, April 19-24, 2015,pp.922-926.EI收录 20154501510197】(国际会议,深圳科学与技术基础研究项目No:JCYJ20130329175141512)【poster】 【CCF-B】 PDF
  15. 邹月娴,郭轶凡,郑炜乔.基于AVS和稀疏表示的鲁棒语者声源DOA估计方法[J].数据采集与处理,2015,30(2):299-307.(国内期刊,中文核心期刊,国家自然科学基金No:61271309)PDF
  16. Yuexian Zou, Bo Li, Christian H Ritz, "Multi-Source DOA Estimation Using an Acoustic Vector Sensor Array under a Spatial Sparse Representation Framework",Circuits, Systems & Signal Processing, pp. 1-28 ,volume 34, June 20, 2015【SCI收录 000370819100014】【EI收录 20160801981561】(SCI国际期刊,国家自然科学基金No: 61271309和深圳科学与技术基础研究项目No: JCY201110006)PDF
  17. Weiqiao Zheng, Jiasheng Yu, Yuexian Zou, “An experimental study of speech emotion recognition based on deep convolutional neural networks” [C]//Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), 2015 International Conference on. IEEE, 2015: 827-831. 【EI收录 20161502238751】(国际会议EI,国家自然科学基金No: 61271309和深圳科技计划项目No: JC201105170727A)【oral】PDF
  18. Jiasheng Yu, Jin Chen, Zhiqiang Xiang, Yuexian Zou, "A Hybrid Convolutional Neural Networks with Extreme Learning Machine for WCE Image Classification" IEEE Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (Robio2015) ,Zhuhai, China, December 6-9, 2015,1822-1827.【EI收录 20161802327721】(国际会议EI,深圳科技计划项目No: JC201105170727A)【poster】PDF
  19. Weiyang Liu, Zhiding Yu, Lijia Lu, Yandong Wen, Hui Li, Yuexian Zou “KCRC-LCD: Discriminative kernel collaborative representation with locality constrained dictionary for visual categorization,” Pattern Recognition, vol. 48, no. 10, pp. 3076-3092, 2015. 【SCI收录 000357246100011】【EI收录 20152000856864】(国际期刊)  PDF
  20. Weiyang Liu, Zhiding Yu, Yandong Wen, Meng Yang, Yuexian Zou, "Multi-kernel collaborative representation for image classification."The International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2015,pp.21-25.【EI收录 20160601895870】PDF
  21. 王迪松,黄艺驰,邹月娴, “浅析‘互联网+'内涵与关键技术及其特征” 深圳电子政务, Vol. 17, pp. p59-p64, 2015.【国内期刊】
  22. 邹月娴,郑炜乔,余嘉胜,王毅,柳俊宏,陈锦,黄晓林,金彦含,“一种语音控制拍照软件”,2015,发明专利申请号:201510952923.1,实审 查询地址
  23. 邹月娴;王毅,“基于样本块的图像目标计数方法”,2015,发明专利申请号:201510962834.5,授权 查询地址

2014年目前已发表文章(14篇)(achievements in 2014)

2014年发表论文14篇,SCI索引国际期刊1篇(EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing),EI收录国际会议11篇(DSP 4篇,Chinasip 4篇,ISCSLP 1篇,ICIP 1篇, ICSP 1篇, APSIPA 1篇 )中文期刊1篇;申请专利3项。

  1. Yuexian Zou, Peng Wang, Yongqing Wang, Ritz,C.H., Xi, J.T., “Speech Enhancement with an Acoustic Vector Sensor: An Effective Adaptive Beamforming and Post Filtering Approach,” EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing, 2014:17 【SCI收录 000347390400001】【EI收录 20142417806603】  (SCI 国际期刊,国家自然科学基金No: 61271309和深圳科学与技术基础研究项目No: JCY201110006)PDF
  2. 邹月娴, “大数据时代下的政府开放数据实践浅析” 深圳电子政务, Vol. 10, pp. p51-p58, 2014   (国内期刊)PDF
  3. Yuexian Zou, Yifan Guo, Zheng, W., Christian Ritz, and Xi, J., “An Effective DOA Estimation by Exploring the Spatial Sparse Representation of the Inter-Sensor Data Ratio Model”, The 2nd IEEE China Summit and International Conference on Signal and Information Processing(ChinaSIP2014), 9-13 July 2014, Xi'an, China (国际会议,国家自然科学基金No: 61271309和深圳科学与技术基础研究项目No: JC201105170727A)【EI收录 20152100870017PDF
  4. Wei Shi, Yuexian Zou, and Yi Liu, “Long-Term Auto-Correlation Statistics Based Voice Activity Detection For Strong Noisy Speech”, The 2nd IEEE China Summit and International Conference on Signal and Information Processing(ChinaSIP2014), 9-13 July 2014, Xi'an, China(国际会议,国家自然科学基金No: 61271309和深圳科学与技术基础研究项目No: JC201105170727A)【EI收录 20152100870666】【posterPDF
  5. Tao Ma, Yuexian Zou, Zhiqiang Xiang, Lei Li, and Yi Li, “Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Image Classification Based On Vector Sparse Coding”, The 2nd IEEE China Summit and International Conference on Signal and Information Processing(ChinaSIP2014), 9-13 July 2014, Xi'an, China(国际会议,深圳科学与技术基础研究项目No:JCYJ20130329175141512)【EI收录 20152100870645】【posterPDF
  6. Xuyan Hu, Yuexian Zou, and Wei Shi, “An Effective Missing Feature Compensation Method For Speech Recognition At Noisy Environment”, The 2nd IEEE China Summit and International Conference on Signal and Information Processing(ChinaSIP2014), 9-13 July 2014, Xi'an, China(国际会议,国家自然科学基金No: 61271309和深圳科学与技术基础研究项目No: JC201105170727A)【EI收录 20152100870641】【poster】PDF
  7. Hongke Ning, and Yuexian Zou " A New Score Normalization for Text-Independent Speaker Verification". The 19th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP2014), 20-23 August 2014, Hong Kong(国际会议EI,国家自然科学基金No: 61271309和深圳科学与技术基础研究项目No: JCY201110006)【oral】PDF
  8. Yuexian Zou, Weiqiao Zheng, Wei Shi, and Hong Liu, "Improved Voice Activity Detection Based on Support Vector Machine with High Separable Speech Feature Vectors". The 19th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP2014), 20-23 August 2014, Hong Kong.【EI收录 20153601243014】(国际会议,国家自然科学基金No: 61271309和深圳科学与技术基础研究项目No: JCY201110006)【oral】PDF
  9. Yuexian Zou, Yongqing Wang, Peng Wang, Christian Ritz, and Jiangtao Xi, "An Effective Target Speech Enhancement with Single Acoustic Vector Sensor Based on the Speech Time-Frequency Sparsity". The 19th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP2014), 20-23 August 2014, Hong Kong.(国际会议EI,国家自然科学基金No: 61271309和深圳科学与技术基础研究项目No: JCY201110006)【oral】PDF
  10. Weiyang Liu, Yandong Wen, Kai Pan,Hui Li, Yuexian Zou, "A Kernel-based l2 Norm Regularized Least Square Algorithm for Vehicle Logo Recognition". The 19th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP2014), 20-23 August 2014, Hong Kong.(国际会议EI,深圳科学与技术基础研究项目No:JCYJ20130329175141512)【oral】PDF
  11. Yifan Guo, Yuexian Zou, and Yongqing Wang, “A Robust High Resolution Speaker DOA Estimation under Reverberant Environment”, The 9th International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing (ISCSLP2014), 12-14 Sep. 2014, Singapore. (国际会议,国家自然科学基金No: 61271309)【oral】Abstract Full Paper
  12. Zhiqiang Xiang, Yuexian Zou and Xin Wang, “Sentiment Analysis of Chinese Micro-blog Using Vector Space Model”, The Asia-pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference 2014 (APSIPA ASC 2014), 9-13 Dec. 2014, Cambodia.(国际会议)【EI收录 20151900830334】【oral】PDF
  13. Lijia Lu, Weiyang Liu, Yandong Wen, and Yuexian Zou, "Automatical Gender Detection For Unconstrained Video Sequences Based On Collaborative Representation", 2014 12th International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP 2014), 26-30 Oct. 2014, Hangzhou, China.(国际会议,深圳科学与技术基础研究项目No:JCYJ20130329175141512)(oral)EI收录: 20153101078272 PDF
  14. Weiyang Liu, Lijia Lu, Hui Li, Wei Wang, and Yuexian Zou, "A Novel Kernel Collaborative Representation Approach For Image Classification", The International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 27-30 Oct., 2014, Paris, France.(国际会议EI,深圳科学与技术基础研究项目No:JCYJ20130329175141512)(oral)PDF
  15.  邹月娴,郑炜乔,王永庆,石伟,王春,郭轶凡,宁洪珂,刘诗涵,“一种基于声学矢量传感器的语音控制智能垃圾桶 ”,2014,发明专利申请号:201410447310.8,授权 查询地址
  16. 张晓宇,邹月娴,徐祥俊,“一种射频直接带通采样数字接收系统中时钟抖动消除方法”,2014,发明专利申请号: 201410808895.1,实审 查询地址
  17. 邹月娴,陈锦,“基于多特征融合的无线胶囊内窥镜冗余图像筛除方法”,2014,发明专利申请号: 201410853481.0,实审 查询地址 

2013年发表文章(8篇)(achievements in 2013)

2013年发表论文8篇,SCI索引国际期刊1篇(Signal Processing),EI收录国际会议4篇(ICASSP 1篇,Chinasip 1篇,ICIA 1篇,internoise 1篇)中文核心期刊3篇;

  1. Weichao Xu, Yunhe Hou, Y.S. Hung, Yuexian Zou, “A Comparative Analysis of Spearmans Rho And Kendalls Tau in Normal and Contaminated Normal Models”. Signal Processing, v 93, n0 1, p 261-276, January 2013 【EI收录 20123915460558】【SCI收录000309849400023】, 2013.(国际期刊)PDF
  2. Yuexian Zou, Wei Shi, Bo Li, C.H. Ritz, M.Shujau, and Jiangtao Xi, "Multisource DOA Estimation Based On Time-Frequency Sparsity And Joint Inter-Sensor Data Ratio With Single Acoustic Vector Sensor" IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Vancouver, Canada, May 26-31, 2013【EI收录 20135217120852】(国际会议)(poster)PDF
  3. Lei Li, Yuexian Zou, and Yi Li, Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Images Enhancement Based On Adaptive Anisotropic Diffusion, The first IEEE China Summit & International Conference on Signal and Information Processing (ChinaSIP 2013), 6-10 July 2013, Beijing, China., in ChinaSIP2013.【EI收录 20135017076722】(国际会议)(oral)PDF
  4. 邹月娴, 王鹏, 王文敏, 一种基于单AVS的空间目标语音增强方法,清华大学学报, Vol.53  No.6, 883-887,2013.06【EI收录 20134416914714】 (国内期刊,中文核心期刊)PDF
  5. 胡旭琰, 邹月娴, 王文敏, 一种基于 MDT 特征补偿的噪声鲁棒语音识别算法,清华大学学报,Vol.53  No.6, 753-756,2013.06【EI收录  20134416914686】(国内期刊,中文核心期刊)PDF
  6. Ta Ma, Yuexian Zou and Qing Ding, "Urban Vehicle CLassification Based on Linear SVM with Efficient Vector Sparse Coding," the IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation (ICIA2013), Yinchuan, August 2013.【EI收录 20140917372513】 (国际会议) (oral)PDF
  7. Yuexian Zou, and Yanshan Yu, “An Efficient Adaptive LMS Virtual Microphone Method for Remote Active Noise Control,” in The 42nd International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering (Internoise2013), Innsbruck, Austria, September 15-18,2013.【EI收录 20143017981672】 (国际会议)(oral)
  8. 邹月娴, 霍佳森, 刘吉 李奕,邓文军, “基于特征融合的WCE图像检索,” 《计算机科学》,Vol. 40, No. 11A, 11月, 2013. (国内期刊,中文核心期刊)
  9. 邹月娴,徐祥俊,“一种基于信号频域稀疏性的TIADC时间失配参数盲测量方法”,2013,发明专利申请号:201210454365.2,实审 查询地址
  10. 邹月娴,王鹏,“一种基于时频掩膜的单声学矢量传感器目标语音增强方法”,2013,发明专利申请号:201310133745.0,授权  查询地址
  11. 邹月娴,郭轶凡,石伟,“一种基于AVS和稀疏表示的单语者声源DOA估计方法”,2013,发明专利申请号:201310726022.1,授权  查询地址

2012年文章发表 (10篇)(achievements in 2012)

2012 年发表论文10篇,SCI索引国际期刊2篇(IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,IEEE Signal Processing Letters),EI收录国际会议4篇(ICASSP 1篇,BHI 2篇,ICIA 1篇),EI中文核心期刊1篇,其他2篇;

  1. 徐翔俊, 邹月娴, "基于频域稀疏性的时间交替模数转换器时间相位失配盲测量算法," 电子与信息学报, vol. 34, pp. 2241-2246, 2012. [download#70] (国内期刊,中文核心期刊)EI收录 20124515654936
  2. Yuexian Zou and Xiangjun Xu, "Blind Timing Skew Estimation Using Source Spectrum Sparsity in Time-Interleaved ADCs," IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 61, No. 6, p1-12, May 3, 2012.(SCI 国际期刊)EI:收录 20123515374125 SCI收录:000307790100009 PDF
  3. Yuexian Zou and Wei Shi, "A Novel Instantaneous Frequency-Based Voice Activity Detection for Strong Noisy Speech," the IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation (ICIA2012), Shengyang, June 6-8, 2012.(国际会议)(oral)EI收录: 20123915478477 PDF
  4. Jizhong Wu and Yuexian Zou, "A Novel Two-Microphone Speech Enhancement Approach with Cascaded Adaptive Filters and Kepstrum Analysis," the The 9th International Symposium on Modern Acoustics, Nanjing, China, May 20-22, 2012.(国际会议)(poster)
  5. Wei He, Pengfei Wei, Liping Wang and Yuexian Zou, "A Novel EMD-Based Common Spatial Pattern for Motor Imagery Brain-Computer Interface," the IEEE International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI2012), Shenzhen, China, Jan 5-7, 2012.(国际会议)(oral)EI收录:20123115286367 PDF
  6. Mengqi Ren and Yuexian Zou, "A Novel Multiple Sparse Source Localization Using Triangular Pyramid Microphone Array," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 19, No. 2, p83-86, February 【影响因子: 1.146】, 【SCI收录号: 000298564500001】【EI 收录号: 20120214667461】, 2012.(SCI 国际期刊)PDF
  7. Bo Li and Yuexian Zou, "Improved DOA Estimation With Acoustic Vector Sensor Arrays Using Spatial Sparsity And Subarray Manifold," the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP'2012), Kyoto, Japan, March 25-30, 2012. (国际会议)(poster)EI收录: 20124315596875 PDF
  8. Jiasheng Huo, Yuexian Zou, and Lei Li, "An Advanced WCE Video Summary Using Relation Matrix Rank," the IEEE International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI'2012),Shenzhen, Jan 5-7, 2012.(国际会议)(oral)EI收录: 20123115286486 PDF
  9. Yuesheng Zhu, Xiaolei Guo, Limin Ma, Yuexian Zou, "A Secure Support System for Electronic Patient Records," presented at the International Symposium on InfoComm & Media Technology in Bio-Medical & Healthcare Application,Japan,April, 2012. (国际会议)(oral)
  10. Ren M, Zou Y. Performance analysis of multiple sparse source localization with triangular pyramid microphone array in noise environment[C]//Signal Processing, Communication and Computing (ICSPCC), 2012 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2012: 315-319. PDF

2011年文章发表(12篇)(achievements in 2011)

2011 年发表论文11篇,SCI索引国际期刊2篇(IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,Multimedia Tools and Applications),EI收录国际会议3篇(DSP 1篇,ICIA 1篇,internoise 1篇),中文核心期刊4篇,其他2篇;

  1. 张尚亮,邹月娴, "多通道高速数据捕获和时间失 配补偿的FPGA实现," 数据采集与处理,第26卷第5期,20119, 2011. (国内期刊,中文核心期刊)
  2. 石 伟,邹月娴, "低信噪比下基于HHT的语音端点检测算法(Voice Activity Detection Algorithm with Low Signal-to-Noise Ratio Based on Hilbert-Huang Transform,"  the 中国声学学会第九届青年学术会议, 广州,11月17-20日, 2011.(国内会议)(oral)
  3. 霍然,邹月娴, "基于K渐变传输线的TIADC低失配宽带前端功率分配器设计研究," 数据采集与处理,Vol.26,第6期,p702-708,5, 2011. (国内期刊,中文核心期刊)
  4. Yuexian Zou, Bo Li, and Xiao Chen, "An Efficient Blind Timing Skews Estimation For Time-Interleaved nalog-To-Digital Converters," the 17th international conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP'2011),Corfu, Greece【EI 收录号:20113914377685)】, 2011.(国际会议)(oral)PDF
  5. Yuexian Zou, Pengfei Jiang and S. M. Kuo, "A Robust Least Mean M-Estimate Algorithm for Active Noise Control under Impulsive Noise Condition," the 40th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering (Inter-Noise'2011), Osaka, Japan, 2011. (国际会议)(oral)EI收录: 20124415625707 
  6. Yuexian Zou, Yong Hu, and Zhiguo Zhang, "Fast Extraction Of Somatosensory Evoked Potential Based On Robust Adaptive Filtering In Impulsive Noise Environment," in Adaptive Filtering Applications (book Chapter), L. Garcia, Ed., ed: INTECH, 2011. (书-章节)
  7. Yuexian Zou, Shangliang Zhang, Y. C. Lim, and Xiao Chen, "Timing Mismatch Compensation in Time-Interleaved ADCs Based on Multichannel Lagrange Polynomial Interpolation," IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 60(4), p1123-1131, April【EI收录号:IP51139307】【SCI收录号:000289212900001】, 2011.(SCI 国际期刊)PDF
  8. Yuexian Zou, Guangyi Shi, Hang Shi, and He Zhao, "Traffic incident classification at intersections based on image sequences by HMM/SVM classifiers," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 52,p133–145 【EI收录号:20110713659844,SCI收录号:000286990500011】, 2011.(SCI 国际期刊)PDF
  9. Mengqi Ren, Yuexian Zou, Hong Liu, and Bo Li, "Binaural Multiple Sources Localization with Extracting High Local SNR Frequencies Based on Cepstrum," the IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (ICCSIT'2011),Chengdu,June 10-13, 2011. (国际会议)(oral)
  10. Bo Li, Yuexian Zou, and Yuesheng Zhu, "Direction Estimation Under Compressive Sensing Framework: A Review and Experimental Results," the The 2011 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation (ICIA'2011),Shenzhen, China, June 6-8【EI 收录号:20113314229118)】, 2011.(国际会议)(oral)PDF
  11. Ran Huo and Yuexian Zou, "A Novel Design of Low Timing Mismatches Clock Module for 8-Channel 4 Gasps TIADC System," the International Conference on Signal Acquisition and Processing (ICSAP'2011),Singapore, Feb. 26-28, 2011. (国际会议) (oral)
  12. 陈维荣, 关佩, 邹月娴, "基于SVM的实测数据交通事件检测技术," 西南交通大学学报,vol. 461, pp. 1-5EI收录号:20111413898505, 2011. (EI 国内期刊 中文核心期刊)

2010年文章发表(5篇)(achievements in 2010)

2010年发表论文5篇,SCI索引国际期刊1篇(Signal Processing),EI收录国际会议4篇(APCCAS 1篇,ICGCS 1篇,EUSIPCO 1篇,WCICA 1篇, ICIA 1篇);

  1. Yuexian Zou, He Zhao, Hang Shi and Yiyan Wang, "A Moving Vehicle Segmentation Method Based on Clustering of Feature Points for Tracking at Urban Intersection," presented at the Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS'2010),p120-123, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Dec. 6-9 【INSPEC收录:12030783,SCI收录号:000296009300031,EI收录号:20112514076319】, 2010.(国际会议)(oral)PDF
  2. Yuexian Zou, Bo Li and Wei Liu, "A Broadband Speech Enhancement Technique Based on Frequency Invariant Beamforming and GSC," presented at the International Conference on Green Circuits and Systems (ICGCS'2010),Shanghai, China, p175-179, June 21-23,【EI收录号:20103813239428】, 2010.(国际会议)(oral)PDF
  3. Yuexian Zou, Yili Chen, and Yali Zheng, "A Stimulus Pattern Extraction Algorithm Based On Saliency Map For A 625-Channel Retinal Prosthesis System," presented at the the 18th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO'2010),Aalborg, North Denmark,1632-1635, Aug. 23-27, 2010. (国际会议)(oral)EI收录: 20122915261642
  4. Lei Cui, Chao Hu, Yuexian Zou, S. Song, Q. He, and M. Q.-H. Meng, "Detection of Lymphangiectasia Disease from Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Images with Adaptive Threshold," presented at the the 8th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA'2010),Jinan, Shandong, China, p3088-3093, July 6-9【EI收录号:20104313324865】, 2010. (国际会议)(oral)
  5. Lei Cui, Chao Hu, Yuexian Zou, and M. Q.-H. Meng, "Bleeding Detection in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Images by Support Vector Classifier," presented at the IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation (ICIA'2010),Harbin, China,p1746-1751, June 20-23【EI收录号:20103413171764】, 2010. (国际会议)(oral) 

2009年文章发表(17篇)(achievements in 2009)

2009 年发表论文17篇,SCI索引国际期刊3篇( IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems,Pattern Recognition Letters,Advanced Materials Research ),EI收录国际会议11篇(NEMS 3篇,CISP 3篇,HIS 1篇, ROBIO 3篇 ICACT 1篇),中文核心期刊 2篇,其他1篇;

  1. 朱志东, 邹月娴, and 陶阁, "一种宽带高性能TIADC时钟发生器," 数据采集与处理, vol. 24(S), pp. 177-181, 2009. (国内核心期刊)
  2. 郑亚莉, 邹月娴, and 金玉丰, "一种高性能人造视网膜微刺激器的设计," 传感技术学报,Vol.22(12), p.1679-1685, 2009. (国内核心期刊)
  3. Yuexian Zou, Yali Zheng, Yufeng Jin, and Guangyi Shi, "Signal Modulation Schemes Comparison in the Telemetry Unit for Retinal Prosthesis System," presented at the IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (NEMS'2009), Vol. 1 and 2, p632-636, Shenzhen, China, Jan 5-8, 2009. (国际会议)(oral)【EI收录 20094212384457】
  4. Yuexian Zou, Bo Wan, M.-T. Lee, and J.-S. Hu, "Enhancing Speech Signal Reception for Mobile Robot Voice Interface," presented at the The 10th International Conference on Automation Technology,Tainan, Taiwan, June 27‐29, 2009. (国际会议)(oral)
  5. Yuexian Zou, Hang Shi, Yiyan Wang, Guangyi Shi, and He Zhao, "A Robust Traffic Parameter Extraction Approach for Surveillance System at Urban Intersection," presented at the International Congress on Image and Signal Processing (CISP'2009), Vols 1-9, p3248-3252, Tianjing, China, Oct. 17-19, 2009.(国际会议)(oral)【EI收录 20100212631835】PDF
  6. Yuexian Zou, Guangyi Shi, Hang Shi, and Yiyan Wang, "Image Sequences Based Traffic Incident Detection for Signaled Intersections Using HMM," presented at the His 2009: 2009 Ninth International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, Vol 1, Proceedings, 2009.【EI检索 20094212372628】 (国际会议)(oral)
  7. Yuexian Zou, Guangyi Shi, Yufeng Jin, and Yali Zheng, "Extraocular Image Processing for Retinal Prosthesis Based on DSP," presented at the IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (NEMS'2009), Vol. 1 and 2, p563-566, Shenzhen, China, Jan 5-8, 2009.【EI检索 20094212372644】 (国际会议)(oral)
  8. Weidong Wang, Yuexian Zou, Guangyi Shi, and Yuesheng Zhu, "A Web Service based Gateway Architecture for Wireless Sensor Networks," presented at the 11th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT'2009), Gangwon-Do, South Korea, Vols I-Iii, Feb 15-18, 2009. (国际会议)(oral)
  9. Guangyi Shi, Yuexian Zou, Yiyan Wang, Hang Shi, and Qiang Peng, "Development of Image Sequences Based Traffic Incident Detection System for Urban Intersection," presented at the International Congress on Image and Signal Processing (CISP'2009), Vols 1-9, p1007-1011, Tianjing, China, Oct. 17-19, 2009.(国际会议)(oral)PDF
  10. Guangyi Shi, Yuexian Zou, Yufeng Jin, Lei Cui, and W. J. Li, "Towards HMM based Human Motion Recognition using MEMS Inertial Sensors," presented at the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics(ROBIO'2008), Vols 1-4, Bangkok,Thailand, p1762-1766, Feb.21-26【SCI收录号:000271966900299,EI收录号: 20095112561181,ISTP收录号: 000265591300038】, 2009.(国际会议)(oral)PDF
  11. Guangyi Shi, Yuexian Zou, W. J. Li, Yufeng Jin, and Pei Guan, "Towards Multi-classification of Human Motions Using Micro IMU and SVM Training Process," Advanced Materials Research vol. 60-61 pp. 189-193, 2009. (国际期刊)【EI收录 20095112561181 SCI收录 000265591300038】
  12. Guangyi Shi, Yuexian Zou, Yufeng Jin, Yali Zheng, and W. J. Li, "Multi-Category Human Motion Recognition based on MEMS Inertial Sensing Data," presented at the The 4th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (NEMS 2009), Shenzhen, China, 2009.【EI检索 20094212372628】 (国际会议)(oral)
  13. Zhaoli Ren, Yuexian Zou, Zhiguo Zhang, and Yong Hu, "Fast Extraction of Somatosensory Evoked Potential using RLS Adaptive Filter Algorithms," presented at the International Congress on Image and Signal Processing (CISP'2009), Vols 1-9, p4444-4447, Tianjing, China, Oct. 17-19, 2009.(国际会议)(oral)PDF
  14. Y. C. Lim, Yuexian Zou, J. W. Lee, and S. C. Chan, "Time-Interleaved Analog-to-Digital-Converter Compensation Using Multichannel Filters," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I-Regular Papers, Vol. 56,No. 10, p.2234-2247, Oct. 【SCI收录号: 000273553400008, INSPEC收录号:10939175】, 2009.(SCI 国际期刊);PDF
  15. Hong Liu, Z. YU, Hongbin Zha, Yuexian ZOU, and L. Zhang, "Robust Human Tracking Based on Multi-Cue Integration and Mean Shift," Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 30, No.9, p.827-837【SCI收录号: 000267415400009, EI收录号: 20092212096098】, 2009.(SCI 国际期刊)PDF
  16. Hong Liu, H. Yu, Yuexian Zou, and Z. Huo, "A Slope K Method for Image Based Localization," presented at the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO'2009), p. 535-538, Gulin, China, Dec.19-23【EI收录号:20101712894865,INSPEC收录号:11153427】 2009. (国际会议)(oral)
  17. Hong Liu, X. Duan, Yuexian Zou, and D. Gao, "Detection of Hands-Raising Gestures using Shape and Edge Features," presented at the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO'2009), p1480-1483, Gulin, China, Dec.19-23,【EI收录号:20101712895028】, 2009. (国际会议)(oral)

2008年文章发表(15)(achievements in 2008)

2008 年发表论文15篇,SCI索引国际期刊1篇(IEEE Sensors Journal),EI收录国内期刊2篇,EI收录国际会议6篇(APCCAS 2篇,ICIEA 1篇,CIS&RAM 1篇, iCBBE 1篇 ICIA 1篇),中文核心期刊 3篇,其他3篇;

  1. 邹月娴, 肖仕杰, 赵璟, 万波, and 向军, "基于平均互功率相位谱时延估计定位算法和DSP硬件平台的实时声源定位技术," 仪器仪表学报,29, 4期增刊,297-302,4月【EI收录号:20090711905819, 2008. (国内期刊)
  2. 邹月娴, 王一言, 关佩, 杨华, and 陈维荣, "基于视频的复杂背景运动车辆检测技术研究," presented at the 第17届全国多媒体学术会议, 2008. (国内会议)(oral)
  3. 杨华, 邹月娴, 刘志刚, 时广轶, 关佩, and 王一言, "基于视频的复杂交通场景车辆跟踪技术研究," 仪器仪表学报,第29, 4期增刊,67-73页,4月【EI收录号: 20090711905767, 2008. (国内期刊)
  4. 吴天瑞, 邹月娴, and 王巍, "基于肤色信息的粒子滤波人脸跟踪技术," 第三届图像图形技术与应用学术会议(IGTA 2008), 2008. (国内会议)(oral)
  5. 刘伟, 邹月娴,黄令华, "D类音频功放芯片输出级电路的设计," 中国集成电路, vol. 第17卷,第4期, pp. 58-62, 2008. (国内期刊)
  6. 关佩, 邹月娴, 陈维荣, 时广轶, 杨华, and 王一言, "交通事件自动检测算法研究," 仪器仪表学报,第29, 4期增刊,p309-3134, 2008. (国内期刊)
  7. 付洁,邹月娴, "高精度∑-△音频DAC中省面积插值器的设计与ASIC实现," 电声技术,32卷,第282, pp. 36-39, 2008. (国内期刊)
  8. Yuexian Zou, S. C. Chan, Bo Wan, and Jing Zhao, "Recursive Robust Variable Loading MVDR Beamforming in Impulsive Noise Environment," presented at the IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS'2008), Macao, China, Vols 1-4,p988-991, Nov.30-Dec.3 【SCI收录号:000268007100245】, 2008. (国际会议)(oral)【EI收录 20091411998486】
  9. Huiyin Zhu and Yuexian Zou, "A cross-connected components-based layout analysis algorithm for Chinese business card," presented at the IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA'2008), Vols 1-3, p2530-2534, Singapore,June 3-5, 2008. (国际会议)(oral) [EI收录 号: 20083911591445], [ISTP收录号: 000258323800507], [INSPEC收录号: 10153462]
  10. Jing Zhao, Yuexian Zou, and Bo Wan, "Experimental comparison of cross correlation-based time-delay algorithms for acoustic source localization in real environment," presented at the IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA'2008), Vols 1-3, p2517-2520, Singapore,June 3-5【EI收录号: 20083911591442,ISTP收录号: 000258323800504,SCI收录号:000258323800504】, 2008. (国际会议)(oral)
  11. Tianrui Wu, Yuexian Zou, and Wei Wang, "Skin-Color based Particle Filtering for Human Face Tracking," presented at the IEEE Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems(CIS&RAM), Vols 1 and 2, p588-593,ChengDu, China, Sept. 21-24, 2008. (国际会议)(oral)【EI收录 20085211805514】
  12. Wei Wang, Youling Guo, Yuexian Zou, and Tianrui Wu, "An Improved Algorithm for Tag SNP Selection Based on Pair-Wise Linkage Disequilibrium," presented at the IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE'2008),p632-635, Shanghai,China,May 16-18, 2008. (国际会议)(oral)【EI收录 20083711531256】
  13. Guangyi Shi, Yuexian Zou, Yufeng Jin, and W. J. Li, "PCA/ICA-Based SVM for Fall Recognition using MEMS Motion Sensing Data," presented at the IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS'2008), Vols 1-4,p69-72,Macao,China, Nov.30-Dec.3 【SCI收录号:000268007100017】, 2008. (国际会议)(oral)
  14. Yang Hua and Yuexian Zou, "Analysis of the packet transferring in L2CAP layer of Bluetooth v2.x+EDR," presented at the International Conference on Information and Automation (ICIA'2008), Vols 1-4,p753-758,ZhangJiaJie, China, June 20-23【EI收录号: 20084411662833,ISTP收录号: 000262054600143,INSPEC收录号: 10179165】 2008. (国际会议)(oral)
  15. Guangyi SHI, C. S. CHAN, W. J. LI, K.-S. LEUNG, Yuexian Zou, and Yufeng Jin, "Mobile Human Airbag System for Fall Protection using MEMS Sensors and Embedded SVM Classifier," IEEE Sensors Journal, VOL. 9, NO. 5, p. 495-503,MAY, 2008. (SCI 国际期刊)【SCI收录 号: 000266878400001,EI收录 号: 20091612032363,INSPEC收录号: 10557086】

申请专利(11项)(Patent applied),授权3项

[1]    邹月娴,张尚良, "一种基于拉格朗日插值方法的时间交替模拟数字转换(TIADC)系统时间失配实时补偿算法," 2009. (授权)

[2]    施行, 王一言, 邹月娴, "一种基于图像信息熵的交通参数自动提取方法," 2009. (授权)

[3]    朱慧莹,邹月娴, "一种用于版面分析中的连通区域提取方法及装置," 中国 Patent, 2008. (授权)


硕士论文(107篇)(Master Thesis)

  1. 王雯(2024,硕士生),基于扩散模型的生成式语音增强方法研究,信息工程学院,北京大学
  2. 辛逸飞(2024,硕士生),面向音频-文本检索的跨模态深度学习方法研究,信息工程学院,北京大学
  3. 招梓枫(2024,硕士生),基于说话人声纹信息的目标语音分离深度模型训练方法研究,信息工程学院,北京大学
  4. 宋腾韬(2024,硕士生),基于注意力和知识辅助的检索式对话方法研究,信息工程学院,北京大学
  5. 叶其琛(2024,硕士生),基于知识对齐与融合的增强语言模型问答方法研究,信息工程学院,北京大学
  6. 曹博文(2024,硕士生),基于大语言模型的医疗知识图谱自动构建方法研究,信息工程学院,北京大学
  7. 蒋吉(2024,硕士生),基于特征对齐的视频定位深度学习方法研究,信息工程学院,北京大学
  8. 曹蒙(2023,博士生),基于跨模态表征学习的时序行为定位方法研究,信息工程学院,北京大学
  9. 胡帅(2023,硕士生),基于自监督和密集检索的多轮对话深度模型研究,信息工程学院,北京大学
  10. 陈东升(2023,硕士生),基于高阶注意力和多粒度对比学习的口语理解方法研究,信息工程学院,北京大学
  11. 吉普照(2023,硕士生),基于数据与运动信息增强的交通视频描述深度模型研究,信息工程学院,北京大学
  12. 田晋川(2023,硕士生),集成有限状态机的端到端语音识别系统研究,信息工程学院,北京大学
  13. 徐伟元(2023,硕士生),小样本对话语言理解深度学习方法研究,信息工程学院,北京大学
  14. 杨东超(2023,硕士生),高效鲁棒的目标声音事件检测深度模型研究,信息工程学院,北京大学
  15. 叶忠杰(2023,硕士生),基于多线索融合学习的音频描述深度模型研究,信息工程学院,北京大学
  16. 赵怡雯(2023,硕士生),基于课程学习和注意力机制的音频-文本检索深度模型研究,信息工程学院,北京大学
  17. 安浩(2023,硕士生),基于知识增强的对话文本关系抽取深度学习方法研究 ,信息工程学院,硕士生
  18. 杨东明(2022,博士生),人-物交互建模与表征学习方法研究,信息工程学院,北京大学
  19. 张粲(2022,博士生),面向行为检测的时空可区分性表征学习研究,信息工程学院,北京大学
  20. 顾容之(2022,博士生),基于多源可区分线索的远场语音分离方法研究,信息工程学院,北京大学
  21. 王赫麟(2022),面向声学事件识别的时频注意和标签关系建模方法研究,信息工程学院,北京大学
  22. 王力(2022),面向声学事件识别的时频注意和标签关系建模方法研究,信息工程学院,北京大学
  23. 陈立崧(2022),面向鲁棒关键词识别的可区分性特征学习方法研究,信息工程学院,北京大学
  24. 陈诺(2022),基于自监督学习和知识蒸馏的鲁棒对话问答方法研究  ,信息工程学院,北京大学
  25. 黄芝琪(2022),人机交互中的口语理解深度学习方法研究,信息工程学院,北京大学
  26. 刘峰林(2022),知识驱动的低资源视觉描述方法研究,信息工程学院,北京大学
  27. 宁苒宇(2022),基于深度学习的鲁棒行为检测方法研究 ,信息工程学院,北京大学
  28. 张皓然(2022),基于自监督和度量学习的鲁棒说话人识别方法研究,信息工程学院,北京大学
  29. 吴立渝(2022),鲁棒行为识别的运动增强和时空表征方法研究,信息工程学院,北京大学
  30. 李善浩(2022),面向视频描述的数据增强和采样策略方法研究,信息工程学院,北京大学
  31. 周子原(2022,同等学力),面向药物发现的智能虚拟筛选方法研究与系统设计,信息工程学院,北京大学
  32. 熊超(2022,同等学力),基于提示学习的可控文本生成方法研究与系统实现,信息工程学院,北京大学
  33. 洪思欣(2021),弱标签音频事件标注深度学习模型研究,信息工程学院,北京大学
  34. 张钰莹(2021),面向人机交互的情感识别深度学习方法研究,信息工程学院,北京大学
  35. 周培林(2021),任务型人机对话口语理解深度模型研究,信息工程学院,北京大学
  36. 柳军领(2021),面向交通场景的图像去模糊深度学习方法研究,信息工程学院,北京大学
  37. 王聪(2021),基于非均质大气散射模型的单幅图像去雾方法研究,信息工程学院,北京大学
  38. 王子铭(2021),基于无监督表示学习的视频异常检测方法研究,信息工程学院,北京大学
  39. 侯晓龙(2021 同等学力), 人机对话口语理解深度学习方法研究与系统实现,信息工程学院,北京大学
  40. 王国帅(2020),引入掩码和尺度自适应的鲁棒人群计数深度模型研究,信息工程学院,北京大学
  41. 蒲璐汶(2020),属性级文本情感分类深度学习方法研究,信息工程学院,北京大学
  42. 刘钊祎(2020),多通道远场语音增强的深度学习方法研究,信息工程学院,北京大学
  43. 陈广(2020),面向视频序列时序行为高效定位的深度学习方法研究,信息工程学院,北京大学
  44. 李子睿(2020),基于密度估计的远景车辆目标计数深度学习方法研究,信息工程学院,北京大学
  45. 彭俊逸(2020),文本无关短语音声纹识别的深度学习方法研究,信息工程学院,北京大学
  46. 甘蕾(2020),基于代价敏感和特征融合的人脸表情识别研究,信息工程学院,北京大学
  47. 黄艺驰(2018),短命令词说话人确认算法研究,信息工程学院,北京大学
  48. 张小虎(2018),面向音频事件分类的轻量级深度卷积模型研究,信息工程学院,北京大学
  49. 周小群(2018),滨海湿地鸟类目标检测算法研究,信息工程学院,北京大学
  50. 王迪松(2018),面向鲁棒语者DOA估计的声学线索和深度模型研究,信息工程学院,北京大学
  51. 宋晓(2018),多任务学习的中英文混合声学建模方法研究,信息工程学院,北京大学
  52. 王宝岩(2018),多文档摘要句抽取算法研究,信息工程学院,北京大学
  53. 王毅(2017),基于稀疏编码的单幅图像超分辨率算法研究,信息工程学院,北京大学
  54. 金彦含(2017),基于AVS和双谱的鲁棒语音声源DOA估计算法研究,信息工程学院,北京大学
  55. 柳俊宏(2017),基于特征学习的鲁棒说话人确认算法研究   ,信息工程学院,北京大学
  56. 黄晓林(2017),基于线性回归和密度估计的视觉目标计数研究,信息工程学院,北京大学
  57. 陈锦(2017),基于特征学习的视频摘要算法研究,信息工程学院,北京大学
  58. 向志强(2016),“基于稀疏表示的图像分类算法研究”,信息工程学院,北京大学
  59. 刘诗涵(2016), “基于非负矩阵分解的单通道语音增强算法研究”, 信息工程学院,北京大学
  60. 郑炜乔(2016),“面向智能服务机器人的语音声源DOA估计技术研究”,信息工程学院,北京大学
  61. 王春(2016),“基于监督学习的录音回放攻击检测方法及应用”,信息工程学院,北京大学
  62. 余嘉胜(2016),“基于卷积神经网络的胶囊内窥镜图像分类研究”,信息工程学院,北京大学
  63. 郭轶凡(2015), “基于AVS和稀疏表示的鲁棒语者声源语者声源DOA估计,” 信息工程学院, 北京大学
  64. 宁洪珂(2015), “信道鲁棒的说话人确认算法研究,” 信息工程学院, 北京大学
  65. 王永庆(2015), “基于时频掩膜的空间目标语音增强算法研究,” 信息工程学院, 北京大学
  66. 夏德胜(2015), “融合图像-文本关联性的Web图像聚类算法研究与应用,” 信息工程学院, 北京大学
  67. 张晓宇(2015), “LTE 射频直接带通采样系统设计与时钟抖动消除算法研究,” 信息工程学院, 北京大学.
  68. 李磊. (2014) 无线胶囊内窥镜图像增强与器官分类算法研究与实现. In: 信息工程学院: 北京大学.
  69. 胡旭琰. (2014) 基于带噪语谱补偿的鲁棒语音识别算法研究. In: 信息工程学院: 北京大学.
  70. 马焘. (2014) 基于局部特征和稀疏表示的图像分类方法及应用研究,In: 信息工程学院: 北京大学.
  71. 余渊善. (2014) 基于虚拟感知的主动噪声控制算法研究与系统实现. In: 信息工程学院: 北京大学.
  72. 霍佳森(2013), "无线胶囊内镜图像的智能分析算法研究与实现"  硕士2013
  73. 石伟(2013), "基于声学矢量传感器的鲁棒DOA估计方法研究与实现"  硕士2013
  74. 王鹏(2013), "基于声学矢量传感器的语音增强算法研究"  硕士2013
  75. 徐祥俊(2013), "时间交替模数转换器数字校正方法研究与系统实现"  硕士2013
  76. 吴继忠(2012), "一种双麦克风自适应语音降噪算法研究与实现," 硕士, 北京大学, 2012.
  77. 任梦琪(2012), "小孔径麦克风阵列语者定位技术研究与实现," 硕士, 北京大学, 2012.
  78. 李波(2012), "基于信号稀疏性的声学矢量传感器DOA估计方法研究," 硕士, 北京大学, 2012.
  79. 姜鹏飞(2012), "主动噪声控制算法研究及系统设计与实现," 硕士, 北京大学, 2012.
  80. 何伟(2012), "基于运动想象的脑机接口算法研究与实现," 硕士, 北京大学, 2012.
  81. 张尚良(2011), "TIADC通道失配补偿算法研究及系统数字后端设计与实现," 硕士, 北京大学, 2011.
  82. 霍然(2011), "基于多通道时间交替采样的高速高精度数据采集系统的设计与实现," 硕士, 北京大学, 2011.
  83. 陈昳丽(2011), "面向植入式人造视网膜的眼外图像采集与处理算法研究," 硕士, 北京大学, 2011.
  84. 郑亚莉(2010), "面向植入人造视网膜的无线数据传输与微刺激器设计," 硕士, 北京大学, 2010.
  85. 赵鹤(2010), "城市交叉路口车辆实时跟踪系统设计与实现," 硕士, 北京大学, 2010.
  86. 施行(2010), "基于视频的城市交叉路口交通参数自动提取技术," 硕士, 北京大学, 2010.
  87. 李培(2010), "基于ZigBee 技术的自动水表抄表系统终端模块的设计," 硕士, 北京大学, 2010.
  88. 崔蕾(2010), "基于无线胶囊内窥镜图像的小肠淋巴管扩张与出血病理特征自动检测技术," 硕士, 北京大学, 2010.
  89. 陈萧(2010), "时间交替模数转换器(TIADC)通道失配误差测量和数字补偿算法研究与实现," 硕士, 北京大学, 2010.
  90. 朱志东(2009), "一种高速高精度并行交替模数转换器设计与实现," 硕士, 北京大学, 2009.
  91. 王一言(2009), "十字路口交通事件检测系统设计与车辆跟踪算法研究," 硕士, 北京大学, 2009.
  92. 王伟东(2009), "支持Web Service 的ZigBee 网关的设计与实现," 硕士, 北京大学, 2009.
  93. 万波(2009), "子带自适应波束形成语音增强技术研究与实现," 硕士, 北京大学, 2009.
  94. 陶阁(2009), "基于FPGA 的TIADC 高速数据获取与处理系统设计与实现," 硕士, 北京大学, 2009.
  95. 任朝利(2009), "基于自适应滤波的体感诱发电位快速提取技术研究和实现," 硕士, 北京大学, 2009.
  96. 冯国钊(2009), "应用于医疗环境的ZigBee 定位系统开发与实现," 硕士, 北京大学, 2009.
  97. 朱慧莹(2008), "中文名片版面分析方法研究," 硕士, 北京大学, 2008.
  98. 赵璟(2008), "基于麦克风阵列的声源定位与语音增强算法研究," 硕士, 北京大学深圳研究生院, 北京大学, 2008.
  99. 肖仕杰(2008), "基于DSP的机器人听觉技术研究," 硕士, 北京大学, 2008.
  100. 向军(2008), "基于DSP的实时声源定位及人脸检测系统," 硕士, 北京大学, 2008.
  101. 吴天瑞(2008), "基于粒子滤波人脸跟踪技术的视觉系统研究与设计," 硕士, 北京大学深圳研究生院, 北京大学, 2008.
  102. 王巍(2008), "基因组关联研究中Tag SNP选择算法优化的研究," 硕士, 北京大学, 2008.
  103. 刘伟(2008), "基于PWM调制的小功率D类音频功率放大器芯片的研究与设计," 硕士, 北京大学, 2008.
  104. 华扬(2008), "蓝牙逻辑链路控制和适配协议层数据传输的理论分析与工程实现," 硕士, 北京大学, 2008.
  105. 付洁(2008), "96dB动态范围∑-△音频DAC设计与ASIC实现," 硕士, 北京大学, 2008.
  106. 杨华(2008), "基于视频的城市道路车辆自动检测与跟踪," 硕士 2009.
  107. 关佩(2008), "基于视频的交叉路口交通事件自动检测,"  硕士 2009.